Hot Jailbreak takes (1 Viewer)

Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
Gimme your hottest, juiciest, spiciest Jailbreak takes.

Here's mine:
- Spacejail is an overrated and mediocre map.
- Opst is a pretty good map.
- Oranger's boss fight isn't very good, especially when compared to other Jailbreak bossfights such as the one on Volcano (I'M SORRY SEMI).
- Hunger games is the worst of the day LRs because it almost always revolves around teaming (unless the custom LR says "no teaming") and half the REDs go Medic.
- Cargo's climb, while visually okay, isn't very fun (AGAIN SORRY SEMI).
- Spy vs. Spy was a fun map and shouldn't have been removed from the map rotation.
- RED Snipers ruin Hide and Seek, not make it more fun.
- Cargo's climb, while visually okay, isn't very fun (AGAIN SORRY SEMI).
I didn't make cargo, no need to apologize...

- Spy vs. Spy was a fun map and shouldn't have been removed from the map rotation.
While I enjoyed the visual style of the map (hence why I ported it to begin with) the map just wasn't designed for tf2. The map's games were pretty generic with the only standouts being deathcrate and surf. The map also doesn't have a very good layout for tf2, as many of the areas do not connect with eachother meaning the map can be hard to assault the guards on. The resizing of the players in order to combat the fact that the tf2 hitboxes are bigger than cs:s hitboxes ended up causing players to take huge amounts of knockback from all damage, and it would break the tiny mann lr. Spy vs spy could be good with a remake but I have other things I'd rather do at the moment.

- Oranger's boss fight isn't very good, especially when compared to other Jailbreak bossfights such as the one on Volcano (I'M SORRY SEMI).
Beats the underjail one.
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Gimme your hottest, juiciest, spiciest Jailbreak takes.

Here's mine:
- Spacejail is an overrated and mediocre map.
- Opst is a pretty good map.
- Oranger's boss fight isn't very good, especially when compared to other Jailbreak bossfights such as the one on Volcano (I'M SORRY SEMI).
- Hunger games is the worst of the day LRs because it almost always revolves around teaming (unless the custom LR says "no teaming") and half the REDs go Medic.
- Cargo's climb, while visually okay, isn't very fun (AGAIN SORRY SEMI).
- Spy vs. Spy was a fun map and shouldn't have been removed from the map rotation.
- RED Snipers ruin Hide and Seek, not make it more fun.
-Jailbreak Suxs
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-Volcano is a great map
-The quality of a Jailbreak map should also consider the amount of chaos that it naturally contains. Basically, maps that do not contain much room for chaos or for alternative escape routes are boring and lose quality points as a result. Maps like Alkatraz would be like a 9/10 for me not only because of the solid map design and the variety of solid minigames, but also because of Putin and the number of different methods of escape. Although it might get to absurd levels with that one, because there could be seen to be too many win conditions.
-I think battle boats in the new hop was a mistake. The deathrun is arguably one of the defining aspects of the old hop. The launchpad and pretty much everything else is amazing or a continuity of old hop.
-Underjail should return when fixed. It was a visually stunning map in comparison to some of the others.
-Warden should be allowed to give orders to guards in the same vein as reds.
-People who constantly talk for no reason are worse than mfkers.
-The fact that there isn’t a teleport command is really dumb and a bigger deal than you think.
-When the worst people are on, Warden dying is the worst thing that can happen on a round.
-Just because a map is overplayed doesn’t discredit it from being picked.
-On average there aren't enough escape spots for reds across all maps.
-If people learn how to play Snowday remade, it could easily be one of the best maps in rotation.
-Hop v8 should be removed, deathrun isn't that big of a miss.
-You should be allowed to ghost delayers.
-Delayers are as bad as freekillers.
-Admins that join and do their “funny” commands are just so forced and cringe, 2 admins are exempt from this.
-Cyberbullying happens way too easily on jailbreak and isn’t dealt with enough.
-There isn't enough being nice on JB, which is really bad.
-Majority of the player base is way too easily vile to people they don't even know and it's gross.
-Reds who scream for someone to slay should get gagged.
-If Albany had minecraft or Mario textures, it would be one of the most played maps.
-Guards should have mini crits once warden locks.
-Freedays are dumb and are used by reds to get free ego-boosting rebel kills.
-Admins should be forced to slay all reds once warden dies and certain time has passed until Redux is added.
-There should be a playtime plug-in for guard, this can be coded considering there’s already a time plug-in for teambans.
-A bad warden is someone who is clearly inept at giving orders and the role in general. Not someone who doesn’t revolve around your mini-game preference.
-Admins don’t use csay enough.
-The majority of admins do not have an actual passion for jailbreak and are too fixated on enforcing rules rather than improving the game.
-Forum polls don’t represent the actual player base. Night and Soviet getting added and being one of the least played maps is EMBLEMATIC of this situation.
-Volcano should be removed, not because the map is bad but because of how panda jb works.
-People who overtalk aren’t dealt with enough.
-Normalise not blaming blues when reds die to a minigame at no fault of the blues.
-Reds deserve more rights than they currently do.
-Pyros airblast on blue is straight-up broken and should be removed.
-The rule on bad mics should be enforced a little more strictly.
-Map-ending secrets should be more common.
-Underjail has the potential to be an amazing map and it deserves a second chance once it's fixed.
- Disco is a waste of space on a map. Albany and carcerem exception.
- If you're gonna add a disco at least add like 10 songs.
-Music in minigames should be more prevalent.
-Theatre should be banned
-Disco should be banned.
-Diner should be banned.
-there are not enough minigames to accommodate a smaller amount of reds
-Banning soccer trivia says a lot about how people play JB.
- panda should use in-game votes somehow
-Reds should be allowed to double jump
-Stormfront is the best map in rotation but should have its name change for the white supremacy stuff.
-Orangers rare rounds mechanic is the coolest thing I have ever seen in a jailbreak map and has crazy potential.
-Panda JB is severely behind other communities
-Toxicity on the forums should be treated more seriously.
-Lazy wardens and bad guards have severely ruined the reputations of several maps, it's how they're being played rather than the actual map's design.
-One of the most popular maps in rotation literally has zero rng games, this is proof the vast majority of people prefer skill-based games over luck-based ones.
-JB regulars are so weirdly scared to change for no real reason.
-Saying "retard" should be treated way more seriously than it currently is.
-Maps that have elements that could be considered discriminatory or gross shouldn't be making it into the rotation, IE Aquarium and the oven.
-JB players mentioning the color of demomans skin was funny at first but now it's just a weird racist thing that should be against the rules.
-There is a lot of discrimination that flies under the radar of everyone on JB.
-Sexual sprays aren't that bad, who cares.
-Trivia is first reaction last reaction because of how braindead the questions asked are.
-Unfair trivia is the worst death request.
-Warden should be forced to partake in death request if possible.
-Death request timer should start the moment someone says it.
-There arent enough LRs.
-Night time maps are bad.
-District is the best looking map.
-Someone put their time and effort for FREE to make a map, JB players should be way more sympathetic towards this.
-The rules are inconsistent in several areas.
-The orders before doors opening rule only serves to help rule breakers and is counterintuitive to the game.
Jb hot take
The gamemode is overrated but is very occasionally fun with the right players and some fun admins
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-Diner should be banned.
Diner should not be banned, it is a fun game that allows the blus to do a minigame with a small number of reds, and also it is just fun in general, if diner is banned most people would be upset and there would be a smaller number of games that the blus can do with a smaller number of reds, which is one of your complaints in this post.
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Hi there
  • The new maps are not heavy friendly with minigames
  • Blues need damage falloff idc how you do it, but 3x dmg shortstop no falloff is insane.
  • Blue pyros should not have air blast
  • Cargo is the best map to date, fun hns, lots of skill based games, looks great. Although open, you can still pretty easily rebel. Your pc being a potato is not a valid reason to hate it imo, sell your 200$ unusual and buy a new gpu.
  • HopJB11 is objectively better than HopJB8 the removal of death run is made up for by so many additions that are fantastic.
  • +use needs to be disabled
  • roulette on hop should be a banned mini game
  • We need to use whatever ff plug-in they use on slender fortress pregame, ours has trashy hitreg for most weapons. (You can whip a teammate, get boost, but no damage like cmon)
  • Minicrits are more balanced than crits
  • Prophunt would make a great lr on any map.
  • Heavy tauntkills are the best way to rebel.
  • Admins should be able to teleport respawned players
  • @Bananawastaken specifically should have to ask permission to apply for admin
  • Ammoglitchers should be teambanned off red.
  • @ThatFatPanda should stop being borderline racist trying to be funny and apply for admin
  • Jailbreak is more fun not knowing who everyone is.
  • Ban disco
  • Simon says is underrated as a blue
  • Free day for others is so boring since it’s either an instant fail round with no gratification of effective rebelling, or it’s a normal round without any cool twists.
  • Hide and seek with FF should not be prohibited.
  • More shoot through windows needed, I like taunt killing through them.
  • Wrap assassin with 24+ reds is frighteningly op, especially since it can hit buttons
  • Playing the same thing over and over gets boring even for the blues
  • Just because you rtv a certain map a lot of the time doesn’t mean it is useless, sometimes going to a certain map like those is good.
  • Stop voting maps you dislike.
  • Finish boot camp
Rewardening isnt back, its unwardening, if warden dies, same old same old
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