Accepted Zelaird's ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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Active Member
Dec 28, 2020
Name of your Banned Steam Account: Zelaird Gervik
Steam ID 32:
Date and Time of the Ban:
2021-11-02 20:41:54
Reason about the Ban: Racism - Saying the n-word when I had misheard what someone was saying over comms at the beginning of the round.
Insulting - Being toxic towards a blue because I didn't like their repeated trivia questions
Admin that Banned you:Deleted Admin - Bambi
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: I feel like it's been enough time that I can appeal another mute. I apologise for saying a slur... I was just shocked and thought that someone had actually called me that. Obviously listening to it later they said mega gervik and not...that. Also, I'm sorry for being rude to the 7 day war trivia man.
While you have had a lot of comm blocks the jailbreak team believes enough time has passed to consider giving another chance. I will ungag you but keep in mind your chatlogs will be monitored and you could be re-gagged without warning. I can probably guess you want the mute removed as well, I ask that you please wait a little bit before appealing it.

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