Tell us something about your country (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
It seems like an interesting idea to me to get to know some of the histories or cultures of countries other than our own. In this thread, I encourage people to state where they live (obviously), then telling the forum something about your country. This could be:

- A cultural aspect of your country, such as: a major event that you explain to us (why do you celebrate this event, where does it originate from, etc.); a custom or tradition; or anything that comes to mind that is particular to your (and maybe a few other) countries.

- A piece of history that is important to your country; perhaps a certain period of time which held important developments for your country.

- A figure or national hero that is still commemorated in your country.

- Something that explains your country's relationship with another country - perhaps a country that someone on this forum lives in.

Really any interesting aspects of your particular country that come to mind. It is by no means forbidden to discuss about things, also don't feel discouraged to post when someone from the same country as you live in has already posted here.

Since I started the thread, I should start.

I live in the Netherlands, and a little while ago I read this article:

It translates to "The Dutch youth was already comparatively yolo in the Golden Age". Of course this is likely to apply to more countries, but this particular study focused on Dutch youth culture.

It explains how we often think of the seventeenth century and before (and some time after that) as being an age in which parents were strict with their children and children practically being younger versions of adults. But the book the article relates to finds more comparison than contrast between our youths and theirs. The youth culture back then already resisted their previous generation. This is something of all times, not just ours. Adolescents were freer than you'd expect, and cheap alcohol was available to University students; in fact, University attendants could get a free gun sometimes.

This drunkenness and the power they had with a firearm would cause them to look for trouble with city guards and other people. Influence from state and church had little effect on the Dutch youths of then, and they just kind of did what they wanted.

Lastly, just like now, they also expressed themselves in songs about insecurity and love.

I kept it fairly general; this probably applies to more countries. I might try to find something later that is representative of contemporary Dutch culture.

Enjoy discussing, everyone.

- Evo
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I live in murica.
We are full of bigmac lovers (Kevin) obesity, and twerking.
Our god is miley cyrus, beholder of twerk.

Father's from israel and mom is from italy or at least there ancestors are.
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If people here are up to a history lesson, I can go on about how we caused and lost WW2.
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We Hungarians have lots of pálinka (alcoholic drink made of fruits), gulyás soup (basically a vegetable soup with meat in it... genius :D).
If you like football you probably heared of Puskás öcsi. Needs no explanation.

Hungarians are known about firing arrows in one direction while going in the other from horseback (basically we can drive with our arses).
We drink a lot of fucking beer. That's about it.
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Well I live in Finland and Finland is what it is.Coffee, dudesons and Ice hockey.And extremely cold in winter and hot in summer (same above).AND mosquitoes are the shittiest things in finland.So welcome there.
We drink a lot of coffee. We go to public saunas, naked. We go swimming in ice-cold lakes. We like salmiakki.

Welcome to the Republic of Finland.
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Country from my parents : Vodka all day (stereotypical)

Germany : Weather sucks dick most of the time.
Well, to keep it short...

March 8-12, 1917: russian economy crumbles completely, military joins the riots, monarchy is dissolved, the Russian Empire disbanded, the Provisional Government (a temporary ruling body with the task of forming a democratic government) takes the lead. The socialist wing of revolutionary movement (the bolsheviks), led by Vladimir Lenin, Lew Trotzki and Joseph Jugashvili (Stalin), splits from it and starts to gain on power.
November 7-8, 1917: the Provisional Government is executed by bolsheviks, people who came to defend it are massacred. Whatever hope Russia had for a republican or democratic government is washed down the drain.
1918-1921: the USSR (RSFSR back then) is forming, capturing territories like Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, etc, and strengthening its hold over the russian soil. USSR cavalry, led by Mikhail Tuhkachevsky, try to invade Poland to incite and further the revolution, but fail, largely because of Tukhachevski's incompetence. In 1920-1921, the peasantry is being eliminated, people are forced into collective farms to control the food output; in the process, almost 10`000`000 people are killed. This was dismissed as a famine.
At the end of 1920, it was obvious that the revolution cannot be exported through war effort alone, so USSR takes a break and concentrates on internal matters, strengthening the power of ruling body and developing heavy industry.
1921-1926: the first five-year. Economy starts to recover, and the Komintern (proclaimed HQ of the World Revolution) becomes the second item of expenditure (first being heavy industry). Joseph Stalin gains power gradually, not to alert other members of bolshevik party. Spies are sent into neighbouring countries to pave the way with riots, funding local communits parties generously. The best and most recent success was in Germany, where Komintern operative, Ernst Telman, found a promising candidate that could turn Germany into the proverbial bomb that will blow up the Europe. Yes, it was in 1921, when Komintern operatives found Adolph Hitler, assessed his capabilities and started to gradually guide and help him, allowing him to become the head of state. They knew it would lead to the war, and a war in the middle of Europe was bound to grow into a world war, and the world war was exactly what Stalin needed to turn the entire world into USSR.
1926-1931: the second five-year. Industry starts to expand, transport network is constantly developed in typical russian way — very effectively and quickly, buth also ruthlessly, costing tens of thousands of lives each year. First forced labor camps are formed, accepting prisoners and allocating them to industrial and transport development zones. Stalin takes complete control over the USSR government.
1931-1936: the third five-year. Heavy industry is firmly established, and the main focus is set to military, making it the most powerful in the world by the end of 1936, when most recent developments are tested in an orchestrated uprising in Spain. The tests are successful, and border conflicts ensue, to take control of strategically important territories. All of them are successful.
1936-1941: the fourth five-year. Item of expenditure number one is military. Komintern stops funding foreign communist parties almost completely. People are slowly drafted into the ranks. Secrecy is maintained not only by trademark Soviet counterespionage tactics, but also by border conflicts: people are drafted because of the conflict, but, by the time it ends, they aren't discharged from the military. They don't return home, but instead train. In 1939, Stalin begins the final and most important test for Soviet army, ordering the invasion on Finland in winter, thus making the military show what it can do against the hardest target possible — the Mannerheim Line: acres of bunkers, hidden artillery spots, minefields and anti-tank defense on a territory completely unsuitable for warfare. The result was a partial success: the Red Army broke through the Mannerheim Line, but didn't come out with forces enough to capture Finland, so USSR withdrew.

By that time, since September 1939, Hitler was already breaking up Europe, softening it up for Stalin AND making all the world turn to that same Stalin. There was a caricature paining by that time; I couldn't find it in the internet, but I saw it when I was 15 — the german eagle fighting the british lion, when the russian bear with Stalin's mustache looked over it appraisngly with an axe in his paws.
All was ready. The invasion on Germany was planned to begin in the late july of 1941. But USSR made one terminal mistake. In May 1940, the Red Army took Bessarabia and Bukovina from Romania. It put the USSR military dead close to the german source of oil, the Ploesti region, and alerted Hitler of his actual intent. By that time, the Red Army not just the most powerful military in the world — it was stronger than all other world armies combined.
Then, in July 22nd of 1941, Hitler launched a preemptive strike against USSR. He couldn't win, though, but, as the timing was perfect, he managed to eliminate the whole cadre of Red Army and more than 90% of military production, forcing Stalin to rebuild it in Siberia. During WW2, up until May 9, 1945, USSR lost more than 30`000`000 people, completing the death of nation and ensuring its eventual fall in 1991.

So, in the end, USSR was the cause of World War 2. It also lost that war. The war to conquer the world.

If anyone has managed to get through this wall of text, I'll be glad to answer questions ^_^
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