Steam game raffle! (2 Viewers)

I need more ideas
lol no go away
EPic xxkiller1swag123xXXtriskcojth
Anyone wanna play minecraft? pm me on google
jesus christ im gonna take a break

Aw, crap, cheating. Mind if I quit?
Ragequits are evil, you won't miss them,
We'll find a way to simulate that hate,
What a sorry fella, spy sapped and stabbed
like a cornish game hen, here on level one of TF HELL!

Banning's wrong and so is kicking,
So is trying to scramble back to BLU,
Let's let Lord Gaben conclude,
What type of ban is right for you,
I'm admin here on level twooo!
Ooh, deep fried RED team!

Just tell me why (Your cheats date back to 2-0-8)
There must be hackers worse than I. (We've checked around, there really aren't)
Then please let me explain my cheats are really boyish pranks.
(You've spawned in spinbots, hacks and boxes!)

Selling LMAOBOX copies is wrong.
Valve doesn't need cheaters to belong.
"Hey cheater better hide your hacks, put your aimbot off or get freakin' banned!"
*clicks of the person getting banned*
Thats, whatcha watcha watcha get for LMAO-BOX!
I feel like hell. It's up to us to unban him.
Maybe he likes it here in hell.
It's up who tempted him to hack!
Maybe he's on one of his alts accs?
Come on, Valve don't be a dick, at least unban these dumb hackers.
And get back to nerfing stuff.
All your employees are slackers!

Tricking noobies,
Starting flame wars,
Putting up indecent spray paint pics,
You'll pay for all your crimes,
knee deep in jarate slime,
trapped on the server for all of time,
playing maps you hate the whole time,
all of this and more in TF HEEEEEEEEEEELL!
no hahahahhahah is that a song if so good song

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