[ALL] Music on microphone: Rule 2e enforcement (1 Viewer)

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Nov 8, 2014
A discussion last year about rule 2e by certain panda staff has prompted me to make this thread to receive community feedback. Here is the rule in question:

e) Mic spamming
Playing music, soundboards, singing, screaming, voice changers or sending otherwise non-communicable noises over the microphone is forbidden. Additionally, the admins have the right to mute you if the quality of your microphone is deemed too bad to be understandable, or if your voice is deemed too immature in an annoying way (i.e. “squeaky”).

This suggestion particularly focuses on the 'Playing Music' and 'forbidden' section. Other aspect of the rule can be discussed, but this thread is mainly for playing music over voice chat.

Particularly situations have arisen on US 2FORT & US Jailbreak where playing music on the microphone is encouraged by the majority of players on depending on the situation. An admin may join and has to enforce rule 2e on the micspam of music on the individual. This upsets players depending on the situation, particularly on US 2FORT.

What is to be purposed is a change in enforcement and maybe a changing up the wording of the rule to include that, some instants of playing music on voice chat is allowed, depending on the situation that players are happy with what is being played. It'll be up to admin discretion / judgement.

There are pros and cons to this, but I'll leave the community to list these as I'm sure some of you are ready to discuss this.

For now there is no poll, this is just a discussion. I'm particularly looking for feedback from all regulars of each game server(particularly U2FORT & US jailbreak), this also includes the EU servers. Opinions welcome, with reason.
As someone who sees that US 2Fort happens to reach a more casual player base than other 2Fort community servers, I think allowing this exception would be a good idea.

Players can easily be annoyed by micspam if it's short, repeated clips, or too loud. But if someone just plays the right song and it becomes part of the experience of the game. It blends in with what's going on and players are just eased into it. This type of action is something that might create a better atmosphere and there has been instances where I've seen this happen.

Of course nothing goes without an admin giving the approval, but I can definitely see this new rule coming into light for the better.
seeing as ive been confronted by the US 2fort players when i had to mute someone or multiple ppl for playing music even tho it may have been good i think this would make the playerbase indeed more happy to even allow the tiny bit of music they all enjoy to be played of course within the limits its acceptable to the ears can only speak from what i know in US 2fort
Here's my stance on micspam and how I've always thought servers that allow micspam should be like:

When it comes to legitimate and enjoyable music (good quality too), I don't really have a problem as long as it's not excessively overused. In fact, there are certain scenarios were having someone play the right music could make the moment awesome, or hell, even funny.

What I DON'T enjoy and would NOT want to hear is:
- Earrape/Extremely loud and deafening music
- Pornographic/sexual audio

Also, I personally think a good rule to add is that if you want to micspam, you have to use an actually good micspamming program (I've used SLAM for anytime I want to play something on my mic), not say, play the song from your phone and hold the phone up to your computer's built-in mic (phonespam, as I like to call it).

As long as the micspammer plays enjoyable, good-quality music with a proper program to do so and doesn't overdo it I don't have an issue. I would actually love to play music myself because I have a whole slew of production tracks (my favorite genre of music yes I'm a nerd) that would fit many different scenarios and allow me to introduce other players to my unique taste in music.
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I prefer Soundboards and mic-spam to be punished based on 2 steps of observation. Is the sound bothering another player? If yes, stop using the soundboard/spamming mic, if not, check the next step. Is the sound disrupting the gamemode? ex: overtalking warden. If yes, stop using the soundboard/spamming mic, If not you are good to go. This 2 step observation process guarantees the ability to use soundboards without being problematic. Therefore, this allows people to use soundboards for many purposes, while also enforcing users to not do so to a degree in which it obstructs a gamemode, or pisses players off.
Honestly would like to add my part by saying this is a good idea but as others said some forms of music(Ear rape) shouldn't be allowed and to add on to it i would like soundboards to be allowed because i believe it can increase the happiness of the players and make things more fun though of course the rules would probably have to be no screaming stuff and nothing inappropriate. Also i feel like it would give players who don't like to speak on mic another way to communicate with others but hey what do i know lmao.

Love you guys :)
I prefer Soundboards and mic-spam to be punished based on 2 steps of observation. Is the sound bothering another player? If yes, stop using the soundboard/spamming mic, if not, check the next step. Is the sound disrupting the gamemode? ex: overtalking warden. If yes, stop using the soundboard/spamming mic, If not you are good to go. This 2 step observation process guarantees the ability to use soundboards without being problematic. Therefore, this allows people to use soundboards for many purposes, while also enforcing users to not do so to a degree in which it obstructs a gamemode, or pisses players off.
Couldn't really put it better myself.

Fully agree.
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Absolutely not.
Music is one of the most subjective things out there. How would anyone decide what is good and what isn't good music? The players? We all know there's a loud minority, there always is. Whenever there was someone playing music on US 2Fort it never was a majority encouraging it. It always was about 5 to 8 players max.
If it's up to the Admins, well, I'm personally annoyed by any song played. This may be because I'm listening to my own music or if I'm not it's because I don't want something playing in the background.
If someone believes a certain song would enhance their experience, good for them, they can open up Spotify, YouTube or a streaming service of their choice and play it.
The sound quality of the source voice chat is terrible anyways.
This is like playing music on public transport.
Opening up the rule with some sort of ambiguity will just lead to unnecessary discussions about it.
If you dont like the music somebody is playing, mute them. Its as simple as that
I think the only reason playing music is allowed on the Jailbreak servers is during the theatre minigame. People probably like to add music/sound effects to their performance to enhance the funny effect. I see no reason why it should be used outside of that minigame. Otherwise, just completely ban it.
One extra addition, I've seen (I think you all know him by now) William Murdoch micspam music whenever he's the last red alive, that does sort of enhance the playing experience knowing he otherwise never speaks in chat nor over mic. I think such a case is subjectively allowed. Of course, this is one individual we're talking about and I'm not the one to decide that, nor am I trying to make an exception for him only for this rule, but this kind of situational humor does enhance the playing experience.


For the 2Fort server, I can imagine in some silly moments where playing music over the mic adds to the silliness of that situation, but that shouldn't really last longer than 30 seconds. So.. I guess if it isn't like intentionally earrape or copyrighted songs from the music bots you've probably seen in casual matches, allow it for 30 secs max.


In summary, playing music is purely subjectively situational.
Honestly I'd prefer the rule to stay the way it is. If it does change then make it US servers only. Majority of the time when someone micspams music in EU 2fort it's American players and the only people who tend to like it is their 1-3 friends that followed them into the server.

Music should be listened to outside of tf2, I don't want to hear a gabenfied version of any song.
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People probably gonna milk every possible second they can to play the worst christmas songs.
As far as i know that rule is mostly excempt during theater.

Im kinda mixed on this. I can see how this can be cool and how this can be completely horrible.
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I somewhat agree with both Ian and Zeprus. Personally I find most music played over mic doesn't really add to the experience (with a few exceptions obviously). However soundboards as hated as they are by some when used sparingly at the right time can bring some fun to the servers. Obviously overuse of soundboards can be more annoying than music but I feel like if we do loosen the rules surrounding micspam that we would gain more from the occasional 2 second long fart with reverb over mic than someone's garbage music being played for several minutes.
Absolutely not.
Music is one of the most subjective things out there. How would anyone decide what is good and what isn't good music? The players? We all know there's a loud minority, there always is. Whenever there was someone playing music on US 2Fort it never was a majority encouraging it. It always was about 5 to 8 players max.
Opening up the rule with some sort of ambiguity will just lead to unnecessary discussions about it.
Was thinking exactly this. I think most people who are unaware of how specifically the rule would work will hear someone casually micspam under specific guidelines and presume that micspamming as a whole is allowed on the server. Micspamming should either be allowed entirely, have clear specific guidelines on when it's allowed (like how it's only allowed in theatre on jailbreak) or not be allowed at all.
People would 100% try to abuse this rule change. If I'd want to listen to music while I play, I'll listen to my own. I don't need someone playing random/ear rape songs over their bad mic. I 100% agree with Zeprus here, majority of music played over 2fort is ear rape, and the amount of people who encourage music over the mic is a very small amount (usually their friends/trolls themselves).
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I do agree with Zeprus in regard to music, and just long-lasting ear rape/micspam in general, but I believe that soundboards, and short one off things that are, concise and not repeated to the point of the soundboard being played every 5 seconds should be fine. such as something semi said, or an occasional what on soundboard. An example of something I am talking about is a short sound effect like a roblox death sound, a tf2 voiceline, or a short explosion. I personally dont want random music outside jailbreak, I prefer it only to be allowed in theater, and that's it. With the soundboard, im implying, even if one player is bothered and says so in chat, you are obligated to stop.
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I do agree with Zeprus in regard to music, and just long-lasting ear rape/micspam in general, but I believe that soundboards, and short one off things that are, concise and not repeated to the point of the soundboard being played every 5 seconds should be fine. such as something semi said, or an occasional what on soundboard. An example of something I am talking about is a short sound effect like a roblox death sound, a tf2 voiceline, or a short explosion. I personally dont want random music outside jailbreak, I prefer it only to be allowed in theater, and that's it.
I do agree one off/not often uses of soundboard are fine with me (as long as it isn't ear rape/spam/etc.)
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