Completed [JB] Forfeiting LR (1 Viewer)

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Nergal Nergalton

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Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
I was actually originally going to attach this to my previously posted rule suggestion about regiving LR but did not know how to word it properly.

The other thing about LR that sprung into my mind that isn't mentioned in the rules is when a RED decides to willingly forfeit LR to another. It did surprise me that I could not find anything in the rules mentioning this considering how common it is for, when there are two REDs remaining, one RED decides to forfeit LR to the other. There are several reasons as to why a RED may do this, but among the most common reasons I've seen:
- They are about to do a minigame they think they'll lose.
- They want to be in the other RED's death request.
- They hope that the RED will choose an LR they like or in their favor -- to be more specific, they may hope that the RED will choose "Freeday for others" and choose them for a freeday as a token of gratitude.

This suggestion asks you guys whether or not the warden should have to obilge to a forfeit if a RED decides to do it.

Obviously, if there are more than two REDs alive, all but one would have to agree to forfeit for this to apply, otherwise, the warden has to decline it in this scenario as not all the REDs have given their permission.

Hypothetically, say if the "Yes, warden has to obilge if a RED forfeits" passes, the added rule would ideally be worded like this. I've worded it the best I can to avoid leaving out any hypothetical scenarios and make this poll a simple yes or no question, unlike the previous suggestion:

"- If there are two REDs remaining and one decides to willingly forfeit LR to the other for whatever reason, the warden must oblige and give LR to the RED that the other RED forfeited to, unless the receiving RED declines this. However, if the receiving RED decides to give the warden permission to decide on the matter, the warden may do so. Otherwise, if the receiving RED does not speak against it, the forfeit must be adhered to.
- If both REDs forfeit LR to the other, the forfeit will become invalid.
- A RED cannot forfeit LR to another RED who has rebelled.
- If there are three or more REDs, all but one RED must forfeit for it to be legal."

Or, if the "No" suggestion passes:

"- If there are two REDs remaining and one decides to willingly forfeit LR to the other for whatever reason, it will be up to the warden's discretion on whether or not they decide to allow this. However, if there are three or more REDs, all but one RED must forfeit for it to be considered.
- A RED cannot forfeit LR to another RED who has rebelled."

Due to how common forfeiting LR is, by adding a rule description about it this should prevent conflict if a warden decides to deny a forfeit.

To add to this, I think it may be helpful to add this to the rules as well regarding death request since it (surprisingly) also not mentioned in the rules:

- "A RED who has received DR may allow other non-rebelling REDs who are still alive to participate in their DR."
About the dr thing, what if I for example mention "climb first to finish losers Die and you have to finish to get lr"
Would my order be higher authority or
The forfeit/Dr request
oh boy, another jb suggestion!
no seems pointless, if they cant do a game and they know they'll die, its better to forfeit since its a bigger chance to live, and you get a successful round out of it.
its a win win
About the dr thing, what if I for example mention "climb first to finish losers Die and you have to finish to get lr"
Would my order be higher authority or
The forfeit/Dr request
Didn't think of that, but if the Yes suggestion passes, the forfeit should be able to override that (again, provided all REDs but one forfeit). I also believe DR should be allowed to override that too.
Forfeits should be accepted tbh, prevents failrounds by timeout in HnS for example, And as previously stated, if a player sucks doodoo balls at a minigame and they'll lose anyways I don't see why not. They're revoking their own chance at LR just to live. Forfeiting prevents failrounds so I think it's perfectly fine to allow it.
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Forfeiting LR is the same as slaying yourself, the only difference being that if you forfeit there is a chance that the warden may permit you to participate in DR/rebel. If people insist on forfeiting being a part of the rules just leave it at that.

I personally think the status quo is fine and would appreciate an option for that.
Forfeiting LR is the same as slaying yourself, the only difference being that if you forfeit there is a chance that the warden may permit you to participate in DR/rebel. If people insist on forfeiting being a part of the rules just leave it at that.

I personally think the status quo is fine and would appreciate an option for that.
I do understand your point about slaying yourself, but there is also the possibility a RED may still choose not to slay and to follow orders while telling warden, more than once possibly, that he forfeits LR. A warden could make them KOS for that, but if they did and followed through with it, people would probably starting saying "that's a freekill!" and it would just lead to more arguing.

80% of the time I've seen one RED decide they want the other RED to receive LR, it's via forfeit and not outright rebelling.
Really unneccessary suggestion in my opinion. It also could've just left the title and it would've been enough to get the point across. Forfeiting is like slaying yourself. I don't think i've seen wardens not oblige to someone forfeiting. Regardless, its a good suggestion so +1
Really unneccessary suggestion in my opinion. It also could've just left the title and it would've been enough to get the point across. Forfeiting is like slaying yourself. I don't think i've seen wardens not oblige to someone forfeiting. Regardless, its a good suggestion so +1
I sometimes refuse a forfeit
I see no reason to vote 'No' on this matter... As, while it's not explicitly in the rules, nearly every warden will oblige it. I've been on all three 'sides' to this scenario if you will. I've been a warden that obliged an LR forfeiture, I've forfeited LR to another RED as a RED myself, and I've also been the recipient of a forfeited LR as RED. And in both circumstances whilst on RED, the warden obliged the forfeiture. Also, seeing as it's done so often anyways, there's no point in giving the warden a choice here as it so often is obliged anyways. I've seen mention of LR forfeiture being a method to prevent a failround, which is also an admirable point... We have plenty of failrounds as it is with a lot of less than stellar guards, myself included on some days. So a way to prevent that, even on good rounds is a goal we should all desire in some way... Some failrounds are fun, I'll agree... But just as many end in disappointment due to the final REDs dying in a minigame before LR can be granted. I voted 'Yes' myself, and I do find it shocking that people have voted 'No' given the frequency such a request is granted.

Added the following rule to the rules under the Warden section. The team has collectively agreed to this wording:

One red player may "forfeit" lr to a non-rebelling red, giving them the last request. The warden must honor this request, and let the red participate in death request. To prevent confusion, this option is only permitted when the non rebelling red count reaches 2.
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