'Stronger Rule' aginst teamers. (1 Viewer)

jasieknms[Happy Panda]

Feb 16, 2013
we need stronger rules aginst teamers i mean .. i see more and more teaming hales like from [hun] clan thingy and some other ppl, i think teaming should be a reason to get baned for like 1week? so they learn to play fair? :D
[Hun] isn't a clan, it's just a tag that says they come from Hungarian. Anyways, most people I have banned recently are in the same clan. I hate kids who can't understand english, especially kids from Czech. But I must disagree about the ban time. If we ban players for a week, they probably quit playing on Panda servers. I would like to decrease it to 3 days.
I only banned for 1 hour maximum so far. I think that is enought for teaching them the rules if they don't learn it from kicks.
If they still continue then I also would increase ban time. But my device is start little, increase if needed.
No ban should be casted if admin is on server and players are teaming up, warning and slay, then kick; is enough. Only in repeated offense ban can be casted, that's why we have admins, otherwise we lose players if ban is first power we use.
A little ban after being pissed cause ppl ignore everything cures often.

When people ignore kicks and get blocked from the server for 5 minutes they realize they did something wrong.
If someone play in that way, constant arrow shooting behind doors (hiding behind spawn doors, you can consider it as spam) but only if it's on regular base, you can cast ban, one day or something, you be the judge of that, it's on admins discretion. But sustain from casting bans on first offense. Simple as that.
In the example I used the guy really just opened spawndoor, shot arrow and hide back and that for 20 minutes.

I don't like to ban people. I allways fear I ruined somebodys day then.
Now's the thing.. What if there's NO admin on the server..? They ignore everyone .... i call most times you max, or kevin but if youre not on.. then what? we get annoyed for 3/4hours of em?
record a demo so you can tell us about them and we can act if they do something again.
its the best thing you could do besides telling admins directly when it happens

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