Accepted Admin Application (2 Viewers)

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OMG Really!? You're going to give him a minus vote for wanting to be your friend!? You kick him from your mumble channel, you ignore him when he tries to talk to you!? He tries to be nice to you and you throw it all back in his face. Again, all he wants is to be friends with the community and get along with everyone and you are adamant on not letting him do so because... you just don't like him. Plain and simple.

I didint say that i dont like him, if not, i probably say direclty to him. And i dont ingore him when he is talking, also i kicked him from kf channel, which is for kf players, who are playing atm. Others can admit that too. I dont know what he told you about me, but i think he is talking shit of others.
I'm very surprised at you all. After all I've heard from Joe about what he's said about you guys and what you guys have said about Joe this suddenly is a huge surprise. I only encouraged the push so we could look at our options for DR. I only wanted to accept 1 more and it wouldn't hurt if Joe applied so I could settle my opinion.
I voted negative to recent events, I didn't want past to impact it (I.E Blackout). The pushiness didn't tip me, it was how he reacted to recent events. I thought he had matured up, but showed this behavior towards me. And that, formed my negative view. Not anybody elses, only mine. I'm also sure that the others that voted negatively had a valid reason instead of stating it 'Following personal opinion from others' Though now I wouldn't be surprised if people change their vote due to this.
I am really surprised, truly. I surely hope you have all thought about this well. My vote is not changing at all. If he does get accepted, since I am an active admin on DR I want to be half mentor with Lukas. He'll most likely ask Lukas questions and mainly Lukas will teach him, but at the end of the day I do want a say in monitoring his ability on being admin on the servers.

That reminds me, I better go and talk to Kevin about this mentor list :rolleyes:
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After talking to some people about recent events I found out about some events I didn't know about and due to this I'm going to reset my vote to a neutral vote.
I'm going to change my vote to a +1 actually, with the following reasons;
  • Some of you complain of him begging you to vote on his app and tell you if it's good or not and such. That's pretty normal because you want to know what other people think about you (apart for the begging part). I received a message from Joe where he tells me that he doesn't care about the vote I gave him, all he want is us to be friends (PROOF: We are friends, and even though I gave him a -1 earlier, he hasn't changed that. Now some of you might think "well that's easy to do to impress on Ka and make him change his vote", the fact is that he has changed and if you cannot see that I believe that you're all are lying to yourselves (no offense).
  • A few days ago, early in the day when there were no primary DR admins available nor full admins that were available he asked me if I could mute some people because they were micspamming (I had also get a few reports of them earlier as well). I think that's some proof of that he's become to get a bit more mature; if not enough mature to become a trial again. He could have just muted them client-side and don't care about it at all since there were almost no admins available that could see him, instead he choosed to contact me so I could punish them.
  • I'm surprised over how optimistic he is; even though some of the admins higly dislike him and keep voting -1 on his app based on good reasons he still manage to see things in a positive way. If you say that he doesn't care about the community you're wrong, otherwise I doubt he would actually post this app. And if he only wanted an admin tag, he could have just go and apply on another community where it's easier to get accepted.
I have to agree with one thing after all; this looks more like a DR app than a class warefare app to be honest with you @Joe. Judging from your session logs at Class Warefare you have played approximately 1 hour the last 2 weeks, shame on you. I recommend you to either increase your activity there a lot, or tell us that you're only applying for Deathrun. Being admin on 2 places, when you mostly only will play on one place is not a good choice.

And finally, it's like @mermite said. If Joe screws it this time as well, fire him. But if it happens, I won't be as supportive next time he re-apply (if he does). Probably going to let someone slap me in the face if that happens.
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My opinion is based off of his current state and not his past pushy, a bit annoying self, so here we go :
  • You are extremely friendly to everyone and quite helpful when it comes to administration duties as you help out other admins by spotting rulebreakers and making demos - you've already done more good than all the other possible applicants for the DR trial position, in my opinion.
  • An extremely persistant person, for the good or the worse, who's willing to help and hear the person out, even if he might annoy you by just a little bit, he's one of the few people out there that actually give a damn.
  • I believe in second chances. We're all human, making decisions based on certain principles and views, we shouldn't be scolded for the rest of our lives just because of decisions and actions that were made by mistake. Joe is no exception here - his past might shadow over him, but his future, as an admin, would be brighter than anything else.
  • Activity is good. From my POV, we need more admins from different timezones to try and cover a wider timeframe.
There's my 2 cents about Joe's application. You may not like it, you may like it, but I've never experienced any problems with him in the past and I'm judging the current Joe, so my best of luck to you, Joe. +1

Sincerely, Your Friend™



6 in favour
3 against
And a few neutrals.
I am writing this so late, because I was not very sure what to give you.
I will keep it short because other admins said everything that is important already.
Things that have influented my vote the most (I hope that was grammatically correct):
*Online times are fine for me (hope you can handle 2 servers)
*The few times we met in TF2/Mumble, you were very friendly
*You've already messed this up once, not very long ago
*But you seem to be quite sorry for that

Everyone has messed up something in his life already. It happens and you should get the chance to show us how you improved n stuff.....
After discussing with Lukas about this over the past few days and here's my opinion:

I've known Joe for longer than i'd like to think and from personal experience I believe Joe to be one of the most honest, truthful, friendly, helpful, and decent human beings around. He only ever wants to help and I have seen a change over the past few months. You have matured (even if its only slightly) and you have shown remorse for your previous actions as admin. I remember you putting this up and me thinking "I'll give a negative because *reasons similar to Broski*" HOWEVER; I believe, that you do want to help the community, and though DR isn't in dire need of any trials, saying that Creepz is fully active is a slight bit of misinformation. Though it says he is active, he connects for about 20 mins and then leaves. Joe is very similar to Creepz in this matter in that they only connect for brief amounts of time (from the MOST recent connections) and so both candidates are perfect for the role. Right, now what I really want to address, the previous negative comments:

Broski and Joe have known each other for a long time and Joe has the tendency to get on Broski's nerves with his persistence (not always a bad thing) and so I'm fine with what Broski has to say, that's how he feels Joe will react.

There is nothing wrong in asking for support, though it does seem like he's begging, he's asking you as a friend whether you have got his back or not. You shouldn't change his opinion based on the fact that Broski has a personal feud with him.

OMG Really!? You're going to give him a minus vote for wanting to be your friend!? You kick him from your mumble channel, you ignore him when he tries to talk to you!? He tries to be nice to you and you throw it all back in his face. Again, all he wants is to be friends with the community and get along with everyone and you are adamant on not letting him do so because... you just don't like him. Plain and simple.

You're basing your opinion off what others think rather than your own personal opinions, but whatever, I've done this before so I won't critique you.

I was expecting a +1 from you. After encouraging Joe to upload his app after he was so apprehensive about uploading it. After talking with Joe, he isn't worried what people think of him, he is worried what we, as his friends think about him, which should matter. I'm concerned what everyone is going to think of me after I post this, some of you may think I'm a complete arsehole and other will think it's somewhat gutsy to go with minority when the majority are all my best friends and this may puncture their opinions on me, but whatever.

You're basing your opinion off what others think rather than your own personal opinions, but whatever, I've done this before so I won't critique you.

After much thought, I'm going to give Joe my +1 because:
  1. I've seen change in him.
  2. It's a trial period, if it doesn't work out we simply remove him.
  3. I've truly seen change in Joe, I can't explain it in words, but I feel like he has proven himself decent enough to become (at least) a trial admin.
Thanks, hope you don't get overly offended by this of some shit like that.
EDIT**** mermite , my vote isnt because of a personal feud between joe and broski
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Mermite i didnt post that reply off of what Broski said .
In which case I apologise for making that assumption. It just appeared to be the case at the time in mumble and here in the forums.
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In which case I apologise for making that assumption. It just appeared to be the case at the time in mumble and here in the forums.
If anything i love both Broskii & Joe equally . A feud between them doesnt change a thing :)
Well it's the majority vote. I sure hope you guys know what you're doing.
A lot of people though seem to think of it as a past feud and I'm starting to feel like a broken record. The certain problem towards Joe was very recent and you guys need to respect those that have chosen -1. We've done it for a reason, as valid as yours are.

Now all we gotta wait for is Kevin. :rolleyes:
No need to wait, I'll do it. It's 7 against 3, I sincerely doubt any major developments will happen. Whatever events happened before, this is a fresh opportunity. Doesn't matter which "side" turned out to be right; we'll see what happens and take it as it comes.

Even though I have no official authority to assign mentors any longer, based on this thread can safely say that Lukas will be his primary mentor, with Madact assisting. As for Class Warfare, perhaps Chillix would be a suitable mentor for there.
This is the final thing I have to say about this vote, It seems no one has thought this through properly, I notice a lot of you are saying he is friendly, but you seem to forget his behavior as an admin, and due to what happened recently No on is really understanding the situation, and clearly no on eis able to stick to thier own opinion, Im disapointed...If you make an opinion stick to it instead of jumping on the band wagon.

I can say some opinions are valid. Others are not.

When Joe has a problem with someone, he leaves the situation, yes this is a mature thing to do, but he then goes to someone who has no knowledge of the situation, and then claims to be a victim, claims how sorry he is, so some veiws here should not be counted as I fear they aren't well thought through and the judgement is compramised.

This post won't get me anywhere but I feel this needs to be said, I thought many of you had the ability to think resonably, and consider all options instead you change your vote like a Shitzophrenic changes his mind, I could ask for a re-vote, give people more time to think rationally about their vote, as in the space and time it has take some people to change their mind is Silly.

So I request a revote so people can actualy think about their vote instead of just changing it willy-nilly

I say more honesty is needed here, as I say people are scared to give a -1 so they dont hurt Joes feelings, if you think he needs a -1 then give him one, dont be manipulated by his "Victim" all the drama caused last night, then suddenly most votes have changed? I dont find this resonable, and I do not in anyway think this has had any serious thought put in.

Lastly all I can say is when you make an opinion stick to it, If you have something to say then say it, dont just sit back because other people say differently, Im voicing it now I do not support this and I think it has been Brushed over as it seems everyone lacks the ability of consideration.

Good day.
Last time I also asked people to confirm their votes, and everyone did. I sincerely doubt that 4 people would retract them now, or 2 suddenly change it to the complete opposite.

Additionally, we have never had any sort of revote after someone has been accepted. I say accepted is accepted, and we'll see how it goes. It's not like you have to concern yourself with him, Broski. You are not his mentor, neither do you really play on the servers that he does.
Please put my app on hold till I feel like it is the right to be accepted.

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