Declined calassic's admin app (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021

Steam32 ID

Your Age

Current playtime on relevant server(s)
38d 02:44:01h

Link to your source bans record
Comm Bans - 2
Bans - 1

Server you are applying for

US Jailbreak

General Online Times & Time Zones
EST online, mostly on weekdays from early mornings and late nights.

Do you have a working microphone?
(This is required for Jailbreak admins)


Previous experience as Admin or Moderator
(Mostly in games, other experience is valid if sufficiently relevant)

Moderated for several Minecraft and Pixelmon Servers 🤓
I help moderate on a large discord server as well.

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
For the past couple of months, I've contemplated applying to admins for numerous reasons. I’ve been a part of this community for a while and finally got the courage to apply. Personally, I want to be a part of this community on a larger scale. I believe I would be a suitable candidate because of my previously stated experience, and my ability to handle situations with a level-minded mind, and I feel like I would have the communities interests in mind when it comes to handling problems. I want to prioritize fun in this community while also making sure to enforce rules justly and without bias.

(Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.)


  1. Warning
  2. Warning
  3. 12hr mute/gag
  4. 3-day mute/gag
  5. 1 week mute/gag
  6. 1 month/gag
  7. Perm
  1. Warning
  2. Slay + warning
  3. 3 hr guardban
  4. 5 hrs guardban
  5. 7 hrs guard ban
  6. Perm
  1. Perm guard ban + 1 week server ban
  1. 1 day server ban
  2. 1 week ban
  3. perm
  1. Perm w/ demofile
  1. Warning
  2. Spray ban
Hi I'm not going to give full feedback yet. No decision, Just a heads up. As a team we just follow ban stacking for MFK bans, and also Ill bring it up since it isnt recorded, this player was banned from the Official Panda Community Discord for a long time if that is helpful in anyone's decision. It is lifted now though. Also Calassic has quite a few prior teambans.
Decent sessions and forum activity, I think you are one of the more sensible regulars on the server.
You are good at communicating as well as being the loudest one in the room, I like the way you get the server to pay attention to you.

Both the teamban and Discord incidents are old so they aren't really notable.
I have some issues with you being easily peer pressured, as well as you favouring your friends sometimes, but I think we can iron those issues out during the trial phase.

All in all, I think you're a good applicant and would love to see you on the team, so consider it a +1 from me.
The long awaited Calassic app has arrived!

As Banana stated, your sessions and overall activity in the community is stellar. I'd be hard pressed to even say that any regular that is worth their salt knows your name. You command a lot of respect from regulars due to your experience and you are quick to educate others on the rules if they are seeking questions. You are also somebody who is very outspoken when you find something you disagree with, while some people dislike this trait, I for one respect it.

With that out of the way, I have some questions for you to answer as well as hopefully addressing concern(s) i might have if you reach trial admin status.

While you gave us a way you'd stack punishments, I'd like to hear how'd you personally approach being an admin. What sort of style of admin would you see yourself as? Be as specific as you can be here.

Some of the team have some concerns regarding you being possibly peer pressured in acting a certain way by and/or possibly even giving special treatment to regulars. Can you give us some examples in game or your personal life (No specific details in your personal life) Where you had/did act impartial? How would you handle a situation where you would have to handle an admin call with one of your friends involved?

How would you punish an accidental MFK compared to an intentional one?

As always, my vote is neutral until the questions are answered. Best of luck Goose.
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Hello Cowboy!
I appreciate the feedback a lot.
While you gave us a way you'd stack punishments, I'd like to hear how'd you personally approach being an admin. What sort of style of admin would you see yourself as? Be as specific as you can be here.
As a person, not only in this setting of jailbreak, but as just a general rule of thumb that I take with me everywhere I go, is that I want others to be happy and with that, I want the community to be happy whenever they see me join the server. I want to be approachable not only to the regulars in this community but also to new players that are playing their first match. Rules are rules and If I were admin, I want them to be enforced without any form of bias because they are set for a reason and that is to ensure everyone is having fun. Jailbreak is a social minigame and with that would arise to be social. As I previously stated, I want to become an admin that can be approached by anyone regardless of who they are.
Some of the team have some concerns regarding you being possibly peer pressured in acting a certain way by and/or possibly even giving special treatment to regulars. Can you give us some examples in game or your personal life (No specific details in your personal life) Where you had/did act impartial? How would you handle a situation where you would have to handle an admin call with one of your friends involved?
With this sort of authority being given, I don't believe in letting things slide. I don't want to have any bias when it comes to how I dictate how I am to moderate if I were an admin. One example of something that has happened in my own personal life is something that would have detrimental consequences if I took bias. I had a manager at my job who I've formed a friendship with for over 3 years. As of late, I've heard and seen acts of misconduct and sexual harassment that despite him being my friend and someone I cared for, I just couldn't let it be unheard. I spoke to district managers as well as other people higher up, and I evidently helped get him out of there. When I heard and saw these things happen, I can't support it and in the context of jailbreak, if I see my friends who know better and who know the rules, I don't want to treat them differently because they are my friend. If that were to arise, and an admin call regarding one of my friends was to come up, I will take that call and handle it accordingly regardless of who they are. The server itself is a priority and if people are having their experience ruined because a friend or someone I know is ruining it, I just wouldn't let it slide.
How would you punish an accidental MFK compared to an intentional one?
I want to assess the situation before handing out any punishment. I would then see what confusion occurred. Was he told by a different blue that the reds were kos? Was it a misclick? Did he misunderstand who was kos? I will also communicate with whoever MFKd and see what their POV was on what had occurred. I believe with this all in mind, I will give the appropriate punishment though I do believe this could be seen as a case-by-case situation but I would perhaps follow it with appropriate stacking if it were on the blue for not paying attention or not asking the warden to make sure 100% before doing the accidental MFK. I would also follow this with a respawn of those who were caught in the MFK.
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Ok so I’ll provide my observations. You make loads of calls and have proven you can make reports that are up to our standards. In the past you have joked so often about applying I had a hard time believing you when you say you are planning on applying, you are here now so I no longer have reason to doubt you. You do have a very strong personality, and I do think that you might have trouble deescalating more specific situations purely because of the way you tend to demeanor yourself on the server. Something interesting I’d like to point out here is that I I have noticed many players look at you like a role model. Although I have given all this feedback I do know you on a more personal level than any other applicant I’ve ever had to give feedback on by a mile. I think that the best option for me is to give my observations here to others and remain neutral to prevent any potential confirmation bias based on my current friendship with you and the comments of the others.

I find myself in a similar boat to Ian's, from my experiences with you both on and off the server I believe your demeanor can be seen as provocative towards people who may be unfamiliar with you.

I'll also cover a concern dropped by a fellow panda admin. Back in April you were talking about our favorite pokemon porn loving mass freekiller in the main panda discord. His main concern was with your glorification of him and your decision not to inform the admins online that Freekill Lord was on the server. While I personally don't really care about any glorification I'm more concerned about the decision to not inform the admins online which is a case of favoring rulebreakers.

Other than my doubts about what you say about how you won't favor I don't really have anything else bad to say, I would go over positives but I'd just be reiterating on what cowboy and banana said. I'll remain neutral as while you have a whole lot of good going for you I still have my reservations.
Hey Semi!
I really do appreciate this feedback. I'd like to address that concern head on.
I'm more concerned about the decision to not inform the admins online which is a case of favoring rulebreakers.
While this was occurring, two admins were already present on the server. This was my first time seeing freekill lord, and I was already under the impression the admins were aware it was him since the chat was getting rowdy because people knew. I know I should've dm'd one of them to ensure that they are 100% aware it was him. I do know one of the admins is not a JB admin, but I assumed the other would know about him. Regardless, I shouldn't have made this assumption and should've dm'd them right away.

Since then I do want to grow from that and I've called on rulebreakers when I see them and make sure to make reports/calladmins whenever fit. I do see how this can be a concern, but I do wish to be given a chance.

I find myself in a similar boat to Ian's, from my experiences with you both on and off the server I believe your demeanor can be seen as provocative towards people who may be unfamiliar with you.
Regarding this, that's just genuinely how I am as a person. I don't admittedly try to hold myself back and of course you and the rest of the admin team is aware of it. I do see how I can come off as provocative, but I do mean it in good taste. I don't provoke players or anything of the such, I just communicate to players in that manner because it usually comes back with better experiences, rather than a robotic monotone player that is typically seen on the Blue team.
Hey calassic, I apologize for the late response! I've thought a lot about this, I think you're an awesome guy, and I know you know the rules pretty well. I wish our timezones were more in-line since I can't really play in the mornings (for me) these days, lol. In the times I played with you, you were cool, and a fun player, and I've seen you make calls and reports. I believe you have a real passion for JB and would help keep it nice to play in. I think you'd make a good admin to the team, so I'm gonna give a +1 here. :)
Hi Calassic, thank you for your patience, been busy moving into a new apartment.

I've known you for a while, and I know we've had many disagreements in the past. But most of these disagreements were small and unmemorable. The only thing that remains on my mind is your attitude in game. Semicolon and Ian have both glossed over this, and I agree with them. Jailbreak's general population tends to be younger children, who can be sensitive. As an admin it's very important to show respect to each and every player on the server. It's good that you show your true colors when online, I can definitely agree that I do the same, but I feel that you don't always come across the right way towards other players.

If you are planning on becoming an admin, then I personally feel that you should work on being less provocative as Semicolon stated.

I don't have any other concerns, but I definitely think that this is something you can work on and correct very easily.

My verdict is neutral just because I haven't been on to see you improve since you have submitted this application. And due to personal matters, I unfortunately can't be on as often as I'd like to in the event that I change my verdict.

Good luck.
for now sadly going to decline this - more info can be aquired from @Madact directly.
you may apply again in a month; 09.08.2023.
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