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Hi there, now in that demo, there were some fishy flicking, however as we move deeper into the demo, for me, it clears it up. The reason is that, statue is a tough thing to learn, and sometimes some ES players, DISC-FF players will just make alts and go play on our servers. Now the flicking part, let me explain, although you may notice that he is barely looking at the rockets, he is flicking real hard like when there was a upspike and he backshoted it, he looked to the back and flicked it to the front, he would be a hacker if he did not look up to hit the rocket, but instead he turned to his back and flicked it, mostly called a back shot flick or a back strike. I will not go into this more as it is something for you to learn. The other thing is that, if you notice on other db servers like disc-ff, you see players not even looking up to wave the rocket, just flicking up then down right away to wave, that is what Queen is doing in this demo, also, I came on to see what was happening and he looks like a legit "smurf" who knows his plays. Read his chat as well, nothing serious that will prove that he is hacking.

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