Completed [VSH] Map Updated for Skyhigh resort (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2018
With Skyhighresort getting picked a lot more often out of the map rotation, it seems a lot of the map's issues have come to light rather quickly. Because of such, I asked @Falko to make a rework to remedy some of these issues

One of the main issues if the frequent abuse of the map reset point, when falling off the map, you'd be reset to the control point which players would place teleporter exits and telefrag the hale the moment he was reset. Granted this is possible with demo stickies and spy backstabs, but teleporter exits are a lot less commitment to place.

With this in mind, Falki made the control point zone unbuildable, added a few panels near spawn to prevent hale from being absolutely denied by crit heavies/sentries and also some neat little panda easter eggs/signs

Poll will be up for 3 weeks, hopefully that gives enough time to gauge a response

Below are some screenshots Falki kindly supplied.

i like it, except for the night background thats kind of like the death at dusk effect. I always remembered sky high resort as that one bright fun map but now it looks kind of sad and gloomy
Some extra screenshots from Falki

i like it, except for the night background thats kind of like the death at dusk effect. I always remembered sky high resort as that one bright fun map but now it looks kind of sad and gloomy
I'll see if Falki can provide an option with the old skybox, just to keep the general appearance of the map the same.
Still allow the dirty demo camp strat?
are heavies still able to camp the crates underneath the tower? (crouch spot)
Ah, finally I'm able to sit down and relax and reply to those questions.

View attachment 15264
is this the new spawn location of the hale?
and 2nd is the cp area also sticky free or is that still possible?
No this is not Hale's spawn. Hale spawn is still the same but I moved it a bit to the center of the station to avoid Hale jumping down the sky to get teleported to the point instantly.

Still allow the dirty demo camp strat?
Kind of.
To be clear, I've put the teleport destination thing 128 units higher so Hale is able to turn around to check cheesy backstabbers or, because of the fall momentum, he can move away from the point with ease.
So by that I mean demos can still camp the point but they have to guess where Hale is gonna fall since it's not a direct fall on the central part of the point.

are heavies still able to camp the crates underneath the tower? (crouch spot)
Of course, I don't see any problem with it other than being a neat clutch hiding place.
Download link that was missing in OP
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thanks, appreciate it editing it - added.
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