Completed [VSH] Some changes to RTD (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
Hi, I'd like to suggest some changes for several RTDs since some of them are a bit too weak or broken. Let me know what you think.


"0" //Gives godmode for a specified amount of time
"name" "Godmode"
"good" "1"
"sound" "vo/scout_invincible01.mp3"
"token" "godmode"
"time" "0"
"class" "0"
"weapons" "0"
"mode" "0" //Self damage? -1 = no, 0 = pushback only (rjumps), 1 = yes
"uber" "1" //0/1 - Ubercharge (interferes with uber canteen from MvM)
For godmode, I suggest simply changing the "uber" argument to "1" because it's still possible to die to goomba with this perk. Setting it to "1" prevents that. Currently it's set to 0.

"1" //Hurts enemy players in the specified radius, interval and with given damage
"name" "Toxic"
"good" "1"
"sound" "vo/soldier_pickaxetaunt01.mp3"
"token" "toxic"
"time" "0"
"class" "0"
"weapons" "0"
"radius" "128.0"
"interval" "0.2"
"damage" "100.0"
I think damage for this perk is a bit too low, I suggest changing it to around 100. Currently it's set to 20.

Scary Bullets
"11" //Grants "scary bullets" which scare the heck out of the victim (stun)
"name" "Scary Bullets"
"good" "1"
"sound" "vo/soldier_sf12_scared01.mp3"
"token" "scarybullets"
"time" "0"
"class" "0"
"weapons" "0"
"duration" "1" // Stun duration

Okay so this perk is pretty broken in its current state, I think reducing the stun duration to maybe 1 second would be okay enough. Currently stun duration is 3 seconds.

Deadly Voice
"36" //Makes client's voice commands deal damage
"name" "Deadly Voice"
"good" "1"
"sound" "vo/demoman_laughevil03.mp3"
"token" "deadlyvoice"
"time" "0"
"class" "0"
"weapons" "0"
"rate" "0.8"
"range" "196.0"
"damage" "150.0"
I think this perk is a bit useless in its current state mainly due to the low damage it has (72). I suggest changing it to maybe around 150 to make it a bit more useful.
Also,Toxic has a bug where it pretty much blinds the player.That happened to me at least.
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well, godmode yes i mean god :3 should be invincible.

toxic is more annoying than helpful(and i nvr knew it deals actual dmg)

scary bullets is quite broken and frustrating for hales, hale can't do literally anything when scared :/

Deadly voice is one of the most useless rtds, other than increase dmg, i suggest increase range, because its range is 1 or half meter.
May i suggest something @Kruphixx

a change on "Strip to Melee"

just adding a time limit instead of perma till round ends.
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im ok with the godmode perks duration being made shorter
Maybe with adding dmg to deadly voice add some knockback maybe? if it wont make it overpowered i think it might become a better roll
And with toxic maybe make the aura a bit smaller so it wont blind you
otherwise the other changes seem fine
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