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  1. JeFFY

    Completed [DR] Big update dr_mario

    Hi! I think I need to update one of the maps I suggested in one of the previous posts. The dr_mario_b4 map seemed quite short, half of the traps on the map are useless and not interesting, and some traps do not work at all. Also, all Easter eggs on the map are useless and do not give anything...
  2. JeFFY

    Completed [DR] Deathrun map update

    Heyo, guys. I want to make a really good update for Deathrun. I did not make this suggest based solely on my opinion. 7 players I met while playing on the server helped me with this suggest. I have compiled a list of 30 maps, from which we have selected the 3 best ones, which I would like to...
  3. JeFFY

    Completed [DR] A small map update for Deathrun

    Hello! What about a little map update on Deathrun? I think these changes will slightly diversify the game, and we will not play on the same cards all the time. In the future, I want to offer an idea for Deathrun maps, but now I think it's too early for that. Consider my suggestion and leave...
  4. JeFFY

    Completed [DR] Replace the vsh_dr_block_v9 to dr_block_v9

    I've been playing Deathrun mode for almost 11 years now and dr_block is one of my favorite classic maps. For two years I've been playing on panda's deathrun. I suggest replacing the VSH version of the dr_block_v9 map to the regular one. The versus saxton hale version has several bugs, unlike the...