Question about the rules? (3 Viewers)

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New Member
Apr 18, 2016
I have encountered a lot of people orbiting for way too long as in orbiting 7 to 10 orbits in a dodgeball server. Would it be ok to steal the rocket from that person that was orbiting for too long or would it be against the rules. Im just trying to find out what would be the best possible option to treat that issue.
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It is okay to 'steal' the rocket from the rulebreaker from what I know. Of course, sometimes people keep on missing the rocket because of e.g. FPS drops. From time to time you know if he does it on purpose just by looking at his name/picture since (sorry if I offend anyone by saying that) newbies often don't know what's allowed/not allowed.
I hope that answers your question.
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It is okay to 'steal' the rocket from the rulebreaker from what I know. Of course, sometimes people keep on missing the rocket because of e.g. FPS drops. From time to time you know if he does it on purpose just by looking at his name/picture since (sorry if I offend anyone by saying that) newbies often don't know what's allowed/not allowed.
I hope that answers your question.
Thank you for answering my question and making me feel cleared about the situation. It helped a lot. Thanks
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Hi, jumping in.

Deep was mostly right in her comment, but there is some nuance to be added. In essence, it is allowed to steal from someone who is orbiting the rocket for a very long time. However, there is a pitfall. Giving players the right to take matters in their own hands is useful, but risky. If an idiot sees someone (say, you) steal from a rulebreaker, they might abuse it by getting close to people who get the rocket and take it for themselves, even though the person hadn't been orbiting for that long.

Of course there will always be idiots who don't understand crap they're told. But to ensure smooth implementing of this measure to the best extent possible, you need to be absolutely clear that the orbiter has been orbiting for a good 8-10 times at least before taking action. This minimises the chances of people thinking you stole unjustly. It also lessens the possibility of any person who was oxygen-deprived at birth to steal and say "BUT THEY WERE ORBITING!!!", as by the time you're allowed to do it everyone can see that it's obviously needed.
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