Recent content by BlastStrikerZ

  1. BlastStrikerZ

    Declined BlastStrikerZ's Second Chance.

    Hello everyone! The name's Matthew Wilson, AKA BlastStrikerZ, and if you've heard of me you probably know of my last application. Well I'm back again, and this time I'm not a small inexperienced child.I've got more time under my belt, and I'm prepared to give this another go. I'm now 17...
  2. BlastStrikerZ

    Invalid Administrator Application: Jailbreak New York

    Hello there everyone, I appreciate the time you're taking out of your lives to view this application for the one position that can serve justice: Administrator My name is Matthew, more commonly known as BlastStrikerZ. I am 17 years old and am a major Team Fortress 2 player with plenty of time...
  3. BlastStrikerZ

    Hello Ladies and Gents!

    Hey everyone, I've finally arrived! The name's BlastStrikerZ, and I'm basically that one obscure person no one will ever know about! I frequent the NY Jailbreak Server, and really desire to see it shine for once! Yes, I am 17, and yes, I'm an idiot. Any others questions may or may not be answered!