Declined Magglet Vsh Application (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2016
Your name and/or nickname

Your age
Who gave you permission to apply?

Your Steam32 ID

Your general online times and your timezone
I tend to play afternoon's and some evenings so 12-5pm and 10pm-2am

Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?
VSH is my primary server. I do have vast knowledge of the trade server and obviously would help any server that requires immediate help if I know the rules well etc.

Do you have a microphone?

Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator
I was a panda vsh and trade admin for the best part of a year

Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?

Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
Well, to start I take a very different stance on how the admins should act on vsh. As many regulars may have noticed I have been a large advocate for changes in our punishments for vsh from some posts I have made.
I believe this would be an advantage as having an admin team with a range of view points as well as style will come together and make sure the admins keep each other in check as well as making sure the server is maintained for all types of players.
I definitely fall on the stricter side of style however I do have some level of understanding and I am very adaptable to changes in public perception of rules and how to carefully read and interperate situations is a strong point of mine. The VSH does need to some admins and along with the other applicants who I get on well with along with Racer we would make a strong team that can run vsh well as well as be a voice for players for new maps and changes.
Overall I would make a fine addition to the admin team and would be glad to help server if the chance was offered to me.

Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.

VSH Specific Rules

To be clear, yes my job and rules have not changed from my previous accepted application. However I put extensive time into reading how admins on panda punish in general and created my own example and I do not deem is necessary to change or rewrite. This following examples are still accurate.

Hale Camping

Player will first be warned in @all and main chat, if they continue to break the rules they will receive punishments in this order. However, I will not be banning someone based upon a very short analysis of the hale strategy and if they are truly camping.
⇨120 minutes
⇨240 minutes
⇨720 minutes
⇨1440 minutes
⇨2880 minutes
⇨4320 minutes

Fail Hale

Fairly often Hale is ruined by people just suiciding instead of using the /resetq command. Dependent on the players hours on the server and if my knowledge they are definitely aware of the rule due to many announcements being clear about the rule. The player will recieve punishment in this order
⇨120 minutes
⇨240 minutes
⇨480 minutes
⇨1440 minutes
⇨2880 minutes
⇨4320 minutes
⇨ Permanent

General Rules

Chat/Mic Spam

⇨Annoucement in chat that it is against the rules to mic/chat spam. Giving prior warning to new users. Users who continue to spam will receive punishments in the following order:
⇨120 minutes
⇨240 minutes
⇨480 minutes
⇨1440 minutes
⇨2880 minutes
⇨4320 minutes

Offensive Language/insulting

Announcement in chat that Offensive Language and insulting are against the rules to inform new users and giving them a prior warning. Users who continue to spam will receive punishments in the following order
⇨120 minutes
⇨240 minutes
⇨480 minutes
⇨1440 minutes
⇨2880 minutes
⇨4320 minutes

Call Abuse

If a player uses the !call system whilst admin is present. The user will receive the punishment with no prior warning due to regular chat announcements specifically mentions this rule

⇨120 minutes
⇨240 minutes
⇨480 minutes
⇨1440 minutes
⇨2880 minutes
⇨4320 minutes


Using external software in order to gain advantage within our community is an intolerable offence. The user caught doing so will be recorded using a demo. Then given the punishment

⇨20160 minutes
⇨Evidence passed to Game-sever admin ⇨ Permanent Ban

Advertising Hacks

⇨Advertising external software that gives players an unfair advantage is an intolerable offence. The user caught doing so will be recorded using a demo. Then given the punishment
⇨20160 minutes
⇨Evidence passed to Game-sever admin ⇨ Permanent Ban

Side note. Yes I have alot of previous comms and bans. However, all of them are many years old now.

Key Links

Previous Application

Tagging Admins
Hello Magglet, and thanks for applying. I surely need to reply to some things you wrote above, but this is not place. I'll do on that other thread.

Gotta say: I see no reference in the application to the reason why you stopped being admin in the past, and how things have changed now. I think that's very relevant to say, not for me and for most of people reading this, but for who will be the last judges of this application.

Anyway, I wanna wait few days before giving a feedback here.
See you in game.
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Hello Matth,

With regards to my previous administration. I intended to give some information about why I stopped being admin however I was never actually given any kind of formal warning or reason why I was demoted. I did attempt to contact kvn but he never replied, and at the time my current mentors didn't know either, the little information I got was from Madact and Evowarrior but the information was never fully given to me.

So officially I don't know for sure. I believe the reason I was demoted was an incident that occurred on vsh where I made some rather harsh comments towards pyro players without considering consequences.

Since my time being admin was a year and six months ago as a person I have changed, at the time of being Admin I was a rather cynical player. I often took matters a little to seriously and didn't have a good perspective on life or why I was playing. I used tf2 as a relaxing measure from Study and I may have been tightly wound up and taken it out on pyro mains at the time. For this behaviour I have no excuse, I lashed out from a position of power and shouldn't have done so. I hope you believe my apology is sincere because it truly is I have fallen in love with the game again and I actually really enjoy playing with some good pyro players.

My time as admin was an asset to the server in my belief, although I may have handled a few incidents wrong I was on of the most active admins on both trade and vsh, and had a positive impact on the server as a whole. I will take the positive parts of my experience in my stride and the negative will teach me to be more caring in use of my words towards the playerbase.
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You were demoted previously for insulting other players
kicking people for arguing with you, and freekilling people on jailbreak. Normally even though I notice this kind of behavior on other applicant's, I don't bother saying anything. In your case though you visit jailbreak, the time will eventually come where you could potentially have perms for every server and at that point it is my problem. You might have lots of people convinced, but not me. Hopefully the VSH team understands
Well, okay.
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate your view even if it does seem like you are singling me out, you are a respected admin and I was toxic on jb it is a fairly toxic environment and I have made mistakes there.

If the vshadmins feel this way please come forward I don't want to have the application up for weeks and waste peoples time. I was encouraged by a few players to apply again but obviously don't know the full communities opinion of me, have the upmost respect for those who do. I do not intend to have hard feelings towards Bambi, nor would I if Matth and Racer felt the same.
Hey I know I'm this time slower than usual to respond to an application but I have my reasons for it. I'll try too keep it short since I'm writing this with my mobile.
The application you made surprised me since you didn't give me a hint of applying or being interested to be an admin again. The application is ok exept that the punishments aren't really good since the first 3 bans are shorter than a day combined. Personally I think you should ramp them up more exponentially otherwise it just seems like a joke.
I have known you quite well in the past but that is a while ago. I don't know your behaviour at the moment in general, but if it's currently bad, try to not be toxic in any way since it shouldn't be too hard enforcing that rule.
Also while not being something negative I only noticed you handing out warnings after you made this application. I may be wrong but this is all I can remember right now
The problem with giving my own vote right now is due to the fact that it's been only like a few days I've seen you back in VSH.

Because of this I'll stay neutral for now and try to focus more on what you're doing
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I've come to the decision to retract my application. I simply don't have what it takes to be an admin here anymore and it's been made clear.

I was under some delusion that I would one day return a better admin than I was and I would be given that chance. After looking at the other applicants feedback it's clear I never stood a chance to make it.

Thanks to all those who supported me and took the time to read my application and respond positively, it brought me alot of joy seeing so much support at first.

I would love to be an admin again but others deserve it more and I don't want to stand in their way.

We had our talk in private so you know what's my opinion.
You're always welcome in the server, remember :3: And thanks anyway for applying, we all appreciate it anyway.

The application is officially retracted.
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