Accepted Stupid ban by the system (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Aug 20, 2021
SourceBans Ban URL: Panda Community SourceBans
Name of your Banned Steam Account: koey
Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:1:57657998
Date and Time of the Ban: 20-08-2021 14:00-14.30
Reason about the Ban:Duplicate account
Admin that Banned you: Console
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: I got a 12 hour ban yesterday for map abuse on a dodgeball server. My brother (Korean Wifey) then played on the dodgeball server after my ban and got banned for using a duplicate account. I then played today and also got banned for using a duplicate account. It has been one big misunderstanding and I would like for me and my brother to get unbanned
Post the information for your brothers account so they can check it out properly.
Since Ricky explained to me that your are indeed brothers and playing at the same time, I'll lift both of your bans (The first ban is over now)

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