Declined Zee Admin Application #3 (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020


Steam32 ID


Current playtime on relevant server(s)


Link to your Sourcebans record

Bans - Thx Val

Server you are applying for

US Jailbreak

General online times & time zone

I am mostly online in jb in the late night period which is pretty lacking in moderation, UTC+3

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator

Previous Application

360 -> 720 -> 1440 ->10080 -> 43200 -> 0/Permanent

120 -> 240 -> 360 -> 0/Permanent

I just wanna cover the blackhole of administrating since it lines perfectly with the time I play in.

So to clear the air on my resignation months ago, Something happened that resulted in me being too stressed to administrate in Panda servers, which led to me having a bit of a hiatus from the forums but not the servers itself or the people there, I still spend alot of time in the servers and with the people who are my friends, If you are part of the discord server you would know that, Months ago in EU 2Fort, I was playing with a couple of my friends, I used to be an admin of US 2Fort and US Jailbreak at the time, That day, An0n, A trial admin and Furken, A full admin were in the server.
Somewhere down the line I didnt move for a lil' bit, I wasn't really off my keyboard but I wasn't really animated, So An0n kicked me off the server for apparently being afk, Which if anyone has seen my recording it could be understandable as an action but nothing that would result in a kick without warning, I went to Bambi(who was my mentor at the time) and I told him what happened in a joking manner, and so in response Bambi has used SourceBans to kick An0n off the server which kicked off an investigation by Furken and Madact in the background, Bambi at the time told me and I have decided to defend him by lying to both Furken and Madact at the time, Which didn't last long as I pretty much felt really bad for lying to people who trusted my account fully and I went back and told them what happened and their reaction to it hasn't helped me feel any better at the time, I didn't like having made anyone be demoted as I pretty much disliked drama, and even in my frustration against Bambi, I didn't want him to be demoted, and right after that, A frustrated person who my actions resulted in their punishment has decided to spread allegations which were proven wrong, I didn't wanna put a message out there cuz I didn't wanna fuel any hate and I felt like a silent exit was the best for me and everyone else, But now that I am active again in the community and still see people peddle lies on me even though I have shown it was false and learned from that to change, I just feel like saying my piece here is good.
Hello Zee

Your adminship over the past year has been very rocky with many screw ups that happened numerous times. I'll go into a few of them here.

You have had issues with porn or borderline porn objectors a few times.

It should also be noted that you said that you "accidentally used this objector" which is an obvious lie to me as this image is pretty incriminating considering you resized your hands to make the sign even larger. Lying is a large problem you've had in the past and was one of the main contributing factors to why you were not promoted. I was also made aware of a few situations when you were admin where you ignored blatant rule-breaking going on because you were too preoccupied talking about fursonas or something. I sadly can not locate the demo/video file at the moment but I remember seeing it and I can have people who also saw the video vouch for me. You also lied on this application.

I went to Bambi(who was my mentor at the time) and I told him what happened in a joking manner,


That doesn't really seem like a joking manner unless I am really out of the loop or missing out on some inside joke between you and bambi. These are just two examples of lying I could provide more but I dislike writing long responses so I'll leave it at those two for now. There is also another incident I'm sure you are aware of, I disapprove of it no matter the circumstances and I'll just leave it at that.

While you were a decent enough mod during your previous time here I just think some of these things can't be overlooked with how recent some of these things are. As such I will have to give a -1 for now.
I was also made aware of a few situations when you were admin where you ignored blatant rule-breaking going on because you were too preoccupied talking about fursonas or something. I sadly can not locate the demo/video file at the moment but I remember seeing it and I can have people who also saw the video vouch for me. You also lied on this application.

That *blatant* rule-breaking if I remember correctly was a misunderstanding on the part of the warden giving an order too soon, iirc he gave the order that the first to finish on obby gets LR before a heavy or two have reached the start, That seems to me to be the lowest brackets of blatant rulebreaking but I already addressed it at the time as me just not at attention probably because I was talking and playing on red, My mistake.

And honestly don’t really have much of a defense for the sign there, I thought it was fine since the server was dead and full of friends

That doesn't really seem like a joking manner unless I am really out of the loop or missing out on some inside joke between you and bambi.
Probably should’ve phrased this better, No one in the situation I asked seemed to disagree with my phrasing, I was talking about the general mood when it happened as Bambi has done this for a joke which spiraled out of control.

While you were a decent enough mod during your previous time here I just think some of these things can't be overlooked with how recent some of these things are. As such I will have to give a -1 for now.

Maybe you’re right, I was thinking of retracting my application anyway since imo much better applicants have come forward since I applied, And tbf as you can see by the effort of the application it wasn’t that serious anyway.

Either way I appreciate the feedback, If you don’t mind I would like to retract the application and give my support to the other applicants ;)
Applicant has retracted their application.

Due to cooldown you can reapply 1 month from now, 17th of January 2023 and onward.
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