Declined VSH Suggestion | Maps (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2015
Might get a little disagreed with but I think this needs to be discussed.

Let me start off with the most important, I personally think that VSH is good but there are areas where it can probably improve, there are many (or some if the Hale is experienced) maps which are too merc-sided and offers a low bare chance of the Hale actually winning, one of them is vsh_skyhigh_resort, let me explain why:

Jogging everyone's memory a little to remind them which map this is:
Why exactly is this map "not good"?
The reason is because everytime the Hale gets knocked back out of the map and falls down, he spawns in the center in the map, there are two things that can happen here:
1. He gets telefragged
2. Sticky bombed and loses like 3K HP.

Most of the time this cannot be countered because of the ridiculous amount of Pyros that tend to airblast the Hale outside of the teleporters range.

That's generally the biggest issue of that map.

I would also mention vsh_military_area because it's considered a "butcher the Hale" map, there are five places in that map that have large medpacks and large ammo packs, basically heaven for the Soldier mains.
That is essentially it, there are probably more maps but these are the widely known maps for hale butchery.

And off I go.
i mean it would also be good to reduce hale knockback but that would probably turn into a very controversial topic
This was voted on ages ago. Whilst it’s not fun to be hale these maps are popular and the vote heavily swung in the favour of keeping them.
Nono, my intent isn't to get these maps removed but to have them balanced for both the Hale and the RED team, sorry for not mentioning it earlier.
For example, have Skyhigh's teleportation areas be random instead of just one constant place, or have instead of teleportation, constant damage will occur, but that can be exploited by the Hale a lot of times to get Super Duper Jump.

As for Military Area, the ammo packs and medpacks should be medium but not large.
I'm unsure of what exactly is the suggestion in this thread; remove the maps? Edit them? Something else? If you are calling for removal of these maps, sorry but it is just not likely to happen. Military is the most popular map in the panda rotation, with skyhigh being 9th (this is still extremely high for a map which was only updated into the rotation roughly 2-3 years ago). Outright removing both of these maps is a massive stretch, and is likely to cause a large dip in playerbase.

If you want them edited, find someone willing to do it. These changes have been suggested multiple times in recent years (just search for "military" or "skyhigh" in the forums) and the same issues come up every time; nobody can be bothered to do it, or Kevin just simply doesn't update it.
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I'm unsure of what exactly is the suggestion in this thread; remove the maps? Edit them? Something else? If you are calling for removal of these maps, sorry but it is just not likely to happen. Military is the most popular map in the panda rotation, with skyhigh being 9th (this is still extremely high for a map which was only updated into the rotation roughly 2-3 years ago). Outright removing both of these maps is a massive stretch, and is likely to cause a large dip in playerbase.

If you want them edited, find someone willing to do it. These changes have been suggested multiple times in recent years (just search for "military" or "skyhigh" in the forums) and the same issues come up every time; nobody can be bothered to do it, or Kevin just simply doesn't update it.
I've already stated in my last reply that I don't want these maps removed but rather have them changed.
Respectfully, there probably are skilled Mappers around willing to change these issues on the maps, if both of these maps have been mentioned more than once about their issues then hopefully they should be fixed.
My bad, I've never seen the thread, so only vsh_military_area is the map that probably needs a little fixing then medpack and ammo pack wise, as I said before in this thread.

@Semicolon Backslash is it possible to change medpacks and ammo packs to smaller versions or completely remove them in stripper?
Well, that map is picked because it is fun not because it is balanced.
If you reduce the health packs too much the map will die, if you do it too little it will have the same problem. The fun part is playing soldier being nearly unkillable without some luck or rage then just curb stomping any rookie hale with repeat market garden and goombas.
I think it would be a good idea to lower the health packs. I don't think giving the map smaller health packs will change much with the popularity this map has tbh. Making them medium sounds good to me, perhaps we make a poll for it? If we make a poll i can bet keeping them big wins but thats democracy. Im fine with keeping them big or making them medium.
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Making them medium sounds good to me
Changing the health packs to medium is not going to change the balance of the map, Soldiers and Pyros will still just jump to the next pack and continue to replenish their health. If anything, this will only nerf Demoman (a criminally underpowered class on Panda VSH) who already needs to collect 4 heads to survive 1 hit from the Hale. Other classes are simply not worth mentioning as they can't utilise the health packs in the same way as these 3 classes. That being said, I will agree on the democracy part, and if a poll is presented I will vote accordingly.

E: Just clarifying here that the ammo packs do not need changing as suggested in some replies above, all ammo packs on the map are already small.
Just dont play the map 4Head
@adam. @Syntex @Furken @Falkì @Magglet @Roar

Feel free to ignore, but I consider you guys care about this. Do you think vsh_military_area will benefit from changing medpacks / ammopacks to make the map balanced for hales sake? Or not?
Been dead for quite some time so pardon me for that.
I don't think it will make a massive difference either way, and I do agree that reducing it too much can affect the map's rotation or just reducing it to medium won't have much of an impact on the balancing, but it's better than nothing imo.
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