Declined BOOM's Perma mute appeal (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Feb 12, 2021
Name of your Banned Steam Account: BOOM
Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:1:111461358
Date and Time of the Ban: 2023-01-15 14:39:18
Reason about the Ban: Insulting / Toxic behaviour
Admin that Banned you: madact
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: If its the person who I think reported me i have the whole server to back me up on it but they were being super super toxic and insulting FIRST and when the insulting was being returned they reported me. where are the double standards? if they have a recording I would love to see it. And if you admins actually hopped on the servers and listened you would hear way more toxicity and what I was saying is FAR more tame than wheat is said on the servers. Perma mute is too much in that case.
We do not accept the excuse `they started it` as a valid reason to break the rules yourself. You are not a child if you even want to be considered for an unmute by madact I advise you to acknowledge and apologize.

In regards to your mute length we do not punish on the individual offenses severity but based on a stacking system. Since you reached your 6th punishment it is automatically permanent regardless.

Hope this guides you into a better chance of appealing.
most of the reasons for my mutes have been for mic spamming. I have never mic spammed. at most all I have done was play a very quick sound. I am also not shifting blame or claiming "they started it". I am exposing you to the unfairness in your system. The reporters get no punishment's or acknowledgement of any sort. In regards to apologizing for an unmute, I do indeed apologize, however, my point still stands that no admins ever join that server and really see what's going on so you all just go off of reports and recordings that may or may not show the whole story. I've played for almost a year and have yet to see an admin hop on that server that I frequent for at least 4 hours every day. You guys will mute and ban the minority of people who get reported but will allow a overwhelming majority of actually mic spammers, cheaters, and actual toxic behavior to roam free.
Just a friendly reminder to avoid posting on appeals if you do not have any `new` content or context to add.

Stating that you witnessed things only upsets the appealer.

To make you aware, regardless of how you feel about the mute, if it was 1 second of mic spamming or 10 minutes, we do not allow sound boards or any mic spamming. That mutes stand, we are not looking here to dispute the validity of your 6 punishments, nor is using this appeal to call our system garbage is a valid way of defending yourself. I do not disagree some players do get away with stuff, admins are humans and we are not perfect or available 24/7.

I strongly urge you to just apologies sincerely and in future avoid engaging with toxic players.

Feel free to check out the demos of what happened. You can see by my response that I do notice that part of the context is missing due to demos unable to record the client sides voice unless they like to hear their own voice while on the server.
Without part of the context however, I made the judgement to mute at least two of you who went over that threshold.

As for your reasoning it is poor. What you do in these situations is not fire back making it worse. You can tell people got irritated not just by clientofwar but by all parties involved. What you should do is report them on the forums like what clientofwar has done. It helps admins deal with rulebreakers while they are unavailable.

From your standpoint I understand as you see all these admins on the forums and think why aren't they on us 2fort? Reason being these admins are from other servers. We don't force panda admins to cover servers just what they wish to play on to enforce. If they wish to visit other servers it's their choice.
US 2fort has no admins assigned. You can see the problem with that. The only person I know currently playing and answering calls for us 2fort is Solar.

As explained by Magglet your punishment is stacked due to your previous punishments. Here's a report of one of your micspams:

Given your response to this all (including the deleted comments) it's clear you need a timeout. I won't be lifting the punishment today, but I'd say about 3 months from now feel free to appeal. And remember if you find others are breaking communication rules, we have player reports. Calling isn't the sure proof way to get the issue sorted. You'd be helping us out a lot if you do.
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