Resign Thread Zushikikato (1 Viewer)

Zushikikato Wolfeh

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Due to lack of me being on the servers because of irl issues and a lack of interest, i am hereby leaving the admin team, maybe in the future if things get dealt with or i regain interest i might reapply... but for now i would like to say goodbye.

Special thanks to @Husky @Jimjo For the help on JB, but this is where it ends for me atm.
Another special thanks to @Madact for helping me out when she was still an admin! and for @Kevin for giving me the opportunity.

I kindof wanted to take JB as a side job but it turned out that i became head admin of JB eu wich i really didn't want to at first, it went ok for like a year but i don't want to deal with this at the moment, i hope somebody can step up and take care of JB since i know FF2 has quite some admins.

Take care all of you!

and as i go a quick recap of the quality guard team Jb has to offer
Aww, what will it be of EU jailbreak now?

Anyways, take care and I hope you're able to solve your irl problems :)
Hope to see you return one day, until then, so long!
Hey man, I didn’t know you too well but from what it seems you were working very hard to help the community out and everyone here would appreciate that. Whatever is going on in your life I hope you move past it so you grow stronger as a human being. Thanks for everything.
Oh nuy, sad too see you go man, good luck in the future! Hope to see you again.
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Take care Zushi. I know I didn't know you very well but I hope that in terms of JB staff that I can be apart of it sometime soon and help fill in some of this gap. wish you the best of luck in life and maybe hope to see you back one day
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I wanted to say thank you for everything that you've done here at panda community :)
At the time when jb was weak with admins, you did try to fill that roll even though you was more ff2 related. In fact I feel kind of bad about the whole thing x.x
Been through a lot of drama as well, sticking it out with panda community. A quality admin, never will forget!

Traditional leaving song!
Hopefully we'll keep in touch :)
Someone gives him the adminship back, he revealed to me that he now has full time to harass me.

On-topic: you did a good job my brother, proud of your operated.
It was nice to have you as a co-worker on panda zush,hope everything goes well in your life.

"You were real good son,real good,maybe even the best"
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Now who’s gonna insult me with snarky remarks and calling me a gay furfag :(
Goodbye and farewell. Gonna miss ye.
Good luck on your future endeavours. Ya gayball (:
Well, looks like I am the outcast admin alone at Jb now.

Thanks for being a good mentor and teaching me the basics and answering any questions I had, It was a big help. I hope EU doesn't go down the drain without an admin.

Nonetheless, good luck with your future and whatever it has in store!

I'm still going to interrupt your dead by daylight sessions with a question here and there if I ever have one. <3
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