Double Standards (1 Viewer)


Jun 29, 2014
Enough is enough. I waited long time before I joined the forum just now to write about a major problem I see at the dodge-ball-server. I hoped it would go away but recent events made it clear to me that it’s time to bring this up here.
I’m a regular player at the db-server for quite a while already. Most of the Players there will know me.

I try to have fun playing the game. Following the rules. I don’t say that I never steal or stole a rocket but everybody knowing my playing style will have to agree that I’m mostly in the Corners and only take somebody else’s rocket if I’m forced to (coming to my face or somebody is going to orbit into me)

Needless to say: if there are no admins online there are a lot of stealers at the server; mostly noobs who don’t know better but also some regular players. Nothing to do about it I guess.

But what really is alarming is if some player thinks he does not have to follow the rules because the admin is obviously his friend. Worse! That the admin in question really just cheers if his friend is blocking me and others and is effectively / excessively stealing.
This did not just happen a few times. It's always if this Player is online , it's going on for quite a while and it is highly disturbing.

Today again. Both online and when I explicitly asked this admin for help he denied that he is admin and left the game!!! The player in question just continued to block, troll and steal.
I won’t name the players here at the moment…but you know who u are.

Generally I have greatest respect for admins and for instance Evo and Illikal do a great job in a fair way.
But obviously not all are mature enough to be admin I guess.

My point: rules should be followed and ENFORCED no matter if the involved Players are friends of the admin or not.
Double standards and admin abuse won’t work in favor of the server.

This thread got my eye, because all of the hypocrisy it has.
Hmm, lets start with this: when I first started seeing you on the server, actively, you were pretty annoying, with all your "this is my corner" stuff, although sometimes I did spawn closer to the left corner of spacebox, you still annoyed me, going behind me, and I'm pretty positive you know the rest of the drill.
You're mostly quiet, except when you..
"26 Jun 2014 20:32:03dont steal fucker"
I can understand your anger, but you were kind of "harsh" when I was on my alt. Respect the rules, Respect players.
"white let me guess... secondary account of smb perma banned?"
Ah, also found this
25 Jun 2014 23:53:40asshole TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 23:52:20assassin STAY TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 23:51:51not TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 23:50:16assassin fuck TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 23:46:23what an TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 23:35:31fuck ur TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
As long as I know, strong language isn't tolerated, is it?
Hypocrisy won't work in your favor either!
All rules must be respected equally, therefore, if you want people to follow the rules, follow them yourself.

On a side note, here's my "personal" opinion about you, you never say "please stop stealing", as a matter of fact, you've never used the word "please" to talk with a player in your whole chatlog! What? Don't players deserve respect?

As your thread suggests, you have the greatest respect for admins, which means that you either have less respect for players, or you have no respect whatsoever for them.

Please, do reply and let me know what you think, I'm glad to take this here, to clear everything with you, since I kind of hate your childish acts. I'd love to hear your opinion about me, since when I told you who I am, when I was known as White, you suddenly stopped flaming and just said "shut up"
26 Jun 2014 00:06:21shut TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
26 Jun 2014 00:04:30! TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
26 Jun 2014 00:04:29white let me guess... secondary account of smb perma banned? TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
26 Jun 2014 00:03:29! TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
26 Jun 2014 TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 23:59:23dont even know TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
25 Jun 2014 23:59:11whats ur problem? TF2 #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]

From that, I conclude, you don't respect those that you don't know, not saying that you respect those whom you know.
Dear Icestick,
Yup, we know each other quite a while and I do respect you as a strong player.

Not exactly sure what you want to achieve with your post.. Questioning my credibility? Suggesting that this did not happen?

Since you have more than one account, as you admitted, you easily could be one of the players in question? How do I know? Well that’s cyberspace.

You wonder why I was ‘harsh’ to “white”? The aggressive blocking way he/you played reminded me of “mephisto” who is perma banned for that. Sorry, my wrong.

I do believe my comments you posted from that chat log are not stronger worded than what other players write as well. And my anger is always directed against stealers, blockers and trolls. So please forgive me if I get indeed annoyed. Btw I do say “please” sometimes, you just did not copy those.

I don’t pretend that I’m perfect. But I try to play correct, following the rules.

Well, all this has very little to do with my post above.

If I ask an admin – who is online and very well following what happens - to take action against a repeated blocker, body blocker, stealer and troll I would hope to get a different reply than “I’m not an admin” and “xxxxxx left the game”
The same admin would slay other players after one or two steals.

So it would be nice to focus on providing fair play for everybody.
Without further ado, let's get started shall we?

I'll blow confidentiality out of the water since I'll destroy it later anyway.
I am the admin in question, and Rolf is the player in question:
A lot of this is contradictory,
"greatest respect for admins" - "noodl is useless as always"
-Wishes for fair play overall - disrespects and insults others, including me on my alt.

This would be valid, if you didn't exaggerate how often you stole, I'll grant you don't block too often, but you do steal a lot, and you may claim that you do it to protect yourself, but upon several occasions, standing in the center of the map, or fairly open ground, is not stealing to protect, you have WASD, if you keep having to steal to survive, you should probably move. Calling people that steal/block/orbit into you idiots, retards, faggots or whatever you might say isn't appropriate to the situation.

Regarding my 'double standards'


I banned Rolf, the player in question, I also slay him quite a bit. But you also stole from him several times, and were jumping into him trying to counter block, don't expect a suitable response when you try and return it. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. (I love idioms). If I tell Rolf to stop, he does, if he doesn't, I kick him, THEN he stops. He HAS had a punishment, and if it wasn't for his discipline in stopping when requested, he'd have a further ban. When I was on with my alt, he was being very very close to me, he denied it was 'blocking' as such, but asked if I disliked his 'butt sniffing' to which I replied yes, and he stayed a distance away from me afterwards. This is discipline when required. The difference is here, people do it intentionally to you, not as a joke, but for spite.

"You wonder why I was ‘harsh’ to “white”? The aggressive blocking way he/you played reminded me of “mephisto” who is perma banned for that. Sorry, my wrong."
OWAIT, THAT WAS ME, I PERMABANNED HIM UEHUEHUEHU, look I did my job and you're accrediting it, I can go screenshot SourceBans if you so wish.

I wouldn't even try bringing maturity into this, let's observe, shall we?

29 Jun 2014 22:55:22 fuck u rolf
29 Jun 2014 22:43:49 for what? just fuck off and keep distance
28 Jun 2014 18:12:51 headshot FUCK OFF
28 Jun 2014 18:23:22 fucking idiot
25. Jun 2014 19:12:28 of course noodl using his rtd advantage - (more on me being an RTD hacker later)
25 Jun 2014 23:53:40 asshole die
24 Jun 2014 00:08:56 blocker fuck off
25 Jun 2014 22:21:08 noodl did NOT tell me to shut up. he did not say anything. useless as usual
- (Rolf was relaying messages to me, when I was away, I did say this to Rolf, strangely enough, I don't like to be bothered to come onto TF2 at 10:21 to stop a stealer.)
25 Jun 2014 22:45:40 switch noob
25 Jun 2014 22:49:38 switch noob
17. Jun 2014 21:53:38 happy with ur rtd hax?
17. Jun 2014 21:54:14 well never seen so many sentries and toxic like you , buster and evo
22 Jun 2014 21:59:51 looks like hax, he never orbits - (referral to another insane player who doesn't hack)
22 Jun 2014 19:17:50 whats wrong with u? retarded kid
22 Jun 2014 19:17:24 fucking idiot
18 Jun 2014 15:06:38 alwazs smb connects or leaving i get freey - constant paranoia he lags when someone RTDs or (dis)connects, blaming the 'shit server'
18 Jun 2014 11:03:43 dont block, noob
16 Jun 2014 17:51:46 iceskull , thats the 4th block u do on this map. wnat a ban?
16 Jun 2014 20:08:24 whz there is alwazs some noob close to me, no matter where i stand
15 Jun 2014 20:37:59 retard kid
15 Jun 2014 20:40:25i did not steal u retard
15 Jun 2014 20:49:21thats how team kill for retard trolls is done
14 Jun 2014 22:33:16 fucking blocker noob x1000000

Switches = noob
RTD = cheap
Downspike = ok

See the difference?

Let's get a little profile overview shall we?
Here's the session time we're looking at:

Lives on the server. Insults. You know the drill.

You can ask any of the regs from dodgeball, and the general consensus will be that you're hated, for your attitude, insults as shown above, even though I'm an admin, any human is subject to like and dislike, and although it shouldn't, impressions of a person DO come in to making subjective criteria for acting upon situations. This is why I'm less likely to do something for you, than I am for... IceStick, say, because he doesn't call me a hacker, a noob, or 'useless as always'. So you shouldn't expect me to slay 'stealing noobs' instantly as I join, if you're one yourself, that's just oxymoronic.

If no one knew, me, Evo and Ben (and even Buster who isn't even an admin or donator) are all RTD hackers, and we use our 'RTD advantage' to get cheap kills, and we always use our admin commands to get sentry and toxic.
Here's what forcertd looks like:

You know what normal RTD looks like, you never see me forcing toxic or sentry unless it's to joke with Ben, Buster or IceStick etc.

One final points before I end, or I'll just reiterate things others have/will say:
If you don't play on dodgeball you won't know the players, but you can still see the leaderboards. This brings us to the next point, #1 and #2. We believe that they are both the same person, if I'm mistaken, I apologise, but the behaviour is scarily alike that it can't go unmentioned or unnoticed. The other player we're referring to is Bubblehead, although they are allegedly from Limbach-Oberfrohna, and Chemnitz respectively, they share uncanny resemblance in the behaviour they exhibit:

-Both have some alterations of (stuff) after their name, not a big link, but it's another sign
-Both stand in the corner and point whore, even to kill dispensers, or people taunting etc, and scumbag for free points
-Both downspike excessively, earning the hated reputation
-Exact same playstyle
-Both run to the opposite side of the wall to post a spray
-Both have the same similar painful English in game - that's not a personal insult, just a note.
-Never have played together, and deny knowing each other, something I find impossible having 16 and 13 days playtime.
-Answers to "Boom" when Rolf addresses Bubblehead
-Both complain with the same arguments:
-Both believe I'm an RTD hacker
-Continuity errors:
Bubblehead {the @ne @nd @nly}: btw noodl, rolf is getting very agressive with blocking and stealing. can u do something about it?
MR BOOOOOM (yours truly): i told noodl about your playing style. he will talk to u
^Same day, about an hour or two apart

29 Jun 2014 19:01:31 fucking stealing noobs all the time
29 Jun 2014 18:53:53 and switching all the time is not cheap?
29 Jun 2014 18:01:06 retard muted
29 Jun 2014 17:58:03 laggy shit
28 Jun 2014 22:34:40 reported his spray. let valve deal with it - Boom said the same stuff
24 Jun 2014 22:59:57 stop ur rtd . cheap advantage
24 Jun 2014 23:01:13 well u always get sentry and toxic.
24 Jun 2014 23:01:39 so its not fair to players who dont have this advantage. DS everybody can
24 Jun 2014 23:28:34 that cheater rtd
28 Jun 2014 22:30:22 stealing noob
28 Jun 2014 22:24:06 stealing noob
22 Jun 2014 12:56:51 idiot why u place urself behind me
24 Jun 2014 22:03:48 blocking idiot
24 Jun 2014 22:01:43 noob taunt killer
21 Jun 2014 22:11:02 lag, smb joined
21 Jun 2014 22:58:30 fuckign stealer
20 Jun 2014 19:24:39 smb connects i get freez
20 Jun 2014 16:38:23 fuckers dont steal
19 Jun 2014 22:54:52 omg the legolas stealer noob - FEEEEEED MEEEEEEE
19 Jun 2014 19:30:42 you want to get banned here and by valve?
13 Jun 2014 23:58:43 what an fucking idiot
13 Jun 2014 23:49:34 bloody noob stealers
5 Jun 2014 17:47:15 blockin gnoob is ded
5 Jun 2014 18:15:36 bs u r STEALING all the time. can get banned for that

Could you tell they were logs from different people?

Regarding this, here's the 'other player' and their jolly old thread:
I'm sure you guys remember this.....

Regarding "asked this admin for help he denied that he is admin and left the game!!!"
I had my admin tag on, said "Nope I'm not" then followed by kicking myself away. If I'm doing other things, away from my PC, I don't want to be called up to do stuff, I DID pause what I was doing to ban an admin impersonator, THAT is more of a priority that a pesky player. Afterwards, I played a round or two, then left, to return to my real life, OWAIT, I HAVE ONE OF THOSE, THAT'S RIGHT. I was busy downstairs, learning a song on the piano, while baking a cake. I like to spend my weekends away from TF2 sometimes. Not commit to your mundane affairs that I shouldn't need worry about, when there are many other admins you could call to deal with this problem, I went to return to other things, several other admins were online and could have been called if Rolf bothered you truly.

Enforcing rules is also a subjective matter (see here:, different admins view things differently, personally I'm more lax that the others. If you wanted to 'enforce' rules like a dictator as you so wish to do, threatening with admin bans, we'd have literally no players left, since you'd ban them all for a couple steals/blocks, and you'd also be in that category, you've stolen and blocked an equal amount of times as those you wish to ban.

Last night you referred to both me, Ben and Evo as abusing our admin powers, when the only players on the server, past 1am, was the 3 of us, Buster, Swan, IceStick, yourself, Dovahkiin, Pyroman, Lemoor, Methvan and Pink. We were setting Ice on fire, timebombing him etc, none of which actually effected you, and yes, a lot of people were stealing including us 3, but at 1am, when the server is only populated with regular friends, some fun is allowed. Yes, fun.

To backup with an opinion from a very reg player:
"Well... he's a really irritating guy, who critizises everyone and everything, he has 3x more ego then me, and no life"
Sure that's a little bias, but your name alone carries plenty of negative, pessimistic connotations it's not even funny. THIS, is the kind of player-scale we're dealing with.

Now this, is how a good argument is structured, we use real evidence, from multiple sources, combining facts and evidence via screens, to subjective opinions from real players I asked.

Now I'm done because I've been writing for ages and I'm fairly positive I've covered most bases on my end regarding the first post.
We might go into Lockville fairly soon if this spirals out of diplomatic regions without reaching a conclusion, or being remotely on the right track.

I don't blame anyone for tl;dr.
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I'm not going to reply in detail to your post.
Since you chose to reply in the open (with basically just a ton of "I don't like you") there is no need to waste time.

I simply was truly disappointed and shocked about how you reacted – as an admin – to what happened today (or yesterday I should say).

You did see very well how Rolf played and I put it to you that you would slay me in an instant if I would dare to play like this just for a moment. That was the whole point of my post. Double Standards.

Regarding the old ds-thingy and all the 'hate' connected to it :). There is an easy solution. Either put up a non-ds rule or remove all the ds-maps. I see it as a tactic, just as directing or switching. Almost everybody does it anyway and everybody can learn how to counter-act.

The rtd advantage on the other hand – or more correct the excessive use of it – is IMO a bit unfair.
You don't have to agree but I think I'm entitled to my opinion :)
Cheers and good night
The thing is, I did not block you, I do not like blocking nor do I tolerate it, I was only using the chat, playing normally, you were the one downspiking on spacebox. I always stood by my team's side, didn't even go close to you.

How do you know that I wasn't one of those players of the "question" category? You don't! I act all the same on all of my accounts, only met you with White and Night.

Other people may be more aggressive than you, but they don't go on forums and post hypocritical posts.

I didn't find any "please" directed to another player in your past 1000 messages. Only two, directed to an admin.
I used the action "find" available in my Chrome browser, if that doesn't suit you, feel free to provide reliable proof of your statements to enlighten me.

Last but not least, please, don't say that I block, I never do that UNLESS someone does it to me, and I don't block them, I steal to kill them.
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"Since you chose to reply in the open (with basically just a ton of "I don't like you") there is no need to waste time."
Relatively little is "I don't like you" compared to what's there, the majority is accrediting myself contrary to the claims, and criticising the post's hypocrisy, that is all.

"The rtd advantage on the other hand – or more correct the excessive use of it – is IMO a bit unfair.
You don't have to agree but I think I'm entitled to my opinion :)"
I won't refute your opinion at all, we're all entitled to one, but what we're trying to home in on here is how you express it.

I very often ignore you stealing, if I acted every time you'd be slain a whole lot more. If we delve further into this it'll be backwards-forwards endlessly, so let's move on.

What you're missing in your argument is your desired resolution, you basically just posted your distaste for my actions, without any request for action or a resolution to be reached.

Regarding downspikes, another very subjective matter, if so many players discredit you for it, surely it's an active sign to stop.
The issue with DSing alongside pits and holes, is the worming of the rocket, along flat surfaces, that makes it bounce so many times will moving it's constantly moving in a dodgy angle that forces it in and out of hitboxes so quickly it's nigh impossible to predict its movements.

I'm off to sleep, seeing as it's 1:02, and I've got to wake up for college in 6 hours.
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Surely I am one of the admins that is oh so ignorant. I think enough proof has been put on the table so I won't bother looking up the countless amount of evidence that YOU are the most ignorant person here.

Let me tell you about how I see my tasks as an admin:

Everyone is a neutral person I don't know. They will be treated all in the same way. If someone is annoying or starts breaking rules, warn them and if that doesn't work: kick. I usually don't ban though. Now, I usually don't look at someone on a personal level, but when someone is so annoying and suck a "Dick" I just have to take it personal. As Noodl said, by no means will we fulfill your request of killing the stealers and blockers that bother mostly only you if you call us rtd hacker or noobs for not playing tryhard 24/7 like you do. I'm sorry that I join Dodgeball to have some fun with people and not to tryhard all day long. I generally like to be on Dodgeball to talk to people and create an even better playing atmosphere for all of us. But then, one day a person called Bubblehead joined also now known as MR BOOOOOOM who just ruined everything for me. At first, I was okay with you. The guy standing in the corner and taking all the kills. I was okay with that. I respected your playing style like everyone else. Then, the complaining started which lead to the first ban of Bubblehead.
I of course hated you for saying various things like:

-Where are your skills Ben. -(I don't tryhard all the time)
-Saying "I'm the best" indirectly all the time. -(You aren't and just because you are 1# and 2# place doesn't mean you are the best)
-Admin please ban him please ban that please ban this and that and this and that -(You might have been right, but me and noodl told you multiple times to say the NAMES. See that word??? And we can ban just anyone for stealing once or twice)
-I steal once from noodl as a joke or because I have to defend myself - Bubblehead: Admins steal more than me.
-RTD hackers
-Being happy because you are dominating us because we weren't playing seriously and bragging about it.
-I stand in the corner for 1 time (Usually never my position), you just spray your spray on the floor and stand right in front of me and steal. - I am defending myself
-Fuck you fuck this, retard, asshole, piss of, shit - (Insulting other people is fun isn't it?)
-Complain about lag everytime you die and complaining how the server is bad - (It's getting old and you know it's not the server yet you complain) Even though everyone does, you do it excessively.
- Here comes the big one! MrBOOOOOM: Switching noobs (Being disrespectful against admins), stop switching. - We tell you to not downspiking but it's a "tactic". Stating in your post above that you consider switching as a tactic as well, yet complaining about it EACH AND EVERY DAY THAT WE DO IT! Yet you do it yourself??????

Do you think after this list, that anyone would give a shit if someone blocked you or stole from you? NO. NO ONE WOULD! That's why absolutely everyone over the age of 12 despises you. And I mean absolutely everyone.

After Bubblehead came back after the ban, I thought you would have changed? I even killed the stealers around you thinking it'll be okay to play with you from now on. Nope, still being a disrespectful person like always, even starting the RTD hacking bullshit.

Honestly, yes I absolutely hate you in every way possible. The attitude that you bring with you is so disgusting. I can't even find right words to describe it.

Obviously the lack of common sense in your brain is way beyond anything that I have ever seen. I don't even know if you have a real life. I mean you play 6 hours a day. You basically live dodgeball.

Honestly I believe dodgeball is more than a game to you. On your ban complain that you posted (when your main account was still bubblehead) you said life goes on bla bla bla. Yet you came back to play 6 hours a day. Continuing to insult people and making up more stuff to make you admin and get rid of our rights. Sorry for disturbing your perfect life but it just happen to be that you disturbed ours. Do you really think we are bad admins? Compare the amount of people that say hello to us and to you. So yeah. Dodgeball without you was pretty much a nice place to relax and just have some fun with some guys around us. But every time you are on the server now I just refuse to join because I know there will be no fun. You love to ruin things don't you?

Honestly this whole post isn't about us giving privileges to people against you. It's more about: Is MrBOOOM a threat to the Dodgeball community. I know for a fact that many people from GoRaz and other people refuse to join Dodgeball because of you.

Think about what I said. And don't you dare come up with excuses and your stupid smiley face. I want to know how you feel about Dodgeball. Is it your life? I am ashamed that you are german as well. What a disgrace to our country. Everyone who knows me well knows that I usually don't really hate anyone. But this is just the tip of everything I have experienced in my life. We don't have to change, you have to in order for us to care about you. We care about everyone else! When I get a message from a person asking me to slay stealers, I will come. But why would I help someone like you? Why oh why??? You have done nothing wrong sure... Yet you have created a friction between Admin and personal level. And I'm about to explode.

I think I made it clear that the guy that has to change is you. But we all know that will never happen. It didn't happen the first time (Bubbleheads ban). Why would you ever change? It's the internet. Hope that you will finally experience that your attitude won't get you anywhere in real life Mr.

Have a nice day.
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Noodl, Icestick
The word hypocrisy was used a few times. I don’t see how this can possibly apply. As I wrote before I don’t claim to be perfect. Yes once a while I take somebody else’s rocket if I have to. But it’s not “often” as you claim, noodl.
Close to nothing at the square maps; sometimes at octagon because there is no corner and ppl love to ss there. You too steal sometimes; it’s unavoidable if you don’t want to die.

It’s also really not about stealing, or down-spiking or how many hours I chose to play at the server.
It’s about aggressive deliberate repeated bullying by one player. I don’t even mind the stealing if it’s happening at a fair distance and not at body-blocking level. Rolf loves to do this with me but he is doing this to other players as well.
Noodl, I hope you remember that I told you very nicely several weeks back that Rolf is playing very aggressive, blocking, body blocking etc.
You said you would talk to him. But obviously the message did not come through.
Others have been banned for exactly this kind of “playing” (Mephisto etc).
I don’t want him banned. He is basically a good player and obviously your friend.
So please tell him to back off and let other players play without those personal aggressive attacks and deliberate rule-breaking.

That’s all I ask for.

Regarding the DS. Please consider that I play TP and to have the best viewing angle I always look down a bit. So most of my “normal”rockets will be slight downspikes unless I deliberately up-spike. I'm sure you can see the difference when I'm intentional ds (what is not THAT often)
Bene, just read your post.
Not much time to reply. Because I do have in fact a life beside db.
Chill. That’s way too personal for an admin. Well I guess (hope) you would have taken action if you see somebody playing like rolf. Every good admin would.

You try to warp things here implying that I’m the problem? Because I expect people to follow the rules and ask admins that everybody should be treated fairly?

Point taken about my "offensive" chat comments. I will keep chat messages to a minimum in future.

But your post clearly shows that this is the wrong place to come to if there is a problem. Just another pile of “I hate you” personal gossip. Gosh that’s low. Wonder if you actually read anything I wrote above.

Sorry I spoiled Dodgeball for you. Well at least this sentence made my morning. Almost spilled my coffee.
Bene, just read your post.
Not much time to reply. Because I do have in fact a life beside db.
Chill. That’s way too personal for an admin. Well I guess (hope) you would have taken action if you see somebody playing like rolf. Every good admin would.

You try to warp things here implying that I’m the problem? Because I expect people to follow the rules and ask admins that everybody should be treated fairly?

Point taken about my "offensive" chat comments. I will keep chat messages to a minimum in future.

But your post clearly shows that this is the wrong place to come to if there is a problem. Just another pile of “I hate you” personal gossip. Gosh that’s low. Wonder if you actually read anything I wrote above.

Sorry I spoiled Dodgeball for you. Well at least this sentence made my morning. Almost spilled my coffee.
Ew you drink coffee.
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Honestly, I don't care how much a guy is hated. When someone steals from him or blocks him, you punish the person like you would everybody.

Noodl, you have to understand that if you say that you're not an admin and you leave, that that gives off a bad impression if someone is asking for your help. Even if "it's just Bubblehead", you have a duty. At least slay Rolf or explicitly warn him where everyone can see (did you do this? I can't be bothered looking back into that wall of text) and then say that you have to go. You should understand how a guy feels if that happens, no matter who it is.

Which brings me to this. I don't really disagree with anything else that's been said (some of which because I have experienced so little of it that I can't judge), but this:

"Do you think after this list, that anyone would give a shit if someone blocked you or stole from you? NO. NO ONE WOULD!"

From a moral point of view, no, nobody would care if it happened. It is still our duty to do something about it. Bubble shouldn't even be annoying anyone. If his chat is so bad, why does he still have the right to chat? If he is still stealing, what is he still doing on the server?

As I said, I've experienced pretty little of it, but it seems to me like you guys just aren't handling what he does very well. When a guy breaks rules continually like that, you have to be the better person. Don't lower yourself by letting people do whatever to him and not caring. Don't act immature about it.
So please tell him to back off and let other players play without those personal aggressive attacks and deliberate rule-breaking.

That’s all I ask for.

Now this is what I was looking for, a direct request for an action, which I can respect.

Certain opinions needed to be aired in such a thread, for whatever reason. The best you can do is try and accept the criticism regarding chatlogs etc.
noodl, evo,

thanks, I hope this is solved now. Just want to enjoy playing the game. not out for trouble
there is quite a bit offensive chat going on. Not (like you want to make people believe) -just from Booooom
Not even talking about gay-porn sprays some Players are using :)

I have just the right thing to add - to put things into perspective:
You can always report people who are breaking the rules. Whether it be over steam or via the forums.

Nobody is trying to make anyone believe that you are the only one insulting. Your insults were highlighted here because they were (thought to be) relevant, but nobody will deny that there is other insulting going on.
As I said, I've experienced pretty little of it, but it seems to me like you guys just aren't handling what he does very well. When a guy breaks rules continually like that, you have to be the better person. Don't lower yourself by letting people do whatever to him and not caring. Don't act immature about it.

Thing is, he never changes. I once told him pretty directly that the way he just is, is just absolutely disgusting. But he never listens anyways. Also, we do slay the stealers around him. I have no idea where the "admins don't do their jobs" comes from. The amount of stealers is just so huge, that most of the times when I join the server, kicking half of the server seems to be the only solution.

From a moral point of view, no, nobody would care if it happened. It is still our duty to do something about it. Bubble shouldn't even be annoying anyone. If his chat is so bad, why does he still have the right to chat? If he is still stealing, what is he still doing on the server.

That's true, we should have gagged him ages ago, never took any actions. Not sure why... Stealing is also a thing I will look at more closely. I know it was pretty bad in a few sessions and he should have been kicked. Well, I will look at BOOOM more closely from now on.

Also BOOOM/Bubble, learn how to handle situations like the one with Rolf. If we are not there, just handle the situation by yourself. Don't feed him by saying: "Don't steal" thats why he blocks and steals from you in the first place. Move out of the way, make a demo or 2, hand it over to us and we will take actions. HEEEEEY that was simple right? Don't feed the stealers that know that they are stealing and say: " Ashole, retard etc."It's common sense.
Bene, sorry mate, but you totally missed the point of my posts AGAIN.

"If we are not there, just handle the situation by yourself."

The post was entirely about what happend when noodl was actually online.

"I will look at BOOOM more closely from now on."

no need to look at anybody "more closely". Just look at everybody the same and dish out the slays/kicks in a fair way.

If the huge amount of stealers is too much work for you I happily offer my help and would be willing to become an admin.

In the end we all should work together to ensure fair play at this server.

"I will look at BOOOM more closely from now on."

no need to look at anybody "more closely". Just look at everybody the same and dish out the slays/kicks in a fair way.

Yes, there is. Repeated instances of rulebreaking lead to a person being on a closer watch. Works the same for everyone.
Like evo said, when someone steals or blocks (no matter from who). It still counts as rulebreaking and should be dealt with.

I also read the chatlog from yesterday and i really dislike people saying "fuck you", "fuck off" and things like that. Even if someone is stealing there is no need to be rude. If asking them to stop doesnt help just report to me or any other admin.

I will also watch rolf more closely, i remember i have slayed him before for stealing.

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