Declined Admin application (1 Viewer)

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Jan 9, 2016
First of all.. this is my second application. My first one was invalid because my boyfriend spammed (I think).

I'll use most of the text again. I guess I'm really lazy and tbh I think that this is all I need to say. :p


My name is Rachel. My nickname is Dêêp <3 Pikachuu~ but my usual name is Dêêp

I am 17 but in my profile it says, that I'm older due to a missclick.

Who gave you permission to apply?

Well, no one really gave me the permission, but many players on the Panda-servers told me, that I should try to apply and yea, here I am.
*EDIT* There's a server message saying "looking for admin" or something like that, can't really remember what it actually says.

Steam ID:

I don't really know what a Steam ID is, but I'll just post what it says to me: [U:1:209905734]
(If i miss something, tell me what).

Online Times and timezone:

Current Timezone is CET 3 p.m. - 10 p.m.
(It won't change any time soon)
Which server do you usually play on and wish to apply for?
I would be applying for all the Dodgeball servers (preferably EU)
because that's the server I'm always playing on. But of course I would help out on every other server if needed.

Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)

No, sadly I do not have a microphone, but if needed, I'll get one.

Previous experience as an Admin or Moderator:

I don't really have experience as an Admin or Mod, because I never really played online games, but since my Boyfriend "introduced" me to Tf2 I look forward to see the communities as many others.

Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?

Practiced a bit with @Lighty

Why should we choose you to be part of our team?

I started to play on Panda about a year ago, when I first played Dodgeball I was a total newbie and I stole alot of times(about 1 week), but I never really did something wrong the past months so I think that's a good sign. :p

I've always tried to be friends with every Member of the Panda-community and I can probably keep on doing so. Even players I don't like deserve their Respect, so I wouldn't do stuff to negate their fun.

Another thing to mention is, that pretty much every time I go online (when the servers are full), I don't see any Admins around, except sometimes Deadsworn and I think that it's a problem to leave stealers, blockers and sometimes Voicechat-spammers alone.

And well, since members like me due to my -quote- "friendly behavior" I think that I have good odds to be liked as an Admin.

What will you do as Admin?:

If I get accepted to the team, I will try to keep the most fun possible on the servers. As well as that, I will never discriminate anyone else. I will try to be friends with every other player and I'll try to keep insults and all other negative stuff to the minimum.
*Edit* I'll try to accept opinions from others, as well as use them to choose the actual punishment.
and for the actual question "What will you do as Admin?" I will keep the servers secure and fun. If someone does something wrong, I have a special punishment for each broken law. I will always try my best as an Admin and I won't ever break the laws on purpose.
No one wants "trolls" on a server so I guess the job is to not letting them do their job.

In Game Policies:

Stealing Rockets: Slayings and warnings, after 3 warnings they will be kicked from the server. If they keep on stealing, I will ban them for 4-12 hours after the 5th steal. I will ensure watching for harm rockets meaning that the stealing player just didn't want to die by accidently running into the rocket.

Blocking players on the other team: after 2 warnings they will be kicked from the server. If they keep on blocking, I will ban them for 1-5 hours after the third block. Since this can be an accident. I will ensure to not immediately kill/kick the player.

Killing of own teammates: Warning and kicked from the server after the second attempt, if attempted again will be banned for 1 hour.

Continous Orbiting will sometimes end in a kick and rarely in a ban. I would kill the player by freezing him every time, If he doesnt stop. But since there are players that want to "circle" at the end, I do won't anything except they get over the 4-6 second mark.

In chat:

Chat/Voice spamming: 2 warnings and if action continues, player(s) will be gagged and/or muted for 30 minutes, increasing as needed. after the 5th-6th time, you'll be banned for a day. (To make sure that won't happen again that day)

Language(s) other than english in voice/chat: Receive 3 warnings and if action continues, player(s) will be gagged/muted for 1 hour.

Racism/Sexism/Any type of Harassment towards others: Only receive 1 warning and will be gagged/muted for 3 hours if continued 6 hours is next step

Admin Disrespect: Only one warning and the player will be gagged/muted for 5 hours.It won't be tolerated. Sometimes it's a Meme/joke so I will either continue punishing or apologize for my actions.

Other Actions:

Call abuse: 1 warning, second abuse and you are banned. (according to Deadsworn)

AFK Players: Will be asked if afk or not. If afk I'll move the player to spectate. After 10-15 Minutes of being afk I will kick him.

Any type of Admin Impersonation: I will immediately rename the player. If not changed back it will result in a kick/24h day ban.

Hacking: I will make a Demo as evidence. Hacking will result in a 1 week ban/perma ban. ( I will rarely try to look at the reactions of other players, to ensure that the target is actually hacking. If needed I will ask other Admins for their advice. That will only happen if I'm not sure of the player hacking. )

I choose to apply to keep the servers safe and at their most fun. Since I have no experience and No one gave me actual permission to apply, I don't see this as accepted.
But I would really like to be an Admin and keep everything secure.
I hope you have information you need, if not, tell me.
If you have Feedback write it down, I'm always open for improvement.

Your Dêêp :)
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Just look at those policy's ;o; So beautifully done <3

Everything looks good here on the application. I've checked your chat log and even though I see a lenny it's moderately used which is a nice break from what I'm use to seeing. But I also see some inappropriate comments =/ Which is a big let down

I noticed you mentioned your 'boyfriend' spammed caps on your account. What worries me is that your account is your responsibility. So even though you say your boyfriend did this, that gag was your fault as you should be the one really to control your account. If you get accepted, will you let your boyfriend use your account? When it has admin rights? Giving admin rights is a trust between you and the community. If you break that trust by letting your boyfriend use the account it's going to be your fault...Especially if he abuses it.

I highly suggest you and your boyfriend get separate accounts, unless you trust your boyfriend not to do something like that...But really, only you and you only should be in control of the account.

Also I noticed your previous application here;

What I noticed is something strange. Swaggy's first comment mentions that you where 'Mic spamming' where it says here you have no microphone. It even said it in the previous application.
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  • Agree
Reactions: Tsumiki
Just look at those policy's ;o; So beautifully done <3

Everything looks good here on the application. I've checked your chat log and even though I see a lenny it's moderately used which is a nice break from what I'm use to seeing. But I also see some inappropriate comments =/ Which is a big let down

I noticed you mentioned your 'boyfriend' spammed caps on your account. What worries me is that your account is your responsibility. So even though you say your boyfriend did this, that gag was your fault as you should be the one really to control your account. If you get accepted, will you let your boyfriend use your account? When it has admin rights? Giving admin rights is a trust between you and the community. If you break that trust by letting your boyfriend use the account it's going to be your fault...Especially if he abuses it.

I highly suggest you and your boyfriend get separate accounts, unless you trust your boyfriend not to do something like that...But really, only you and you only should be in control of the account.

Also I noticed your previous application here;

What I noticed is something strange. Swaggy's first comment mentions that you where 'Mic spamming' where it says here you have no microphone. It even said it in the previous application.

Madact the thing was, someone mic spammed, she was in the server and said it was okay as it was "fun" and no one did mind, someone else at the same time also mic spammed but she did call on that person cause that person his mic spam wasn't "fun".

but yea then in the end mic spam is mic spam and has to be punished accordingly, doesn't matter who does it (friend or no friend, fun or no fun)
  • Informative
Reactions: Tsumiki and Madact
Madact the thing was, someone mic spammed, she was in the server and said it was okay as it was "fun" and no one did mind, someone else at the same time also mic spammed but she did call on that person cause that person his mic spam wasn't "fun".

Oh. I thought your first comment meant she stealed and mic spammed. Fair enough, ignore that part :P
  • Funny
Reactions: Deep and Flynt
If someone does something wrong, I have a special punishment for each broken law. I will always try my best as an Admin and I won't ever break the laws on purpose.

But seriously, really well written app even if there are some tiny details that needs correction, but that doesn't affect the overall quality of it.
I would vote but since I do not play dodgeball regularly I will let other admins vote.
  • Friendly
Reactions: Deep
@Madact Right now, this is my steam account. He quit playing and thats why he gave it to me. He doesn't know the new account-details so I'll be the only one using it
Thanks for the replies :3
And the thing with the micspam @Swaggy is "history" now. If you read my last application you can clearly see that I'm aware of my mistakes and I'd punich micspam in every way now.
Saying it again, just read the old app and yea.. :D ^^
Thanks for the replies :3
And the thing with the micspam @Swaggy is "history" now. If you read my last application you can clearly see that I'm aware of my mistakes and I'd punich micspam in every way now.
Saying it again, just read the old app and yea.. :D ^^

I know it's history, I just wanted to explain as Madact first thought that I was saying you mic spammed. Not going to go on about it if you have changed then that's good ^^
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With that well-written app I just hope that your boyfriend won't ever spam again. You got my support.
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It has gotten kind of 'boring' in here, no one is commenting so I guess I need to wait more
Looks like a really good app I must say, good luck!
  • Friendly
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*Important* I've been looking up some SourceMod videos. I wanted to get an Idea of it and yea..
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Hello, I'll start of by saying some of your policies look very lax while others are overkill, I'll give you some pointers on these.

Stealing - Simply put I wouldn't allow a person to steal 10 times before I ban them.
Blocking - If a person blocks more than twice it probably isn't an accident.
Continuous Stealing - You probably shouldn't slay if they're orbiting for too long as that can cause their rocket to go another person without warning (unfortunately) so it's best to freeze them, also 30 seconds is way too long, I usually start giving warnings after 4 seconds.

Chat/Voice spamming - I'm quite against banning for chat spamming and such since it makes no sense so I would stick to longer and longer gags/mutes.
Call Abuse - Generally the first call abuse is a warning, second is ban (unless you're a saint).
AFK Players - If you spot an afk player you can just move them into spectate and if you want to you could verify they're afk by asking them, I doubt you're always going to be on the server so if a person has been in spectate for a long time (10 minutes or so) and the server if full you could kick them then.
Hacking - I wouldn't suggest taking other peoples opinions on hackers, they are often mistaken, as soon as you've recorded a demo for evidence you should perm ban them.

The one thing I was concerned about was the account sharing problem, I don't really have a comment on it right now but it does concern me.

Goodluck with your application anyways, eudb needs good trials.

(not really giving a vote as of now, if I would have to it'd be neutral.)
  • Useful
Reactions: Deep and Lighty
I'm taking @DeadSworn 's comment as an important piece of advice.
I'm editing the app so it fits the Admin examples.
Also wrote it down on my notepad.
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Hello, I'll start of by saying some of your policies look very lax while others are overkill, I'll give you some pointers on these.

Stealing - Simply put I wouldn't allow a person to steal 10 times before I ban them.
Blocking - If a person blocks more than twice it probably isn't an accident.
Continuous Stealing - You probably shouldn't slay if they're orbiting for too long as that can cause their rocket to go another person without warning (unfortunately) so it's best to freeze them, also 30 seconds is way too long, I usually start giving warnings after 4 seconds.

Chat/Voice spamming - I'm quite against banning for chat spamming and such since it makes no sense so I would stick to longer and longer gags/mutes.
Call Abuse - Generally the first call abuse is a warning, second is ban (unless you're a saint).
AFK Players - If you spot an afk player you can just move them into spectate and if you want to you could verify they're afk by asking them, I doubt you're always going to be on the server so if a person has been in spectate for a long time (10 minutes or so) and the server if full you could kick them then.
Hacking - I wouldn't suggest taking other peoples opinions on hackers, they are often mistaken, as soon as you've recorded a demo for evidence you should perm ban them.

The one thing I was concerned about was the account sharing problem, I don't really have a comment on it right now but it does concern me.

Goodluck with your application anyways, eudb needs good trials.

(not really giving a vote as of now, if I would have to it'd be neutral.)

I changed it a bit..If I forgot something/have to change something, please tell me.
This might sound Mean or Rude but for anyone disapproving my Application because of the Account sharing thingie, let me tell you that: This is my account now. He quit steam over all. Only I know the account Details. It is my, only my account.
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