Completed Small Rule Change (1 Viewer)

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But then I’d no longer be able to get a red to exit a breakable and kill the afk warden while I hold the armory open so I can rewarden and save the round ☹️
But then I’d no longer be able to get a red to exit a breakable and kill the afk warden while I hold the armory open so I can rewarden and save the round ☹️
That's not allowed regardless.
I think you have it backwards. The rule currently, is that you can rewarden if the warden dies before the cells open, regardless of if a red killed them or not. The rule change preposed is to disallow rewardening entirely when the warden is killed by a red. Removing the before cell doors are opened rewarden scenario.
Then you can forget my message sent earlier. I thought it was about to have it added.
Changing my vote.
It is if I kill him right after, not favoritism and I prevent round delay.
Usually just better off to report the guy for asking on blu or at least just calling an admin since that really really skirts the line of favouring
It would seem fair to add this, seeing as how if a red kills warden after cells open it should carry over to before cells open regardless. While I'll admit it will be very annoying, and already seeing more failrounds per win as of now. I think it should be added.
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The instance in question is so niche, and bloat is generally undesirable. A potential compromise would be a change to the rules, rather than an addition.

Current Rule:
"If Warden dies you are not allowed to force Warden on yourself to be Warden as a Guard. You may only do this if the warden disconnected, the warden died before cells opened, if warden slays themself, or if the warden was teamkilled by another guard."

"If warden dies by; a Red, the environment, or themselves via self inflicted damage, then guards may not Force Warden themselves".

The finer points can always be argued, and I actively encourage that because I absolutely forgot something.
A potential compromise would be a change to the rules, rather than an addition

That’s what this is, it’s a change to REDUCE bloat and make things EASIER.

It’s a reduction in the current rules, getting rid of a dumb exception.

We are going to get rid of ONE line in the rules, you can probably guess what it’s going to be.

the warden died before cells opened

You are overthinking it, this suggestion is not that deep.
That’s what this is, it’s a change to REDUCE bloat and make things EASIER.

It’s a reduction in the current rules, getting rid of a dumb exception.

We are going to get rid of ONE line in the rules, you can probably guess what it’s going to be.

You are overthinking it, this suggestion is not that deep.
This your suggestion banana, you gotta outline what you are doing man.

If you led with this
It’s a reduction in the current rules, getting rid of a dumb exception.

Rather than this
Make it so that if a red kills the warden before cells open, they cannot rewarden.
To make it more consistent with the rules, reds shouldnt be punished for pulling off something significantly harder than normal.
There would be significantly less confusion, and probably a lot more Yes's than No's.

"Add this rule change"? sounds like you're pulling a Pistol here.
"Remove this from the rules" sounds much more inline with what you are suggesting.

You got my vote now don't worry, but yeah you know this community, explain it a way a 12 year old could understand it.
If we just removed the line "the warden died before cells open" then this becomes a different suggestion. Because it's no longer about reds killing warden.

This line in its current state allows guards to salvage a round by forcing in the event the warden dies to:
Negative !RollTheDice effects (Smite, Firework, Timebomb, Necromash, etc.)
The truck on Miami (I've seen that thing drive into the armory door at the start of the round while blues were exiting.)
Lag + environmental death (You shouldn't be playing on blue if you're lagging, but I've seen a lot of server-wide lag spikes in the last week.)

I'm not voting against the suggestion quite yet, but I'm just hoping that if it does pass, you can still force warden in scenarios like these.
Because it's no longer about reds killing warden.
No because those sorts of things are already covered in the rules, those things are INDEPENDENT.

All of the things you listed are already covered, you cannot rewarden in any of the scenarios you just described. Taking away that one line ONLY affects the reds.
Except you can before cell doors open
Yeah and the suggestion is saying that the opening of cell does shouldn’t affect rewardening.

So to answer your query, you won’t be able to rewarden with the stuff you’ve mentioned if this passes.
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"If Warden dies you are not allowed to force Warden on yourself to be Warden as a Guard. You may only do this if the warden disconnected, the warden died before cells opened, if warden slays themself, or if the warden was teamkilled by another guard."

Will become

"If Warden dies you are not allowed to force Warden on yourself to be Warden as a Guard. You may only do this if the warden disconnected, if warden slays themself, or if the warden was teamkilled by another guard."

Once polls close, speak now or forever hold your peace.
was this not a rule before?
if it wasnt i wanna apologize for the mass gaslighting i commited unto quite a bit of blus
Rule has been changed

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