Invalid Please ungag me cheers (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Apr 14, 2020
SourceBans Ban URL: Panda Community SourceBans
Name of your Banned Steam Account: HoshenKoist
Steam ID 32 :76561198317072182
Date and Time of the Ban: 2021-01-31 12:44:54
Reason about the Ban: Racisim
Admin that Banned you: Mikey
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban:
Hey, Panda Team, I am sending a request to un gag me on the panda server. I am extremely sorry for what i said. i was running on a 65 ks and i got killed which wasnt a very big thing which i realised in the after math but in the heat of the moment or you can say spur of the moment i went out in chat and typed in the n word with the "gg". Please trust me Panda Team this incident will not occur again and i am truly ashamed of this incident.

the big thing is i am a grown adult and now thinking about my action, i feel very guilty but my number one reason to apply for this apeal is.
i play on panda servers for almost 6 years now and its not fun without the chat because i can advertise my trades and have chat with players.
I really am sorry for this incident and hope to get unbanned
thank you
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