Completed [FF2] Nerf Sharpened Volcano Fragment (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
I'd like to suggest a nerf of some sort to the Sharpened Volcano Fragment. In case some of you aren't aware, it's a pyro melee that creates a "Pyro Knight" subclass in FF2. It allows Pyros to get health back on each hit, it also gives them some damage reduction which I think is the most broken thing about this subclass.

Not only Pyros get a quite a bit of health back on each hit, they also have a bit of damage reduction which sometimes makes them almost impossible to kill. I remember this got nerfed in one of the FF2 updates but then got reverted for some reason.

I'd like to suggest three possible solutions for this:
  • Reduce damage reduction to... acceptable levels
  • Reduce the amount of health pyros get per hit
  • Change the weapon so it works exactly the same as in the base game
Is this is because of Thincrust?
Funny but no, ever since it got buffed again it became annoying to fight against pyros using this. Although recently it became more annoying due to increased number of pyros using it.
Heavy thinks problem with Volcano Fragment is not the amount of health the pyro gets per hit, but instead the combination of medic overheal and damage reduction.
Heavy suggests further nerfing health from healers on wearer and limit the amount of overheal the pyro can receive making the pyro reliant on the health they receive on hits and health kits similar to the Back Scratcher.
This Nerf will indirectly limit the effectiveness of the damage reduction whilst keeping the PyroKnight class somewhat relevant as the pyro will still be able to survive at least 2 hits from the Boss with this nerf.
Take this suggestion with a Heavy pinch of salt as Heavy does not usually make suggestions.
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I should mention as well that the KGB limits heavy's overheal amount by a LOT and that used to be the case for the volcano fragment pyro, so I find it rather weird that he can get the full overheal while the KGB heavy can't.

And yeah the whole health from afterburn is wack. If we can't make the health gain removed from afterburn, then we might also have to consider removing afterburn like in the previous version of the axe. Though that sounds unbefitting as it's an axe made out of magma or something, so it wouldn't make sense to have it be not hot to the touch.
I think, removing afterburn (that is healing a player), as it was before, will be good enough
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