Completed Spawn vaccinator on dm_duel (1 Viewer)

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Jan 21, 2015
The issue is simple, some players on dm_duel get themselves a pocket medic with a vaccinator, switch to bullets damage reduction. The medic hides in a corner in the spawn while the sniper keep shooting other players and hiding back whenever someone gets close.


-You can not kill the sniper thanx to the medic.
-The sniper will heal whenever he takes damage.
-The sniper will hide back whenever someone gets close.

This is why i suggest adding this action to the spam list, thank you.
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#18 - Mario Kart:

No spawncamping.
This includes staying near the spawn, building any buildings close to it, spamming explosives or projectiles that headshot or healing a sniper aiming at the spawn with the vaccinator.

This already exists as a rule on Mario Kart. It would make sense to also apply it to Duel, especially considering the size of the map.

@Stabbin @spAce and who else plays duel again??
-The sniper will heal whenever he takes damage.
-The sniper will hide back whenever someone gets close.

Pretty much everyone does that, with or without a medic. Unless its a duel. I don't know, that sounds like criticizing the map design tbh. You can't camp next to the locker since the doors won't open unless you go near them and that's far away from the trigger range of the locker. On the other floors, the sniper can still retreat to the dispensers behind him in a blind spot when taking damage; unless the attacker is on that floor too. The older duel map had an even bigger locker - gate distance. Camping next to the lockers was a problem on the older duel map when there were lockers on each floor. The sniper could use the DDS and stand directly next to the locker infinitely. This was later nullified by replacing the lockers with the dispensers you see now. The only difference between then and now (on the ground floor spawns) is the fact that the gates are transparent now and gate - locker distance is shorter. The only thing you can fix this with is by banning sniping on the ground floor. It's a crazy bold move. Or if possible, make the spawn doors opaque so the sniper won't have the advantage of pre-aiming any longer (that is, can't analyze the outside situation and prepare without taking the risk of having to open the doors, thus exposing him/herself).

As for vaccinators healing snipers, do you want to eliminate that entirely or just from the spawn floor? If entirely, I don't think it would be right because you CAN get in the other floors and kill them. Not to mention how many complaints we'd get against how this was meant to be a part of the game from the players (and they would have a point). It would be like the "no DDS (darwin's danger shield) masterrace" all over again. The spawn is the only place not accessible directly so it makes sense to not allow it there (that's like enabling Godmode) so that's alright.

The OP playstyles can never be finished. Like how Heavy + Medic has a huge advantage because of the narrow stairs and choke points.
good point actually, since I consider it as one of the things that are annoying as hell (like dds snipers), but you could never really do anything about it.
I have to say tho, overall im against limiting the weapon choice of players or anything like that. Just let people play what and how they want (obv. together with respecting the rules)

In my opinion, we could add it to the spam list, as @Nameless said, because it destroys fair sniper battles and nobody enjoys fighting a vacc pocketed sniper :) nice suggestion!
I agree, this trick is really unfair and should be prohibited, at least in spawn. At floors you can come and kill them, so that shouldn't be such a problem.

For complete what said @The Death Stalker camping at locker is stated as spam by a rule and bannable. Banning sniping at spawn is not a good idea because everyone do that, due to relative security that spawn offer, and making doors opaque is not a good idea neither at my opinion. Yeah, that could deny snipers to aim, but that could hide lot of things at other side, such as crits pills or rockets, sentries, etc... very present on a small map like this one. Players of any class would be dead before analyse anything.

But that not the point~ I'm for add vacc pocket on the spamlist, at least at spawn

EDIT : I just got about that but, if we do that, will we add only vaccinator on spamlist or all kinds of mediguns ?
I have always felt like the duel map favors sniper gameplay from spawn. Quick access to the locker, ability to block spam by simply closing the shutter door, switching class quickly...
Adding dds and vaccinator is in my opinion unfair and can be hard to deal with if the medic hides in spawn behind some walls.
I recall this being a favorite strategy of two kids called blupvis and blopvis...

On the other hand; it feels to me like this doesn't occur extremely often and if they're not camping in spawn they can usually be dealt with.

Extremely annoying nonetheless, so I agree :)
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I think i speak for all duel admins and players, when i say that we want to add a rule preventing snipers from getting pocketed by medics. So we should make that happen. Am i right?
Took me a while to find this thread! In the feedback folder like whaaaat xD Moved to suggestions.

Does anybody have a draft of this rule? :3c
  • No Sniper shielding in spawn
This is defined as medic, healing a Sniper in the spawn, with the Vaccinator, or even uber him with this same medigun. At the same way, asking for this treatment is forbidden.

Drop the feedbacks naow ~ o3o
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  • No Sniper shielding in spawn
This is defined as a Medic healing a Sniper in the spawn with the Vaccinator (This includes ubering). It should also be noted that asking for this treatment from another medic player is forbidden.

I've brushed it up as it needed it's grammar sorting. No offence Gard :P But it proved a good base for it :)
Everyone happy? Can we also check if I have made a mistake? xD
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