Declined Scy's admin application (1 Viewer)

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Aug 12, 2016
- Your name and/or nickname.

My in-game name is S c y t h e s t o n E, but you can just call me Scy.

- Your age.


- Who gave you permission to apply?

Don't need permission

- Your Steam32 ID.


- Your general online times and timezone.

My general online times are from 15:00-17:00 and 20:00-21:00 GMT +1

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?

The server i want to apply for is Trade #25. Yes, i could visit a broader range of servers.

- Do you have a microphone?


- You previous expirience as Admin or Moderator.

No expirience at all.

- Do you have expirience with administrating with SourceMod


- Why should we choose you to be a part of our team?

A lot of times when i am on servers someone is breaking the rules, i call an admin and all that, but they're not always avaliable, and if i become admin i could punish the rule breakers myself. I am also familiar with the server and all the rules.

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.

Voice/chat spam = 2 warning and then a 2 hour mute/gag

Sentry camping = 1 warning, slay and then a 4 hour ban

Exploiting = 2 warnings and then a 2 hour ban

FL/NE = 1 warning then a mute/gag

Hacking = Would gather proof (record a demo) then give out a permanent ban
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Already like you. You seem like a really nice guy. that's totally not ironic.
Sorry if I interrupted the admins here.
Yes i know i recently changed my name to "Russian Shitposter" and got myself some binds,i sometimes do that kind of stuff when i'm bored.
i'm a memer,what can i say...
It is really happening this or I'm just having some weird dream? So, coming to put on an application, with the fact you've spammed and you're still spamming in Caps lock almost all of your sentences, +plus Foreign language, writing useless posts on your application, like the one I've quoted on this reply, that makes you seem more unprofessional...
Mmh.. Congratulations, you've been accepted to the team. Your mementor will be a Lenny face. Now as first thing you got to do is: calculating faster than an admin how much time your gag will be long.
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@Patmosphere @Uncodex Good job lads, well reasoned instead of raging at the applicant in a sarcastic manner! +1 for you!

Aight the shitposts aside, let's not get derailed.

From my experience on the #25, you are usually rather well behaving, even though maybe a little hyperactive. You like to talk, alot.
Talking alot is not necessarily a bad thing by any means, but usually from what I've seen, the type of people who press enter after every word usually have tendencies to spam and insult without thinking too much of the consequences.
Also that tendency comes clear from your previous commblocks, even though they are from the last year for the most part.

Then about this latest occasion brought up by our special someone. I don't quite understand either why that would be a good idea to do even without the intention to apply. Yes I, and any other admin would have gagged you instantly if been there to witness that, wonder why nobody /call'd you for it.. That kind of stuff simply doesn't belong to the servers, specially not to an admin. What makes the case worse, is that you definitely know the rules, and know that kind of shenanigans is not tolerated.

About the app itself, it does have the required information, but the part "Why should we choose you.." has nothing else than a pretty generic reason, which I understand as it might feel like sometimes it would be easier to just punish people yourself. But there should still be more to why you should be picked.

Then my final point before the conclusion. #25 has a rather broad range of admins visiting it on a daily basis, and for the most of the day, there is at least one active admin looking after the mayhem. Currently the server is very well supervised as there are either admins on the server or online ready to take calls for most of the active period of the server during day.

As nice of a guy you usually are, and a regular on the server, I don't see you as a potential another admin. Not at least in your current form. All the things above being said, it's a -1 from me.

For what you should improve, is to calm down in general and remember that there are no exceptions to rulebreaking. I believe that in the end you are a well behaving player and that you are capable of learning and improving, now you just will have to go and try convince everybody else of that, since you went and gave a rather bad, if not the worst possible first impression with this "Russian shitposter" case.
Well i won't become admin after all, thanks for all alperrt, i will still be going on the server and i'll make sure to report rule breakers and i'll try to keep my spam&caps level at minimum. I will probably be active on the forums as well, from what i've seen since i first logged in here people are great. I do understand why i can't become an admin.
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Im declining and closing this application because of the reason stated above in this post^

You can feel free to apply once again after a month. (5.10.2016)
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