Declined [JB] Suggestion to make ''Disco'' a banned minigame (1 Viewer)

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Mixed on this in a way where I can't really lean towards yes or no, because both in favor of, and those against, banning Disco have made valid points.

On the one hand...maybe try looking into a getting a better connection? I live in a very rural area of Western Canada and we managed to get our hands on (usually) very fine-running internet. Even if you're, say, lagging for a few seconds every so often, you can at least attempt to play the minigame as you may surprise yourself. The only areas I can see having bad connection no matter where you are are isolated islands in the middle of the ocean, thousands of miles from the mainland.

As well, banning Disco would render the Disco areas on most maps completely useless. The only Discos off the top of my head that have a built-in minigame are the ones on Carcerem and Hopjb.

But on the other hand...we've banned First Reaction, Last Reaction due to ping disparities.

Considering that both Disco and FRLR are being talked about here, would it maybe be more ideal to UNban FRLR instead, as the opposite solution to put both games on an even legality field? As it seems most people are in favor of not banning Disco.

I do agree that it seems hypocritical to ban one ping-based game but not the other.
there's less to FRLR than there is to Simon Says, Simon Says is a lot more open to activities but FRLR is just first/last to crouch, jump, 360, swing melee. When have you seen a FRLR game be actually fun? I have never.

i think the whole argument about banning games cause of bad ping is stupid, I have always had meh connection to the US server since i played from Denmark, i never cried or complained since i knew what i was getting myself into by playing from Europe and still won and had a lot of fun.
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First reaction last reaction is banned, this is just a clear objective contradiction to the rules.
That being said, nobody even plays disco so not that big of a deal.
I personally haven't had that much trouble playing Disco with 120~ ping (Unlike with FRLR which is a shit show no matter what) but that comes with a pretty small sample size considering the game is basically never played.
Unfortunately a lot of Minigames where the Blus decide who is KOS like that is ripe for abuse so that's the main grounds on which I don't like it.
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I found a thread where Someone mentions that First reaction Last reaction was banned for connection issues, but after I looked into it, this first reaction last reaction, I had remembered being banned here/ not played since I started here in late 2016, and I found a thread when they banned shoot or don’t shoot, I am lead to believe it was banned along with shoot or don’t shoot and shark for being way too tricky with their orders or breaking other written rules.
This is the old reasoning FRLR was removed I found it in an older suggestion

To me it seems like it wasn’t originally based on latency
It seems like as if there is an eu jailbreak server, and enough Europeans that can play it if they want better ping. I find it funny that a lot of times the us server is full of Europeans with shit ping since they are connecting to Texas from somewhere like Sofia. Also the latency reasoning being used could be applied to many more games such as jeopardy and possibly gut the servers mini game selection, I’m not voting yes unless someone uses a different reasoning that doesn’t allow this to be used to support removal of other things that are seemingly in a good place right now. I get that someone can technically play it from the start of the round, but they only get a certain number of forces, and then its random pick, and if they are still getting warden someone can suggest something else as LR, or mass rebel ( in disco its really close quarters )
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Whether you like it or not Disco is good at shortening the end of a round preventing the dead players from waiting another 5 minutes for 2 heavies to do a long as fuck obby. Although Negative in the wrong hands those wrong hands dont have long to abuse it before they gotta wait a while. I think it has a positive role for a few reds, If you really dont like it a restriction to a low red count would be fine by me.
POV : You cope so hard after dying on freeze dance (you have shit internet) that you come here to suggest yet another minigame barely anyone plays just for it to become LR only and then literally NOONE is going to play it.
Like fuck. Its ur problem if you decide to join a US Server while ur living in the EU. I for my part would simply allow back all ping based minigames including FRLR.
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Also I’m one for less complexity, so the less rules the less stress it is to play the game and enjoy it.
POV : You cope so hard after dying on freeze dance (you have shit internet) that you come here to suggest yet another minigame barely anyone plays just for it to become LR only and then literally NOONE is going to play it.
Like fuck. Its ur problem if you decide to join a US Server while ur living in the EU. I for my part would simply allow back all ping based minigames including FRLR.
Insane, but you haven't been reading the threads
have you considered just purchasing better internet?
what I'm confused on this whole debate is

Because you have terrible connection to the game, we (the majority) who do have a decent connection have to cater to the smaller majority who have terrible internet? how is that fair to the rest of us who can play just fine with reasonable ping?
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
You can argue that the minigame is unfair cuz of ping, we have banned minigames before cuz of that reason so the suggestion isn’t unreasonable, still i like the minigame cuz its funny most of the time
Again, post a successful suggestion with that reasoning as its primary reasoning
Even though I’m mixed on Disco, one thing I actually do wanna see is a max player limit of 4, maybe 5 or 6, for the freeze dance minigame. Doing freeze dance with 20 reds doesn’t seem plausible.
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