Search results

  1. Luka

    Declined Punishment?!

    Current Steam name: Shadow Amulet (Sandwich Face) had before name. SteamID (Unique ID on HlStatsx): Which server the rule was broken on: trade_minecraft_neon_v182_p3_fi Any useful links such as their HLStats profile / SourceBans search...
  2. Luka

    Declined 1moonth mutte.

    Name of your Banned Steam Account: JNA Luka Steam ID : Date and Time of the Ban: 31.3.2021 Reason about the Ban: "Toxic" Admin that Banned you: Mikey (Shelby). Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: I was not...
  3. Luka

    Invalid Punishment (1moonth) without any strict reason..?

    Well that happend in 31.3.2021 on Panda neon trade server. As always i join on this server to sell items (paints,keys,metal,.....) and offcourse to have "training" with sniper. After the time this player : Steam Community :: Shadow Amulet started sniper war with me. I have dominated him for...
  4. Luka

    Where is justice?

    Hi. Admin Mikey a.k.a Shelby mutted me in chat for 1 moonth. Without any reason. All what he said : You were Toxic. Wait... 1 moonth bann for saying me that i was toxic? To be honest like always player named "Sandwich Face was keep nerving me with his friend, and those 2 players were Toxic, and...