Accepted Aerial's Admin Application #2 (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
- Your name and/or nickname

Name: Abdullah

Nickname: Aerial

- Your age

- Who gave you permission to apply? (applies to applicants under 15 or those who apply for servers not listed in the "Available positions" thread)
None Needed.

- Your Steam32 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)

- Your general online times and your timezone

General Online Times: Available From 4 P.M.(16:00) to 1 A.M.(1:00).
TimeZone: (GMT+3).

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?

First Question: I wish to apply only for #05 | VS Saxton Hale.
Second Question: I Would maybe visit FF2 because it's pretty similar to VSH, But Currently No, Because I lack the skills to administrate.

- Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)


- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator

I've Never Been an Admin In Games.

- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?


- Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
Because I care for my fav server, I would like to cover this part of the team, I'm pretty active in the server that i want to watch over it, and I did Learn from my previous Mistakes, The Mistakes that ended up getting me declined in my First Apply,
and Finally I can Say i've been trusted by many, Admins and Friends.

- Is your playtime on the server 3 days or more? (Required is 3 days of playtime overall on the server)
More(44d), Aerial's Profile

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.

360 -> 720 -> 1440 ->10080 -> 43200 -> 0/Permanent

For The AFKers, I Rather Kick them first, Incase they returned i'll make sure to warn them, if they afked Again, to the ban cycle then.

For the Hackers, Perma banned.

360 -> 720 -> 1440 ->10080 -> 43200 -> 0/Permanent

For Racism, Spam, Insults, toxicity, Negative energy, Playing songs. in chat or VC: 1 warning, and depends on what kind of insult or racism exactly, Because some of them would be Extreme, and i will not warn if it was an extreme one, No, Instant Gag/Mute.

Teaming with hale, camping/Wasting time: 1 warning, if didn't listen to the cycle.

I'll Tag The current VSH Admins to share opinion/Vote,


(For the record, I did copy few sentences from my first apply, simply because there is nothing else to type there or just my opinion is still the same on it, other than that I did Write, Also yes less colored, Colored only the questions that needed Two answers instead of one, to make it clear every question got the same color with its answer)
If you are not an admin on the server or providing constructive feedback please don't post on applications.

We don't need Aerials friend group fan boying him in hopes it will help him get admin.
  • Clever
Reactions: Otis
Hello Aerial,

Firstly thank you for applying. I know the administration of VSH has been dier since I have taken some time off tf2 and I hope to see more candidates like yourself applying so we can get the server well looked after.

I thought I would start by addressing what caused your failed promotion last time. I won't go into specifics but you understand now I think that potential admin candidates although can joke and jest with other gamemodes the line has to be waked quite carefully, if you wish to get admin on vsh you must show respect to all communities even if you have joke sometimes. I am not going to labor this point further just wanted to make sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot again.

Your attitude on the server what from I have observed from playing with you alot of the past few years is good, you are calm collected and generally very friendly, so no problems there.

I have noticed that you have increased the number of reports which is good, keep it up.

Overall I think I am happy to give you a +1
  • Friendly
Reactions: Aerial
Heya Aerial!
Good to see you apply as a administrator for vsh. As Magglet already said, you make enough reports and your chatlogs are generally friendly and clean. I see you often enough on the server aswell and I'm postive you will be able to get the ropes quickly of administrating.
So overall, it will be a +1 from me!
  • Friendly
Reactions: Aerial
That's all the feedback needed time to put this under review.

Any questions or inactivity during under review please let me know. Good luck ::):
  • Like
Reactions: Aerial
accepted, welcome in the team.
your mentor during your trial phase will be @Magglet
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