Declined JB NY + Trade Application (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2015
Your name and/or nickname
Husky / ✮ zannc

Your age

Who gave you permission to apply?
Not Needed

Your Steam32 ID

Your general online times and your timezone
Holidays - Online as much as I can
Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UTC+00:00)

Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?
NY Jailbreak & Trade #25 - In the case of multiple calls from one server I will try to handle the situation if I have basic knowledge of the rules.

Do you have a microphone?
I do

Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator
Moderator / Admin in Training - KDG Sep 1, 2016 - Resigned Jul 3, 2017
Trial Admin - Panda Community Aug 9, 2017 - Resigned Jan 20, 2018
/ Admin in Training - KDG May 26, 2018 - Resigned Jun 26, 2018

Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?
I know pretty much all the commands that were available to me during my time as admin although I will probably need a refresher for the JB commands

Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
Although I have made a mess not too long ago, hopefully that will be behind us and in the past... I don't plan on getting perm banned from the forums and or servers.
Now to the question at hand, NY is lacking in admins and Travis can't handle it all by himself as evident by all the calls, reports and conversations ingame. I already have previous experience, and for a person who technically didn't have a mentor, I believe I done pretty well dealing with everything from 3 servers

Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.

General Rules

Chat / Microphone Spam

- Warning
- 240 minutes
- 720 minutes
- 2880 minutes
- 4320 minutes
- 10080 minutes
- Permanent

Offensive Language / Insulting

- 240 minutes
- 720 minutes
- 2880 minutes
- 4320 minutes
- 10080 minutes
- Permanent

Call Abuse

- 240 minutes
- 720 minutes
- 2880 minutes
- 4320 minutes
- 10080 minutes
- Permanent


Record Demo / Shadowplay
- 99999 minutes
- Permanent - Banned by Gameserver Admin with evidence of hacking

Advertising Hacks
If the player is caught advertising real hacks like LMAOBOX; the punishments are below

- Evidence like GameME / Demo / Shadowplay
- 99999 minutes
- Permanent - Banned by Gameserver Admin with evidence of hacking

Begging for items

- 240 minutes
- 720 minutes
- 2880 minutes
- 4320 minutes
- 10080 minutes
- Permanent

Jailbreak Rules

The player(s) freekilled will be respawned

- Warning + Slay
- 240 minute guard ban
- 720 minute guard ban
- 2880 minute guard ban
- 4320 minute guard ban
- 10080 minute guard ban
- Permanent

This section receives more chances as baiting is not as serious as freekilling etc etc meaning that it is not harming any red in such a way as to ruin the round completely

- Warning + Slay
- Warning + Slay
- 240 minute guard ban
- 720 minute guard ban
- 2880 minute guard ban
- 4320 minute guard ban
- 10080 minute guard ban
- Permanent

No microphone on blu team

Warning to change team + Slay
- Permanent (If player doesn't change team etc etc)

Sabotaging Round

240 minute guard ban
- 720 minute guard ban
- 2880 minute guard ban
- 4320 minute guard ban
- 10080 minute guard ban
- Permanent


Warning + Slay
- 240 minute guard ban
- 720 minute guard ban
- 2880 minute guard ban
- 4320 minute guard ban
- 10080 minute guard ban
- Permanent

Trade Rules

Player Blocking

If the player is blocking teleports with their playermodel; the punishments are below

- Warning + Slay
- 240 minutes
- 720 minutes
- 2880 minutes
- 4320 minutes
- 10080 minutes
- Permanent

- Jailbreak GameME
- Trade GameME
- Jailbreak Sessions
- Trade Sessions
- Jailbreak Chat
- Trade Chat
- Bans
- Communication Bans
- Previous Application 1
- Previous Application 2

Just gonna tag @alperrt @Da Random @Zeprus @Magglet @Racer911-1 @Travis
Cool guy, would recommend. Honestly at this point we're starved for admins/mods/whateverthefuck on the NY Jailbreak so much as so that you might as well call the place a "Concentration Camp for Reds".
As stupid as he is applying for jb, thus willingly sacrificing his mental health
You wanna fight boss? Jk c:

Anyways like everyone else said I don't have a reason to not +1 so eh.

+1 have a nice day.
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