Recent content by Seuin

  1. Seuin

    Accepted The seuin ungag appeal

    SourceBans Ban URL: Seuin Name of your Banned Steam Account: Seuin Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:0:97583765 Date and Time of the Ban:2021-05-31 05:16:27 Reason about the Ban: Ghosting Admin that Banned you: Random Coffee Table Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: Gagged for...
  2. Seuin

    Declined The epic seuin unmute appeal

    Gee y'all it's been a month already SourceBans Ban URL: Seuin Name: Seuin Steam ID 32 STEAM_0:0:97583765 Date and Time of the Ban:2020-06-04 00:47:02 Reason about the Ban: Inappropriate talk Admin that Banned you: Bambi Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: Alright...
  3. Seuin

    Declined bring back jb_bootcamp

    I liked bootcamp because it was a good rebel map. Probably the only map that was made (perhaps unintentionally) to be good for rebelling. Other than that the minigames are fine, just as good as any other map but nothing great.
  4. Seuin

    Declined bring back jb_bootcamp

    *cough* luna park / bricks / underjail / jailfort *cough*
  5. Seuin

    Accepted Cactus slurs

    Cactus STEAM_0:1:40207609 US | Jailbreak chat logs and comms history No insulting / no slurs I asked him to actively rebel, since I know admins love context. This wasn't the only insulting he did this session, but the rest of it was on mic.
  6. Seuin

    Accepted Freekiller

    Name: Cardboard Bottle AND crsipybiscett SteamID: STEAM_0:0:522758627 (cardboard bottle) STEAM_0:0:556363673 (crsipybiscett) Server rule was broken on: US | Jailbreak Cardboard's Ban Record and crsipybiscett's Ban Record Freekilling (Cardboard) No mic (crsipy) The demo is...
  7. Seuin

    Here's the actual JB IP in case it gets delisted again
  8. Seuin

    Panda Community Music Thread

  9. Seuin

    Declined Infamous Seuin Unmute appeal

    SourceBans Ban URL: Seuin Name of your Banned Steam Account: Seuin Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:0:97583765 Date and Time of the Ban :2020-06-04 00:47:02 Reason about the Ban: Inappropriate Talk Admin that Banned you: Bambi (Deleted) Why should you receive a unban for the mute: We've been through this a...
  10. Seuin

    discord appeal

    Vinny told me to make an appeal on the forums in order to get unbanned from the discord @vinny
  11. Seuin

    Declined Add jb_toxic to JB

    jb toxic is an epic map created by epic semi with epic things we haven't seen before like voice lines
  12. Seuin

    Panda Community Music Thread

    Norwegian bulge singing.
  13. Seuin

    Things That People Dislike About My Favorite Server(s)

    JB child wardens Anybody who roleplays Micspammers Chatspammers British "people" Blu snipers
  14. Seuin

    Accepted F-slur on JB

    Noel Axmanner SteamID:STEAM_0:0:459094774 US | Jailbreak Chat logs Rule broken: No slurs, no insulting
  15. Seuin

    Declined Unmute Appeal

    SourceBans Ban URL: here Name of your Banned Steam Account: Seuin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:97583765 Date and Time of the Ban: 2020-06-04 12:47 AM Reason about the Ban: Inappropriate Talk Admin that Banned you: Bambi (Deleted) Why should you receive a unban for the mute: The real reason I was muted...