
  1. Kruphixx

    [VSH / FF2] vsh_teul_rc3 issue - Players don't get teleported back to the point after falling off the map

    This doesn't seem to be an issue with the stripper I made for the map, as I tested it on my private server and everything worked fine (unless someone messed with the stripper without me knowing, but I doubt it). As the title says, players don't get teleported back to the control point after...
  2. Scudi37

    Declined [VSH] Changing the HHH Jr boss

    Hi, This time i have been thinking about doing something about HHH Jr, the weakest hale who everyone just straight up hate. Only viable in small close maps, and with most players like big open maps, playing him is a pain. Problem with HHH Jr: -Lack of high jump really is nerfing his mobility...
  3. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH / FF2] Map Suggestions

    vsh_katze vsh_tranquil vsh_fenced
  4. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH / FF2] Updated vsh_military_area

    I made several changes to vsh_military_area, including those listed in the thread below: https://www.panda-community.com/threads/proposed-changes-for-vsh-military-area.28760/ Adjusted lighting, changed sky texture Made several perfomance improvements Changed a few textures Removed the...
  5. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH / FF2] Stripper config for arena_offblast_final

    I added some additional health and ammo packs to the map in this config since many people were complaining about lack of them. Didn't change anything else.
  6. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH / FF2] Updated arena_farm_feud_b1

    I updated arena_farm_feud a little bit: Increased skybox height so soldiers/demos can jump a lot higher now Added additional health & ammo packs and switched some small ammo packs to medium 3D skybox improvements Cubemaps fixed https://drive.google.com/file/d/11LkfSIlAMITZcZsiDXjKtkqLczcZc3DH/view
  7. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH / FF2 ] Stripper config for vsh_hella_swag_v3_panda_fix

    Small stripper that fixes an exploit that allows players to end rounds early.
  8. Ariv

    Completed [FF2 / VSH] vsh_toys_ b3 + vsh_koth_rats

    G00D maps i think :3 I hope you like it for vsh5 Edit for Kevin: Make sure to include this stripper plugin as koth_rats won't work on vsh without it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LKzHG1F9RxWAIQFoEojE7yzxPG6RI4s7/view?usp=sharing
  9. Aerial

    Declined [VSH/FF2] Map cooldowns

    Hello everyone, I'm going to talk about Map picking and want to discuss with you about it. So, when we play vsh or ff2, its ALWAYS same 8 or 10 maps. People keep nominating and voting what for what they like and want, and hey im not against it, but im against playing the same map ten times a...
  10. Kruphixx

    Declined [FF2] Nerf the Rocket Jumper or revert it

    In the recent FF2 update, Rocket Jumper was changed to work exactly like its basegame counterpart, meaning it no longer deals any damage while before update it did, which wasn't exactly the best idea because it now causes people to delay rounds a lot. In the update, Rocket Jumper was also given...
  11. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH/FF2] vsh_manncohq update

    https://www.panda-community.com/threads/vsh-ff2-updated-version-of-vsh_manncohq.26450/ Made some small changes and fixes to this version: - Fixed being able to get stuck in some places - Players should no longer get "stuck" on lightposts (A bit hard to explain this one, if you played the map...
  12. Darky

    Declined [VSH] Small random hale buffs

    Heya all, so I noticed that many maps are very favourable for the red team, such as military or Skyhigh. And in general I see hales loose 80% of the time, so I was thinking that maybe every hale could get their own specific random buff every round. So ill just get started right off with some...
  13. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2] Nerf/fix Koishi Komeiji

    Koishi is currently one of the most OP bosses on FF2 (if not the most OP one) and most people complain everytime they have to play against her. At first it didn't seem like a major issue but as more people started playing Koishi, all of the issues with this boss came to light. What exactly is...
  14. Loki.

    Completed [VSH and FF2] Buff Shotguns

    After seeing some newer players using shotguns, I realized how underused shotguns really are, I mean, I did know they were kind of weak and outclassed by other weapons for each class, like the sandvich or rescue ranger for example, but this made it kinda obvious they need some kind of buff. So...
  15. m1.exe

    Declined [VSH/FF2] Maps updated/fixes

    Heyo, i stored some feedback from the servers & forum and i edited the maps listed down below. Maps edited : vsh_skyhigh_resort_b9_s arena_offblast_final arena_farm_feud_b1 vsh_minegay_reworked_v2 vsh_mariokart_v5 What i edited : All maps have _panda as prefix. To arena_farm_feud_b1...
  16. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2 / VSH] Add vsh_militaryzone_v3 or replace vsh_military_area_b1 with it

    Hi, this is a pretty simple suggestion to either add vsh_militaryzone or replace current vsh_military_area with it. I think Militaryzone is better in pretty much every way, and I'm sure there are people who feel the same way as me here. I'm also obviously aware that there are people who may not...
  17. Scudi37

    Completed [VSH] Solving problem with vsh_skyhigh_resort

    Hi, The more I play on vsh_skyhigh_resort_b9_s, the more i hear from players (mainly on #5 VSH, and I dont know, how things look on FF2) that this map is so unbalanced, they refuse to play it as hale, calling it imposible to win. Only the best players are able to somewhat win on that map, but...
  18. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH/FF2] Update for vsh_streets_panda

    Hi, I made an update to my updated version of vsh_streets based on feedback from some regulars, let me know what you think. List of changes: - Added some barriers at middle part of the map to prevent hales from getting annihilated by sentries - Added some additional lights in a few spots to...
  19. Kruphixx

    Completed [VSH/FF2] Updates/fixes for multiple maps

    Hey y'all, over the past week I gathered a lot of feedback about some of the new maps and updates of existing maps so I decided to fix some issues. Let me know what you think and if there's anything else that needs fixing. 1. vsh_cosmos_b5 I mostly heard people complaining about the flying...
  20. Magglet

    Completed [VSH] Minegay Reworked V2

    Hello, Can any of our map makers edit custom sounds for a map, VSH Minegay Reworked V2 has different sounds it plays at the end of the round, at it dropped the nbomb to the entire server. Map looks like this would really appreciate if it got fixed or just outright removed. Cheers