Declined Puddin's Appeal pt.2 (1 Viewer)

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Dec 14, 2022
I don't think I have to repeat the format already used in the first appeal, however, let's do this the correct way this time.
Name of your Banned Steam Account:
Name of your Banned Steam Account: Puddin'
Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:0:177844382
Date and Time of the Ban: 2017-08-26 13:52:12
Reason about the Ban: cheating, various other reports, no longer welcome.
Admin that Banned you: Kevin
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban:

Kevin> i dont know where suddenly the urge comes from to appeal but either way.
you stating you arent a cheater only cause VAC didnt get you is zero proof as there are a dozen undetected cheats out there or even private builds.
your toxicness might have changed but that wasnt one of the primary reasons for the ban.

either way i'll decline it the ban stays.

Apologies from my part, I thought the appeal would've gotten declined with so much of an answer to it.

However, I've been trying to prove a negative for 5+ years and I have no idea how to do it anymore. You had an ETF2L Anti-Cheat admin review my demos ( and I have, I think?, provided handcams to prove that was just the way I played the game back then. If I haven't sent those handcams before, here they are:

These are however 2 years old so if you still don't want to believe I wasn't cheating and still am not cheating, I don't know what other way I can prove I'm/was not cheating.
I don't have any demos saved from back then, at least I don't think I do so I can't really provide those.

I've never had any interest in cheating in TF2 because I never felt the need to. What? To stomp pubs? To stomp community Trade servers where players aren't as good? Bruh, I never even wanted to play competitively because why bother? And I'm aware that these sound like excuses a random cheaterboye would use but that's just the way it is. The only game I've actually used cheating software on was CS:GO and that was a whole 9 years ago. I've admitted that in the past and it's not something I'm going to hide but I have never used cheating software in TF2 because there was no point to it. And there still isn't. At least CS:GO has a proper ranking system, goddamn.

A couple of the main reasons why my aim was so "flickery" (I guess?) back then, at least I think this is why but I might be completely wrong about it, is: 1. I use/d a very low sensitivity whenever I actually sniped in any game, be it COD, CS:GO, TF2, Dirty Bomb, whatever other game I played back then 2. I aim mostly with my wrist, instead of using my whole arm like a real GaMeR should and 3. I shoot based on muscle memory instead of vision. Let me explain even though everyone most likely already plays like this since everyone inherently uses muscle memory but still: I know/ew how much of my mousepad I have to drag my mouse across = the length in screen pixels. That sounds like some nerd shit and I agree.

I'm not going to act like I wasn't toxic back then, obviously that was the case, and it's not something I can go back and change now but it's something I'm trying to change on a daily basis. If you want to keep me banned because you still think I was cheating 5 years ago despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary, then that's fine but at least I wrote a proper appeal.
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