Accepted US Jailbreak, toxicity/transphobia/disrespectful language (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2021

He was part of what caused a player by the name of ♥Angela♥ to leave the server, after which she set her profile to private. I don't know if this is relevant to the report but I really hope she's doing alright-

Whenever stuff like this happens I'm never really sure what the best course of action is. As it is something that applies to me personally, and that other people had been deeply hurt as well, I believe my emotions got to me and prevented me from properly helping out in the situation. I'm very sorry all of this was able to happen, and I hope that the next time something of this manner happens again I'll be better prepared to mitigate the situation.
SirPupper was not the only one displaying this kind of behaviour at the time, though I only took screenshots of SirPupper- aa
Sorry for all the unnecessary details
Am I gonna get a warning if I start arguing here about the person Angela using a voice changer?
Nah you wont. If you have a video and you are sure that they were using one you can report it if you want to.

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