Declined [JB] LR idea - Sentry and Cloak day (1 Viewer)

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
Here me out on this LR idea:

For one round, RED Engineers and RED Spies are allowed to build Sentries and use their cloak, respectively, provided they get ammo first of course.

I think this might give an interesting spin on rebelling, while also restraining it to prevent it from getting too out of hand.
Cloak and Dagger spies : Let me introduce myself

All in all i think this is another entire stupid fucking idea unless we allow blus to build sentries and such too but then again there is just one guy building a sentry and blus cant even destroy it and arguably reds barely stand a chance against that.

This will most likely be abused to delay.
  • Agree
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1. Why is it only Engi and Spies that get a buff and all the other characters get nothing
2. this will ABSOLUTELY result in camping whether it be an engi(s) turtling or a spy using C&D and hiding the entire round after getting ammo
3. This as an LR is also just very niche since a spy or engi has to rebel, get ammo, then not die before they either set up or decloak to kill warden
restraining it to prevent it from getting too out of hand.
4. Its an LR, the whole point is to be able to do something you want or something that can't normally done. imagine if we made it so in RTD day you could only RTD once

as a whole its just way to unpractical of an LR to be able to do anything since it only targets 2 classes and makes them rebel JUST to have the LR actually do anything
Please, for the sake of your reputation stop posting shitty suggestions as soon as they come to your mind. Most of these aren’t very well thought out either, and lack proper planning prior to your postings. Just do better research when thinking up suggestions, because most all of yours have been to the point of illogical, I’d have someone give a second opinion before posting another. From my pov it’s just you mindlessly posting stuff to post it.
What I will say is that being that restrictions can be placed on weapons to prevent cloak and dagger abuse,. I still think that this isn’t a worthwhile lr as it wouldn’t be picked, and is kinda pointless, especially for the cost of time for its implementation.
Please, for the sake of your reputation stop posting shitty suggestions as soon as they come to your mind. Most of these aren’t very well thought out either, and lack proper planning prior to your postings. Just do better research when thinking up suggestions, because most all of yours have been to the point of illogical, I’d have someone give a second opinion before posting another. From my pov it’s just you mindlessly posting stuff to post it.
Point taken. I do try to think about the scenarios and how it may not work first, I just don't think thoroughly enough.
Dont Decline it semi..... just hear me out on this one....

Why dont we just give them the ability the moment they spawn!!!! That would be so funny
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