Jailbreak Rule (2 Viewers)


New Member
Aug 3, 2017
"Prisoners who want to earn the Last Request should not try to trick the Warden or nitpick.
This means you will enter the Red area of the minigame you have to enter and stand on the place you are supposed to stand like standing on the actual yellow line and not on a carpet with a yellow stripe on it or a Yellow line far away on the map."

So I was wondering if this means your kos if you go the farther away yellow line when it isn't specified or if the warden doesn't have to specift
If I understand your question right, you're asking if the warden says something along the lines of "All reds go to the yellow line" and then a player goes to the yellow line in like, lets say, arena, then that player would be KOS as it is nitpicking. This means just being a smart ass and doing things like spraying down a yellow line in your cell and saying "oh i'm on the line" or going to the blue area of a minigame instead of the red side.
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im following the " stop being a smartass " side. like... i count it as detouring and delaying.
I'm not really sure, but when trey said'all reds bombrush to the yellow line", they did not state which yellow line, so you can probably say that they freekill you. e.g "all reds afk freeze upon reaching my marker" they did not say by when must you compell to their order, so i suppose that you can also report them?
I'm not really sure, but when trey said'all reds bombrush to the yellow line", they did not state which yellow line, so you can probably say that they freekill you. e.g "all reds afk freeze upon reaching my marker" they did not say by when must you compell to their order, so i suppose that you can also report them?
As state above, it is sorta nitpicking and will count as delaying. So, I wouldn't count the former as a freekill.
As for the latter, I... didn't quite understand what you mean by "did not say by when".
Post were made 6months ago, one of the best bumps I’ve ever seen :~)

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