Declined UN-gag would be nice (1 Viewer)

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Bjarne junior

New Member
May 13, 2016

Name of account: vuze7 nickname: Bjarne junior

Date and time of gag: 05-08-16 20:16

Reason: Admin provocation/constantly typing Admin abuse. (Admin's view on gag)

Name of admin:Dio Brando

Why should i get an un-gag?

ive played on your dodgeball server for ~2 years And its the main reason i play tf2. Since my gag the server has become stale and boring as i am unable to communicate with friends and teammates. But the main reason i think i should get an un-gag is that i dont think ive done anything wrong. Yes, i said ''admin abuse'' but only about 5 times max. But i did it jokingly and did not intend to provoke the admin. my friend that has played on the server for only 3 times, only got a 3 hour ban wich makes me wonder why i got a permanent one. so i hope that the admin that reads this un-gags me and make the game fun for me again, thank you
I'd like to state my opinion here and say, you've probably been gagged for something more then that but (and I see it says admin's view on it) in no way imo is saying jokingly "admin abuse" provocation. I have multiple people call me out jokingly for admin abuse and I never take it as provocation as it's a joke.

If you're an admin you're supposed to be able to take a joke (if the joke isn't insulting that is)but as I stated above that is my opinion.
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my friend that has played on the server for only 3 times, only got a 3 hour ban wich makes me wonder why i got a permanent one.

The reason that you are permanently gagged is, that you have accumulated a total of 9 (8 if we ignore the Session-gag, how does somebody actually get that @Kevin ?) prior CommBlocks.
The "meta" is 6-7 until someone gets a permanent punishment, unless it was a major rule-violation.

@Dio Brando your call here.
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yes i know that i have a bad track record. but some of the gags ive got prior this are bs(atleast 3). but keep in mind ive played for over 2 years on the server wich is a long time. and ive never played for so long on a server before, have mercy
The first gag he received was in 2014, and all the other gags were a few hours long, as if they haven't piled up. I also agree with the fact that "Admin abuse", if said jokingly, isn't really provocation (heck I even reply "yes I know" when someone tells me that), but all of us Admins are different and thus we all take it differently, so I don't know. The gags also seem spread in time.

I'm staying neutral on whether or not he should be ungagged, it's true that he has 8 comm blocks, but I wanted to state some things.
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I want those who have only taken from what is said here to have a look at his chat logs and see what exactly he has been saying. You can see there are other rules he is border lining on, such as racism , insulting and capital locks.

Keep in mind also there is a fine line between joking and insulting. So long as someone makes it clear enough that it is a joke, it is fine. What might have happened is Dio was doing her duty and someone was saying 'admin abuse' everytime someone got slayed and so on. This can be a joke, but the joke continued and he went into capital letters when not receiving his attention. It's basically begging for a gag.

Looking back on your other punishments, 2 from Nexie which don't have a reason should be dismissed in this matter. There are two other recent gags from Dio and Lighty with the same reason, suggesting that it is not only Dio who feels this way.

Since you toke it far enough for a gag, you probably wouldn't of made an appeal here if it wasn't a perm gag. It has however been a months worth from the gag itself. Looking at the appeal, shows they are blaming the admin in question for the decision instead of taking responsibility for the action itself. Though it was mentioned it was a joke, there is no remorse.

If it was me personally, so long as I warned the player appropriately, I would of gagged them. Then once finding out they had 9 gags (Which Dio did, check the comment) I would replace it with a perm.
The reason that you are permanently gagged is, that you have accumulated a total of 9 (8 if we ignore the Session-gag, how does somebody actually get that @Kevin ?) prior CommBlocks.
The "meta" is 6-7 until someone gets a permanent punishment, unless it was a major rule-violation.

@Dio Brando your call here.

The session gag is just when an admin does "session" for the amount. Then it doesn't list the admin, annoyingly enough.

but some of the gags ive got prior this are bs(atleast 3).

Completely and utterly irrelevant. You should have appealed them as they happened. This is in no way an excuse.

The only thing that is under consideration here was whether this one was deserved or not. But all previous, unappealed punishments count towards your perm. So if your appeal gets accepted here you're still on slippery ice.
hello, as far as i can remember i didnt get any warnings and if i got one i would have stopped because i really didnt want to get gagged,kicked or a short ban. If i got one i just didnt see in chat because when playing db you cant really read chat until you're dead

i cant remember why i got gag for insult/racism. i could have gotten for insult but i have never been racist on your servers nor outside them.

i didnt appeal the bs gags because i didnt think it was a big deal or that it would lead to this
'bs gags' :rolleyes:

Also to your 'Never been racist' ;

8 May 2016 20:01:09 ya'll a bunch of god damn dirty negroes #19 [Dodgeball 2|gameME]
There is a fine line between jokingly calling out "Admin abuse" and constantly spamming it every single time someone gets punished in the server. This happened for quite some time, and I distinctly remember warning the player that it wasn't Admin abuse, and it was getting really annoying to have it be called out as such with each act of discipline I was bestowing upon someone.

Also, just for good measure:

Seems that you've been breaking other rules whilst trying to get a gag appealed. Not a very good choice, friend.
look, you admin do as you please. just keep in mind that if you caught me doing something like this again you can just perma gag me again and i wont/cant do anyhting about it again.

if i said something racist it must have been a response to a joke or somehting like that.

ill just have you know that ill miss your db server, cant argue that

still waiting on the admin who gagged you to reply, I dont know if Im allowed to state my opinion so im staying neutral untill the admin who gagged you replies and when it is told me I can state my opinion here.
still waiting on the admin who gagged you to reply, I dont know if Im allowed to state my opinion so im staying neutral untill the admin who gagged you replies and when it is told me I can state my opinion here.
The admin that gagged him, replied 2 posts ago.
Read the Thread before posting m8.
Edit: Can we close it anyway? @Dio Brando is apparently against an ungag and nobody else has anything to say about this matter.
Seriously, Bonus Ducks? The admin that put the gag on has been replying the whole time. Don't shitpost.
still waiting on the admin who gagged you to reply, I dont know if Im allowed to state my opinion so im staying neutral untill the admin who gagged you replies and when it is told me I can state my opinion here.
SORRY! No need to rage on me @Cammy I know you dont like me, still no reason to rage. Dio_brando's post did NOT show up for me thats why I posted my post.
Seriously this was all a mistake...

(Am I allowed to vote on unban-appeals?)
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