Declined Vecomti's 2fort Dictator Application (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2014
Name/Nickname: Vecomti

Age: 16 above 15 thanks
Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:96602714

Online Times: I am usually online between 16:00 - 22:00 GMT +2 during weekdays, as for weekends, I am online between 11:00 - 04:00 GMT +2.

Do you have a microphone?: I do have a microphone and I use it a lot while I am playing.

Previous experiences as an Admin/Mod: None, but I am not entirely oblivious as of their duties.

What Panda community servers do you usually play on?: I only play on the 2Fort server.

Do you have experience with SourceMod and how it works?: I have zero experience but I can learn.

Why should we choose you?: I am very active and I appreciate the rules. I remind and inform people when they break rules, I. E; if someone is spawncamping and/or mic-spamming, I will inform them of the rules and the concequences of breaking them. I like the community and I wish to contribute.

What will you do as an Admin?: I will do as I am currently doing; reminding and informing, except I will take action if they continue to disobey.

In terms of taking action, I would first ask the other admins about how they punish rulebreakers for each of the rules in order to kind of make my own list on how to deal with them (if such a list does not already exist). As an example, I would ask a fellow admin how long of a mute someone who is continously mic-spamming would receive after a warning, then how long of a mute they would receive if they continue after the first mute and so on.
I'll just do that shit vvvv

If I were to take actions without the help of others, I would;
  1. For spamming (mic and- chat-spam) first give a warning, then give a 30 minute long mute, then double it until a mute/gag reaches two hours, where I would extend it for a day. If they were to continue after this I would mute/gag them for a week.
  2. For spawncamping, give a warning. If they were to continue, I would slay them, and if they continue after that point I would first kick them, and after that I would ban them for an hour, then double it if he/she were to continue.
  3. for disrespect give a warning. If they were to continue, I would kick, then ban for one hour - one day depending on how rude they were.
  4. If anyone were to hack or cheat I would permanently ban them without a warning.

ok thanks check the tags hint hint nudge nudge they just are out of order, vote yes for me if you can solve the puzzle!7
Vecomti here is known on the community mainly via the forums these days. I'm sure last year he had more of a presence on the gameservers but since back then I was deathrun mad I would not know.
The user has a bad reputation, mainly with particular admins. It does not help that we know you did go with the movement of Blank and Kitty into a community called Naval. During this time, fellow users who where there spying told me what sort of things you said at the time about the state of admins. It has also happened recently, something to do with a group of admin furries?
Besides from his attitudes externally and on the forums, his gameserver presences is not ideal. I refer people to check his chat log as I personally feel that isn't exactly role model standard. Also his name currently, but I've known names of admins to slide.
The sessions have only recently picked up, I have a feeling this has to do with the new population on the 2fort server due to the new matching making. It doesn't particularly look good as it only shows you are dedicated at times where things become 'interesting'.

Overall I do not believe you are admin material. I have tried my best to mainly move past what happened Naval wise....But we cannot ignore that it did happen...And with nothing positive I can come with this...I mean, even your application is full of corny jokes and not taken seriously, I am going to give my -1 .

If you feel there is something you can offer positively towards being an admin please tell me. I'm honestly struggling and tbh I'm really confident this is a joke.
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Reactions: Vecomti and Capp
declined; you may apply again in 1 month; 27.10.2016.
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