Requesting help. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 16, 2020
I'm new to TF2, and i need someone to help me get to the unusual's trade, a guide a video anything can help.
But i'm not a video game spender (but i have a premium account) so if anyone can help, just reply.

Thank you in advance
are you asking how to get an unusual hat/wep?
For starters, in order to trade you need at least a premium steam account (not 100% sure if you need a premium tf2 account), but it is almost impossible to trade up to unusuals without spending any money at this point. Due to trading websites and bots, it is near impossible to turn a profit on cheap items meaning it takes forever to get enough to get an unusual in the first place. My recommendation is buying like 2 keys in the Mannco store (1 if you already have a premium steam account), then get up to 15-20 keys on so you can actually trade without the initial completion of people in the 8-10 key range. If you decide to go this route, there are some good youtube videos that cover it and how to avoid being scammed.
I just recently started trading again. My experience will rehiterate what many have been saying. I can tell you that bots have swalled the market for low tier items, they are competitively priced and most people aren't bothered about a few scrap extra for a low tier hat they really want. It takes along time to work to even a single key.
I used to run 2 bots and they were highly profitable but you need start up capital of a at least 10 keys in a mix of ref and pure to start properly.
If you are trading for purely profit I don't advise trading tf2 as its a difficult market these days,

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