Accepted Fenrir's apply (1 Viewer)

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Apr 4, 2015
- Your name and/or nickname: Fenrir.

- Your age: 21.

- Who gave you permission to apply?: Madact.

- Your Steam2 ID: STEAM_0:0:100909513.

- Your general online times and your timezone: I'm online from 15:00 - 20:00 everyday. Sometimes I'm staying for even longer. Timezone - UTC.

- Which of our servers do you usualy play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of server in case of a report?: Usualy I'm playing on TF2 #09 [Deathrun] and I do wish to apply for it. If needed, I would make an "inquisition" to the other Panda servers.

- Do you have a microphone? Sadly, no, and I'm not gonna get it.

- Your pervious experience as Admin or Moderator: Yeah, back in the Minecraft days, I used to be an admin of a minigame server. I quitted it, because the community started to be very sexist and abusive agnist me.

- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?: Unfortune, no, but I am a fast learner. I have friends who were admins/are still admins of Panda's Community.

- Why should we choose you to be part of our team? Well, a lot of players know me and recognize me on sight. My english is at a good level. When I make a mistake, I'm correcting it. Besides, I'm one of the oldest people in the community.

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments: I would never be a racist/abusive/rude kind of person to anyone. If banning is necessary, then I do it, but I would mostly avoid it. In case of other things:

1) Spam: Two warnings, if that person continues: Kick.
2) Chat Spam: Yet again, two warnings, if that person continues: Gag.
3) Mic Spam: Music and/or foregin language is going to be double warned, and if no reaction is given: Mute.
4) Hacking: Checking with spectator if that's true. If it is, then I'll record it, and permban. If it isn't, then I'll give a warning to the person who said that the given person is hacking, if it happens again: Temporary Ban.
5) Racism: Double warning, then the famous ol' Mute.
6) Advertising other communities: Double warning, then, as noone can guess: Mute.
7) Bhop skip(Deathrun plague): Killing the bhopper, if the person continues to do it multiple times: Kick.
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Welp, I derped :confused:
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I don't know if I can comment since i'm still in trial, but I would say that: He is a very nice guy, respectful and funny at the same time.It's a pleasure playing with him, never broke a rule. He made also a well written app. I can only give my +1
I've played with you a lot lately on Deathrun and I see you there almost every time I am there (the times you're not is at crazy mornings or night when I am secretly up). I see you as a well-experienced player and a very necessary person to be on our team. Not only are you very well-experienced, I've never seen you break a rule (just being a little dirty sometimes, but that's okay! :p) and you are also really, really and now I mean REALLY active. Since early March you've actually been on every day, which I admire. All positive sides from me, if I say so myself. Only issue I can see here is the dirty stuff going too far, but I am really sure you are not going to do anything stoopid. :) For me, it's a +1
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Mixed spam, both in voicechat and chat. I've seen it happen sometimes.
There's a command called !silence which blocks the targeted user from using both text and voicechat. I'd say that's much better than kicking, since he just can start to spam both again and you'll have to kick him until he gets tired of it.

Overall I think it's a great app. I have played with you on deathrun and you're a really nice person, I would have no problem with having you in the team. +1 from me, and a good luck.
EDIT: I just found out how to check chat logs as well (thanks for not telling me, admins (didn't ask so I don't blame you)) and I checked yours. As stated, there is some dirty stuffs but I don't really see any bad thing about it. Chat history pretty clean. Still sticking to +1 :D
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I'm happy with what I see from her currently. Seems mature and I've talked to her now and then previously so I'm pretty much happy with her behavior .
Apparently you where previously known to bhop skip & exploit and I'm hoping that will not be an issue anymore or that is not true.
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+1 from me too then. Fenrir is Very active and freindly, I believe she would be a good addition to the DR staff, good luck.
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@Redspike @Madact, we have to excuse ourselves because neither of us noticed how she is actually a female, guys. :( I noticed this before I posted, though. gg guyz
I am very picky when it comes to those stuff. I stand for equality and stuff ya know, so it's pretty big dealio to me.
No, everyone should be labelled by "property of iCreepz, if changed you will stand trial to a person that has a little more permission than you, no offense".
yush, accepted :pandastunned:
welcome in da teamz, your mentor will be @Madact , if you have any questions feel free to ask any other admins or directly me :p
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