Declined Bananas application (1 Viewer)

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Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Gameserver Admin
Nov 8, 2019

Steam ID 32:

Your age:

Current playtime on relevant server:
5 Days 15 Hours 38 Minutes and 53 seconds as of 02/09

Link to your sourcebans record: (bans) (comms)

0 Bans and 0 Commblocks and 1 Teamban

Servers you are applying for:
US Jailbreak

General online times and time zone:
I am active from 1pm GMT to 2am GMT across all days. I just cant cover mornings due to my lectures.

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes and its pretty good!

Previous experience as an admin:
I moderate a decently populated highertower server and I think I have built a great relationship with the regulars as well as become better at identifying and defusing genuine issues. I have also become a lot better with using commands!

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?:
I like jailbreak and that not only means activity, but it also means I play jailbreak for fun and to occasionally moderate, if I get accepted of course. Which in my opinion is much more healthy not just for me, but for the general community as it helps foster a much more wholesome and real relationship between staff and players, something very significant in helping a server with longevity. While I don't talk to that many people on the server compared to other regulars who are much more well liked than me I have made a bunch of friends here. I'm not well loved or anything, far from it but I feel as if moderating goes far beyond just typing in sm_csay "please don't activate weaponry near prisoners" and is more about fostering and growing the community!
Furthermore I only play blue compared to red, meaning I have a much more in-depth understanding of the rules considering I have to exercise many more hypothetical situations as well as have my knowledge tested to a greater extent.
My european based timezone not only means I can handle off-hours and europeans on the server but also handle peak US hours to some degree and I am always willing to work hard and go out of my way to help others!
Apart from that dumb report I made a while back I don't think I have been that much of a nuisance in game, I am very active on the forums and actively contribute to discussions and suggestions regarding jailbreak and I always make reports regarding people. Which in turn, accepted or declined helps my understanding of the rules. My chatlogs also have a lot of caps but hopefully that's something that can be overlooked.

I know a lot of staff here are indifferent or have less than positive reception of me. But I genuinely do love panda jailbreak and its the reason I want to moderate it and its also the reason why I've sunk over 100 hours into it.
I personally think I have a great understanding of the rules, am eager to learn them and have the ability to enforce them in an appropriate manner.


All of these are prefaced with a warning and may change depending on the situation at hand, accidents may be treated less harshly however that is depending on the circumstance, in addition some people may climb the ladder much more faster, once again depending on how egregious it is.

General blue misdemeanours, freekilling, afk on blue, teamkilling, illegal ff etc (Teamban)
1) 120 Minutes
2) 360 Minutes
3) 1440 minutes
4) 4320 minutes
5) 10080 minutes
6) Perma

Ghosting (Mute, Gag, or Silence)
1) 120 Minutes
2) 360 Minutes
3) 1440 minutes
4) 4320 minutes
5) 10080 minutes
6) Perma

Micspamming or spamming chat (Mute, Gag or Silence)
1) 120 Minutes
2) 360 Minutes
3) 1440 minutes
4) 4320 minutes
5) 10080 minutes
6) Perma

NSFW Spray (Sprayban)
Permanent Sprayban, lifting once offender changes spray and provides evidence of him doing so.

Perma ban with a demo to attach to source bans.

1) 120 Minutes
2) 360 Minutes
3) 1440 minutes
4) 4320 minutes
5) 10080 minutes
6) Perma

I am not too familiar with Pandas current punishment philosophy however I am willing to learn and adapt!
I will be happy to add more punishment ladders as well!

Thank you for reading.
Hey Banana, interesting to see you applying.

Even though I might not have much say in this matter I would like to voice my own opinion.

I believe you have already shown yourself to be immature, partially with the report you made on me not long ago which you then backtracked on.
Afterwards when I asked you why you gave me a response I still don't completely understand saying you were "just trying to do something cool and it didn't work" and that you were "trying to make a statement by saying RCT was overmoderating" after which you basically told me that an admin report wouldn't work because "the system was corrupt".

I'll add the chats down below so people can draw their own conclusion.


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I understand why staff wouldn't like it and I pretty much said everything from there on chatbox (except the stuff about Gold), I genuinely was sorry for getting you caught up and I am sorry for starting something I couldn't be bothered to go through with and in the manner that I did it.
However I am not sorry for the message behind it, I still standby that there was a clear hypocrisy between how members of staff reacted between my report and my teamban.

I understand why people would care about it, but apart from that mess I have been pretty decent in game and on the forums, frequently helping others and the community itself so I hope that isn't TOO much of a drag on my application as it does not reflect me as a person in game.

Its one incident that I have already apologised for and I hope we could move on from it, but I totally acknowledge it was a mess, that is outweighed by my behaviour and continuous contribution towards the community.
Hey banana, thanks for applying. I must say I’m fairly impressed with the application. It is well thought out, formatted well, and your goal of fostering a community is admirable and one of the better reasons I’ve heard for joining an admin team (mine was along the lines of I want to help out and I’m active). Very altruistic and mature. You play regularly and are very active on the forum, especially with reports, all points in your favor. I think you have a decent understanding of the rules, but that can always be refined during the trial stage if you get accepted. One thing I’ll note is your punishments are a little bit off from what we normally do. I appreciate you adapting from the flux 9 stack system to our 6 stack, though we usually start a little higher (in the jb team either 360 or 720 is the start, ending at a month), though not a big deal. Also note that teambans are time on the server, so we usually cap that out at around 480 minutes (4th is perm) or so. For reference, your 5 days on the server still wouldn’t be enough to complete that 10080 ban. But all of those issues are fixable and pretty easy to adjust with a little bit of effort.

What concerns me is your understanding of the server and your maturity. I think you have a very good understanding, as demonstrated by your reports and seeing you play. You understand how the game mode operates but I don’t think you understand panda as well. You’ve voted multiple times to change fundamental aspects of our version of jailbreak (examples here and here) and while gold agreed with you on one of them, they are part of what separates panda from other servers. You argue how other servers you’ve played on handle them without taking into account what makes panda successful.

Further, as exemplified in the conversation with Julian, you don’t fully understand how are system works with relation to appeals and admin reports. In your tirade about me and how you won’t do an admin report, you talk about gold having a part in the admin reports and how our problem of overmodding is systemic and you can’t go through the system. Admin reports are only viewable by Kevin and he has final say on those. We don’t have the final say in them and going that route, even though I wouldn’t be a fan, would’ve done more for your ideal than reporting Julian when I was on the server. Combined with the fact that you didn’t check any past accepted applicants to see how we generally stack that isn’t a good look. Now having your own opinions doesn’t make you a bad candidate, I can’t fault you on disagreeing with because that is myopic and idiotic, I don’t think you yet grasp what differentiates us at panda from other communities and to me that is an important thing for an applicant to have.

Finally, I have to call into question your maturity. Ever since I teambanned you once (I stand by my decision, but it wasn’t as black and white as I considered it then and just slaying would’ve been the better decision), you have made it your singular mission to mention how bad an admin I am and how I overmod everything (references here, here (note the penultimate paragraph), here (I was wrong, but blaming it on my end to make me a hypocrite is pointless). I made a mistake with human (which I absolutely did, I don’t think I’ve been clear about that on the forums: I was wrong and need to adjust some of my definitions because I’ve made that mistake twice) and your initial thought was an admin report before deciding that panda was too corrupt for it to do anything, as noted in your conversation with Julian . Instead, you made an incredibly biased report against Julian just to show that I’m a hypocrite (I’m pretty sure I warned over mic about it, but others said I didn’t, so I could be wrong. 95% of the time I warn about airblasting reds) because I teambanned you after a warning but I didn’t teamban Julian before I gave the warning. To me, this isn’t the sign of a mature person, even if I wasn’t the one receiving the extra attention. You have intentionally burned bridges with jb staff members and saying “I know a lot of staff here are indifferent or have less than positive reception of me.” seems a disingenuous statement. I don’t think you’re ready to be an admin yet. -1
I personally understand why you were upset for getting teambanned and I'm sorry for what ended up happening. Receiving a teamban for airblasting delaying/rebelling reds and then seeing another guard airblast reds away from armory door and getting away with it is unfortunate. If it's any consolation we've had a long internal discussion regarding the whole ordeal because we do want to be better and treat people as fair as we can, I can promise you won't see something like this happen again.

That being said just because you felt screwed doesn't mean trying to screw others is the right course of action, it's in all honesty just a toxic mindset and I think the hoards of people reacting here helps solidify that's not how we operate and I have to agree also. Because of how recent this incident is and based off some of the things you've said, I don't think now is a good time for you to be trying to apply for admin as there are some legitimate concerns about your lack of maturity and a stable head/decision making.

That being said, I want you to know that for the most part you've been doing alot of the things we expect out of applicants here. My biggest recommendation now is letting time heal some obvious planted wounds and improve your overall standpoint with the jailbreak community. If that ever happens and you still want to apply for staff we can have a discussion about it then. For now as you probably guessed, it'll have to be a -1 from me.
Okay here we go.
You’ve voted multiple times to change fundamental aspects of our version of jailbreak (examples here and here) and while gold agreed with you on one of them, they are part of what separates panda from other servers. You argue how other servers you’ve played on handle them without taking into account what makes panda successful.
Hehe I just have my own fun opinions, I’ve played jailbreak for years across different communities. In general Panda has a very very different ruleset and gameplay compared to other communities, so me, a guy coming from a bunch of different communities, I’m obviously going to stand against the tide and it’ll probably take a few more hours for me to fully adapt ?.

Further, as exemplified in the conversation with Julian
If you couldn’t tell by my dumb wording, it was a private conversation, however I can’t really say anything since you’re right. I’m kind of a dumbass and I haven’t really gotten to know the inner workings properly yet. Side note I DID look at past applications for a punishment ladder but they all looked so similar and I really did not want to look like I plagiarised?.

Okay here’s the hard part.

you have made it your singular mission to mention how bad an admin I am and how I overmod everything (references here, here (note the penultimate paragraph), here (I was wrong, but blaming it on my end to make me a hypocrite is pointless). I made a mistake with human (which I absolutely did, I don’t think I’ve been clear about that on the forums: I was wrong and need to adjust some of my definitions because I’ve made that mistake twice) and your initial thought was an admin report before deciding that panda was too corrupt for it to do anything, as noted in your conversation with Julian .
Okay first off you are not a bad person. You’re a decent person to be around and nothing I said or will ever say will be a personal attack to you.
Mistakes are totally fine HOWEVER, those comments were made during which you acted INCREDIBLY arrogant after you muted Human incorrectly. Okay the entire server was being an ass to you but you were very snobby about it which I didn’t think was the right thing to do. Granted I probably shouldn’t have just randomly thrown passive aggressive remarks like a dummy, however
first link I was just calling teambans as a solution in GENERAL dumb, the deleted paragraph was meant to be deleted but thanks semi! Okay those remarks were dumb but gold literally belittled other people in the exact same thread so I mean surely there has to be some room for error.
second is me trying to explain the purpose of the report, not to throw shade at you
third was just me trying to be nice for a friend of mine, not to get you demoted or whatever

Instead, you made an incredibly biased report against Julian just to show that I’m a hypocrite
You have misinterpreted what the report is for, it’s calling out the general community as well as a few members of staff on how THEY are inconsistent regarding a similar situation. How some people were happy with me being teambanned or said nothing at all when I was teambanned but were so fast to call out the BS on someone that they didn’t like as much. We both were treated differently for punishing someone for the EXACT same reasons. That’s the reason of the report that’s the ONLY reason I made that report. It was never I'm mad at my teamban, its I am mad at the clear double standards the community and some staff have on issues.
On how Ura went out of her way to comment on my report but said absolutely nothing in favour of my appeal.
On how Gold disagreed with my report but agreed on my appeal being declined.
Like I could add more but I am pretty damn tired.
THATS the issue I wanted to bring up and you know damn well I was right to an extent because Bambi said you guys did talk about it.

You have intentionally burned bridges with jb staff members
I don't think this is true, the only admin I have ever had issues was well, with you (until now). That's it. I HAVE made friends with some members of staff and I know some members of staff are okay with me. Then why did I leave it on a sour note? Because I know that report pretty much put me in a bad eye amongst the staff, I genuinely tried to befriend a lot of members of staff and I have tried my hardest to be friends (or even just a friendly guy) and just try have a nice convo with them or just say hi in servers (only to get ignored lol) just because I play with some of them for hours, not because they're staff. I tried but if people don't even CARE about me in the first place, then you know for sure they would just dislike me the moment I did something bad or criticised the way one of them moderated. Like did I really do anything to upset any jb staff prior to that whole issue. How can I burn a bridge that wasn't even there in the first place.
Okay not everyone has to love me I don't care, I just don't agree with you implying I was hostile first.
Its an incredibly GENUINE statement that took me a while to reword properly, I am in such an awkward position considering I play with these people for hours on end but I never feel like I have built a relationship with any of them, which is fine but me not knowing my stance with them is a very real predicament. I know its dumb to call out staff while wanting to join the exact same team but I am not sorry when I know I was right at the time.

Okay Bambi you really posted this while I went to get coffee whoop whoop lets do this.

. If it's any consolation we've had a long internal discussion regarding the whole ordeal because we do want to be better and treat people as fair as we can, I can promise you won't see something like this happen again.
That means a lot. What are you the good cop cutting me a break ?, just kidding but it really does mean a lot if its coming from a real place.

just because you felt screwed doesn't mean trying to screw others is the right course of action, it's in all honesty just a toxic mindset and I think the hoards of people reacting here helps solidify that's not how we operate and I have to agree also
I was never screwing anyone in that situation and those dms back that up, it was more of a statement rather than intentionally screwing someone over. No one was meant to be hurt from it.
I literally tried to do the "right thing" and I got a polite fuck you. Okay the report was dumb yes but you are acting as if the way of operating wasn't in need of some improving which according to you, was in fact the case.
Reactions are also depending on the people saying it as well as the contents of their messages. If someone popular says a controversial opinion they wouldn't see that much backlash compared to someone that isn't popular saying a controversial opinion, which is true I think.
It was supposed to be against the "norm" but that idea in it self was kind of dumb.
I get that I need to adapt to the communities inner workings but I also want to bring up genuine issues.
Guess I need to do the former first I guess.
I agree with what the other jb admins stated above me. There isn't much for me to add on here. I don't think you're ready to be an admin yet.

Being the stalker I am I had seen mixed things about you from other communities. While I won't factor that into my decision I feel like I should at least mention it.

First off you do a great job of voicing your opinion and explaining things, something that I quite frankly am too lazy to properly do half the time, despite being (somewhat) of a newer player you know the rules and actually give half decent warnings compared to some other regulars.

As for your stacking, I know its different on other servers but on panda since teambans only tick down while a player is connected a 1 week teamban ends up essentially being a permanent teamban for most people. hence why we mostly stick to 120-240-480-perm, but hey it ain't in any way a dealbreaker.

Now onto the downsides, you seem to get tilted, toxic, whatever the right word is sometimes and at times I can totally see why but I think the whole julian report thing was pushing it. As much as I hate to say it, I don't think you would be able to work well with some of the current admins, I believe some of this is mainly due to personality, holding grudges, and maybe a bit of narcissism.

You frankly remind me of a former admin we used to have here 2 years ago that being yelowchy. Both of you really wanted to change the server to your vision but kept getting held back by the rest of the regularbase. This is not a bad thing as their is no perfect system and while I also disagree with you on a lot of these changes I don't think its a negative unless you pull a similar stunt to what you did at a different community ;). I would like to see you stick around (unlike yelowchy who dipped almost immediately after being demoted).

I'd recommend taking the criticism given and let the wounds heal from your recent actions and try again in a few months. I'm sure you'll have a much easier time getting in then.

All of the other jailbreak admins have mentioned the points I wanted to mention so I won't bother saying them again. Though I do have to mention that I have been sent videos from other jailbreak regulars about your behavior on them when no admins are online and I can't say im too shocked. You were telling other applicants they were annoying when they were just telling you the rules and helping you learn and another where you afk on blue and caused a fail round. With all of that in mind I just don't think you are ready to be an applicant yet.

ou were telling other applicants they were annoying when they were just telling you the rules
TRG warning me about trivial non consequential matters and throwing the possibility of a ban in my face is actually quite annoying yes, like there's a clear difference between reminding people of the rules and being unhelpful with your dumb strict interpretation of the rules.

You have the video right, was I really going to get teambanned for what I did LMAO.

The being afk on blue part (while I am guilty of this before) I explained in chat why I was afk for that specific instance...
Hello banana.
I wanted to post this since what you said clearly caught my intention and I want to voice this.

The video I sent to gold:

TRG warning me about trivial non consequential matters and throwing the possibility of a ban in my face is actually quite annoying yes, like there's a clear difference between reminding people of the rules and being unhelpful with your dumb strict interpretation of the rules.
The only words I said were "Banana don't delay LGKA" and after that I followed it up with "Its bannable". Yet you said "TRG, why are you being annoying". How is this part annoying? All I did was give you a basic warning that bambi suggested me to do and it is somehow still strict/unhelpful? Ok but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is how you treated me that day. This could've been avoided if you just said something nicer when I gave you my warning. I just can't support someone if they are going to treat me shit and who knows how you treat other people.

That's what I would like to add on.
"Banana don't delay LGKA" and after that I followed it up with "Its bannable". Yet you said "TRG, why are you being annoying". How is this part annoying?
Because its an unnecessary warning that you didn't have to give, in addition this video isnt exactly in a vacuum, you have given strict warnings in the past which also contributed to me saying like 2 sentences.
treat me shit and who knows how you treat other people.
Like me saying "stop being annoying" isn't exactly anything aggressive or toxic in anyway whatsoever and basically nothing compared to what other people say to your inutile warnings.
You are either being very disingenuous or just trying to get a plus one on your application by trying to put me down with a argument that has the foundation of literal sand, both of which aren't exactly the best qualities for a member of staff ;)

All I did was give you a basic warning that bambi suggested me to do and it is somehow still strict/unhelpful?
Its unhelpful because it literally wasn't needed.
The entire reason why Bambi said what he said was because people didn't know you could get teambanned for baiting, I wasn't going to get teambanned for delaying last guard by like 5 seconds.
Because its an unnecessary warning that you didn't have to give, in addition this video isnt exactly in a vacuum, you have given strict warnings in the past which also contributed to me saying like 2 sentences.
It's actually fairly standard to give a warning to anyway breaking a rule, such as delaying the round by intentionally failing to complete lgka. You'd be expected to do that if you get accepted. Though really this definition of annoying seems to be more inline of someone ignoring rules to do something they'd prefer to do (hope there haven't been any reports like that recently).

Like me saying "stop being annoying" isn't exactly anything aggressive or toxic in anyway whatsoever and basically nothing compared to what other people say to your inutile warnings.
You are either being very disingenuous or just trying to get a plus one on your application by trying to put me down with a argument that has the foundation of literal sand, both of which aren't exactly the best qualities for a member of staff ;)
This interaction points to your tendency to insult others over minor indiscretions and giving warnings doesn't count as being toxic. The warnings have gotten better after receiving feedback, but it isn't toxic or aggressive to state that a rule isn't being followed. If anything, "inutile warnings" can't be toxic because by definition they do nothing. This logic fails to make any sense.

I fail to see how this is disingenuous: he's pointing to an instance of you not following the rules and then getting unhappy about getting called out. It's also worth mentioning that this video was seen by us after most of us had responded and didn't actually have an impact on our votes (to my knowledge at least). If anything, your insinuation about lackluster motivation despite evidence to the contrary reflects more on you than TRG, but I digress.

Its unhelpful because it literally wasn't needed.
The entire reason why Bambi said what he said was because people didn't know you could get teambanned for baiting, I wasn't going to get teambanned for delaying last guard by like 5 seconds.
See what I said before on the warnings. The reason bambi said what he did was the warnings given were useless without an admin tag and adding context as a player is an important area for him to improve on. The overall content was improving warnings overall with being teambanned for baiting an example of it. You wouldn't get teambanned for this (though the 5 seconds is hyperbolic, you could've easily airblasted them into the deathpits) but it does show a willingness to ignore rules and warnings because you find it funny.

The being afk on blue part (while I am guilty of this before) I explained in chat why I was afk for that specific instance...
You can never be afk on blue, even if you have excuses it doesn't matter (unless something like your internet totally dying, but that will still disconnect you in like 20-30 seconds). Just switch to red for a round or two or leave the server briefly so you aren't afk on blue. It's an easy way to follow the rules and prevent failrounds from the warden not being around.
warning to anyway breaking a rule, such as delaying the round by intentionally failing to complete lgka. You'd be expected to do that if you get accepted. Though really this definition of annoying seems to be more inline of someone ignoring rules to do something they'd prefer to do
Did you even watch the clip I literally had a 100 health against a scout with a medic that popped uber on him, it didn't even matter because they were gonna die anyway, what's the point in giving a warning for minor issues...
This interaction points to your tendency to insult others over minor indiscretions and giving warnings doesn't count as being toxic. The warnings have gotten better after receiving feedback, but it isn't toxic or aggressive to state that a rule isn't being followed. If anything, "inutile warnings" can't be toxic because by definition they do nothing. This logic fails to make any sense.
How was I being toxic in that clip?
Literally watch the clip stop acting as if there was genuine rule breaking going on that required a warning in the first place, like would have any member of staff actually warned me for "delaying lgka"...
I fail to see how this is disingenuous: he's pointing to an instance of you not following the rules and then getting unhappy about getting called out. It's also worth mentioning that this video was seen by us after most of us had responded and didn't actually have an impact on our votes (to my knowledge at least). If anything, your insinuation about lackluster motivation despite evidence to the contrary reflects more on you than TRG, but I digress.
Its disingenuous because he's acting like I'm some toxic person when all I said was "stop being annoying", like HOW IN ANY WAY IS THAT BEING TOXIC TO HIM.
Hes pointing to an instance of him giving a dumb strict warning that has no real merit or purpose and me calling him out on his behaviour, thats it.
Stop pretending like its a genuine warning that has actual purpose and acknowledge it as him doing what he's always done, giving dumb strict warnings.
See what I said before on the warnings. The reason bambi said what he did was the warnings given were useless without an admin tag
No Bambi said it was because people didn't know you could get teambanned for baiting.
but it does show a willingness to ignore rules and warnings because you find it funny
He didnt even give a good/ valid warning in the first place, I am obviously going to ignore a dumb warning if its dumb and has no real substantial value to the game, why would I willingly ignore rules when I literally never have done that in game and constantly ask members of staff clarifications of the rules.

ou can never be afk on blue, even if you have excuses it doesn't matter (unless something like your internet totally dying,
My game froze for a good solid minute and I couldn't even alt tab out the game to close it, I was just stuck on a still frame, which I did mention in chat.

Lets be real they aren't genuine warnings that constitute to actual rule breaking its him just giving strict ass warnings for no real reason and I don't understand why you are acting as if I genuinely did break a rule and have real ass consequences, you are just nit picking it to make him sound good.
And I wasn't even being toxic to him at all in the clip...
Applicant wanted to retract the app. You may reapply in 1.5 months (October 26th)

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