Forum Suggestions? (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 4, 2012

does anyone have any suggestions for the forums?
like what should be changed/added/deleted etc.
plx tell meh :3 :fluttershy:

PS: yeah i know that the thread is in the wrong category :D:
Add a MLP related style for the forums.
Selecting styles can be done at the bottom of the forums where it says "Change style".
DanEdward123' said:
Add a MLP related style for the forums.
Selecting styles can be done at the bottom of the forums where it says "Change style".
Oh yeah, also fix the forum styles, they don't save for me and always reset to the default green.
Didixo ' said:
-Delete Pony emoticons
+Add me as an Admin

+1 +1 +1
You misspelled everything wrong.
You meant this; Add more Pony emoticons and ban u.
^-^ :derpy:
-Completing the rules of each servers or allow admin to edit the thread if Kevin doesn't have the time :

-As Danny said, it would be great if we could change entirely the style of the forum by choosing a change style.
For example, if I click to "change style" then I click to "Xmas panda", I will have a background with some pandas wearing a christmas hat or something like this and the colour will change to red. That's just an example.

-A thread who tell us all the available commands for members, then for donator, admin, etc.
If there is a command who don't work in all servers, we just have to tell where it work.
For example : !rtv (saxton hale, deathrun, etc).

-A thread which explain how to play in each server section, because there is people who don't know some game in the servers.
For example, in Deathrun section : You have been damned and you appeared in a strange world. Run, before the death catch you...!
How to play

1st mode : There is someone hidden who activate some traps to kill you and your comrades. You have to run, pass obstacles and dodge the traps until you reached the end of the map, then you'll win and there will be a surprise at the end (=choosing how to kill the scavenger).
2nd mode : You are the scavenger, the death ! You just have to activate the traps at the good moment by hitting the button who correspond to the trap, the goal is to kill everyone until there is nobody alive. If you fail the mission, you will die in atrocious and humiliating circumstances.

Those are just suggestions, I tell it because I know that there is some people who like to reprimand someone who did a suggestion ._.
That's it allfather

Electrod' said:
-Add a section in the forum where we can talk about everything.
Let me introduce you to the Off-Topic section, don't worry, he's nice.
Didixo ' said:
Electrod' said:
-Add a section in the forum where we can talk about everything.
Let me introduce you to the Off-Topic section, don't worry, he's nice.
lol, yeah sorry, edited.
Also, there are forum styles (it just changes the colors) if you scroll to the bottom, on the right next to the time you can change the style.
Didixo ' said:
Also, there are forum styles (it just changes the colors) if you scroll to the bottom, on the right next to the time you can change the style.
Yep, I saw that, but what I meant was about the grey background, if we could change it too when we click in "change style", but I don't know if it's possible.
I tried my best at understanding.. Yet I failed, I would be thankful if someone explained to me why in the world does the forum have snow..? I've never heard of a North Pole Panda.. Nor one Panda's Little Helper...
Bottom line, IMO snow is annoying.

EDIT: whenever you change the style *exclude green* the icon of the site becomes grey instead of the chosen style color.
IceStick' said:
I tried my best at understanding.. Yet I failed, I would be thankful if someone explained to me why in the world does the forum have snow..? I've never heard of a North Pole Panda.. Nor one Panda's Little Helper...
Bottom line, IMO snow is annoying.

EDIT: whenever you change the style *exclude green* the icon of the site becomes grey instead of the chosen style color.
The forum has the snowing effect because it's winter, therefore it fits the weather ( except Germany, I don't have any snow here ;-; )
Didixo ' said:
IceStick' said:
I tried my best at understanding.. Yet I failed, I would be thankful if someone explained to me why in the world does the forum have snow..? I've never heard of a North Pole Panda.. Nor one Panda's Little Helper...
Bottom line, IMO snow is annoying.

EDIT: whenever you change the style *exclude green* the icon of the site becomes grey instead of the chosen style color.
The forum has the snowing effect because it's winter, therefore it fits the weather ( except Germany, I don't have any snow here ;-; )
Then.. When summer comes, will you add small falling tornadoes? :3 That doesn't make sense.. Never mind.
We also don't have Snow here in Israel, :(
Maybe i can make some backgrounds to certain styles? i would like to
Girasim' said:
We also don't have Snow here in Israel, :(
Maybe i can make some backgrounds to certain styles? i would like to
Must... not.... make jew joke......... MUST......... NOT.........BE RACIST.......
Electrod' said:
-Completing the rules of each servers or allow admin to edit the thread if Kevin doesn't have the time :

-As Danny said, it would be great if we could change entirely the style of the forum by choosing a change style.
For example, if I click to "change style" then I click to "Xmas panda", I will have a background with some pandas wearing a christmas hat or something like this and the colour will change to red. That's just an example.

-A thread who tell us all the available commands for members, then for donator, admin, etc.
If there is a command who don't work in all servers, we just have to tell where it work.
For example : !rtv (saxton hale, deathrun, etc).

-A thread which explain how to play in each server section, because there is people who don't know some game in the servers.
For example, in Deathrun section : You have been damned and you appeared in a strange world. Run, before the death catch you...!
How to play

1st mode : There is someone hidden who activate some traps to kill you and your comrades. You have to run, pass obstacles and dodge the traps until you reached the end of the map, then you'll win and there will be a surprise at the end (=choosing how to kill the scavenger).
2nd mode : You are the scavenger, the death ! You just have to activate the traps at the good moment by hitting the button who correspond to the trap, the goal is to kill everyone until there is nobody alive. If you fail the mission, you will die in atrocious and humiliating circumstances.

Those are just suggestions, I tell it because I know that there is some people who like to reprimand someone who did a suggestion ._.
That's it allfather

added to the todo list bananebuddy
Didixo ' said:
DanEdward123' said:
Add a MLP related style for the forums.
Selecting styles can be done at the bottom of the forums where it says "Change style".
Oh yeah, also fix the forum styles, they don't save for me and always reset to the default green.
it changes sometimes because when you logout or clear your cookies it will make the green one as default because its the default style and the other ones are just optional but in your profile settings you should be able to set it perm. (not sure)
Saxton Hale' said:
saying misspelled and wrong in the same sentence seems wrong to me.

It's the principle of tautology.

+1 on the explanation of server game modes.
Perhaps a server /rules command or something similar that displays the server's basic rules for the gamemod.
I think I should take the job of writing the Game mode explination of JB.

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