Silence Appeal (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Apr 3, 2020
SourceBans Ban URL:

Name of your Banned Steam Account: f fucking 1

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:193350054

Date and Time of the Ban: 2020-04-03 13:54:25

Reason about the Ban: Insulting Others

Admin that Banned you:Djusan

Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban:

To start, another player and I were arguing, he was shouting at other players, due to the fact that they were "stealing" his rockets. So I went to his steam profile, and saw that the main account was banned. When I asked him why, he laughed and said it was cheating. The only thing I called it was "asshole" and without any warning, I took permanent silence. I understand the reason for silence but I don't understand the fact that it is permanent and the other player didn't even take a warning either. Thank you for your time.


Everything i said on that server is here:
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I hoped on the server and you were insulting someone on vocal chat, I heard nothing from other players. I might have joined too late but when I joined it was only you.

The reason why you took a permanent here is because it was your 6th communication punishment, and you have a past with insutling players.
Since your previous comms punishments are in a long time, I might have been too harsh. But you need to understand that you can't insult players if they insult/shout, just call for an admin instead.

I'll discuss with @Absinthe about it
Good afternoon, I apologize for taking too long to answer.

To start with, I didn't insult anyone via voice chat, the only thing I said on voice chat was "why is your main account banned?"
And then I called it "asshole". And for the record, I didn't suppress him by voice chat.
If necessary, a friend of mine was there who could prove all that I was saying.

I am a trader and may need a chat or voice to promote my sales.
Regardless of the previous bans that I have, I think a warning was fine. But not instead I was permanently silent by a simple word "asshole".

You did insult in voice chat, even using the word "asshole".

But yeah, I just joined so I didn't activate my record yet, my fault for that.

As I said, I'm discussing with @Absinthe about it, wait a bit please.
I'll not discuss this anymore even if i got reason, the power is in your hands so.
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Me and @Djusan talked and we decided to lift your silence, there isn't much on your chat despite that "asshole". It was a rushed decision, nonetheless be careful with your chat, you have been gagged twice for Insulting players and that was the reason why Djusan decided to gag you so quickly.

Closed and Accepted.
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