I think for the "Actively rebell" Thing there should be a plugin change that has a 1 minute and 30 second timer activate after say the clock hits either 6:00 or 5:00,
Also something i'd like if my suggestion is taken to the list there would be a bit of code that makes a map at the start of a round that tracks the players movements and if they are not running around in circles and actually seem to be going somewhere then the timer stops and resets, If you add that then take into consideration
Hp, Ammo, And the nearest BLU Reason why i say that is because what if a heavy is revving a tomi from above at a group of blus leading the reds somewhere but he is at say 50 hp and has 20 ammo so if that is the case or close to it then the code should make sure they are actually going to armory, For the nearest blu part i do have some experience (<-only in a certain way) with this basically imagine your the last red and all the blus are hunting you they are actively searching the room your in but you blend in with the walls they are beginning to lose internest in searching that room but the timer only has 1 second remaining so i believe if a blu is within a certain distance of you or can see you than the timer should freeze until they leave that distance or sight is broken. the timer finishing should just be people are allowed to ghost that person with a text appearing in chat saying the timer has ended. I know there is atleast one or more flaws with my idea so if you see them please say something that sticks to the idea but feel free to add something to this if you want it to be added alongside this! (if it even gets accepted)