Panda-Community: The Hunger Games match 4 (2 Viewers)

metsän henki

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today we will select the 24 tributes, which will fight for their lives and their districts to win the 4th Panda-Community Hunger Games. I’m happy to be here and that should each of y’all be too.

Some time ago, our nation had to stand earthquakes, floods and storms, but we were strong and our country originated from the ashes. But then, the Capitol and its 13 districts, which are surrounding it, grew and the districts rebelled. So the capitol had to defeat this rebellion and district 13 was destroyed. So that anything like that will never happen again, we invented the Panda-Community Hunger Games.

I hope that one day our children can live together in peace and without violence.

Selected tribunes are

District 1...................District 2...................District 3...................District 4
Icreepz & Nyah .....................Danny & Da Random..............Killermen & Gentle Discord......Madact & avenger
District 5...................District 6...................District 7...................District 8
Clic Clic Boom & Wolf.............Nightascythe & Mosteraz..........Evowarrior5 & Cleasaurus........Doc Piss & captain Caribbean
District 9...................District 10.................District 11.................District 12
Skiffa & Joe.........................Kissgiysiz4 &.Stout Shako......Fenrir & OxyGenE..................Le Captain Pootis % Redspike

Now I wish good luck to the districts and its tributes!

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Evowarrior5 runs away from the Cornucopia.

runs away from the Cornucopia.

Da Random runs away from the Cornucopia.

Redspike finds a canteen full of water.

captain Caribbean runs away from the Cornucopia.

Danny runs away from the Cornucopia.

Madact and Wolf fight for a bag. Wolf gives up and retreats.

Nightascythe runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Killermen runs away from the Cornucopia.

OxyGenE runs away from the Cornucopia.

Gentle Discord runs away from the Cornucopia.

Fenrir clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Mosteraz and Le Captain Pootis fight for a bag. Le Captain Pootis gives up and retreats.

Icreepz, Skiffa, Joe, and Stout Shako share everything they gathered before running.

Nyah snaps Clic Clic Boom's neck.

avenger runs away from the Cornucopia.

Doc Piss runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kissgiysiz4 runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kissgiysiz4 diverts Skiffa's attention and runs away.

Gentle Discord picks flowers.

Mosteraz diverts Nyah's attention and runs away.

avenger and Nightascythe split up to search for resources.

Doc Piss scares Icreepz off.

OxyGenE begs for Killermen to kill him. He refuses, keeping OxyGenE alive.

Wolf discovers a river.

Da Random overhears Fenrir and Redspike talking in the distance.

Le Captain Pootis practices his archery.

Madact kills Cleasaurus as she tries to run.

Joe steals from captain Caribbean while he isn't looking.

Evowarrior5 receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Danny is unable to convince Stout Shako to not kill him.

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Clic Clic Boom..............Cleasaurus..............Danny
District 5.....................District 7.................District 2

Skiffa and Le Captain Pootis tell stories about themselves to each other.

Fenrir cries herself to sleep.

Stout Shako thinks about home.

Wolf tends to his wounds.

Doc Piss lets avenger into his shelter.

Joe convinces Killermen to snuggle with him.

Evowarrior5 lets Kissgiysiz4 into his shelter.

captain Caribbean, Gentle Discord, and Nightascythe cheerfully sing songs together.

Da Random cries himself to sleep.

Icreepz quietly hums.

Madact climbs a tree to rest.

Nyah is awoken by nightmares.

OxyGenE defeats Mosteraz in a fight, but spares his life.

Redspike stays awake all night.

Doc Piss begs for Da Random to kill him. He refuses, keeping Doc Piss alive.

Mosteraz, Le Captain Pootis, Evowarrior5, Stout Shako, and Killermen hunt for other tributes.

Nyah, Skiffa, Nightascythe, Joe, and avenger hunt for other tributes.

Kissgiysiz4 picks flowers.

Fenrir, captain Caribbean, Redspike, and Madact raid OxyGenE's camp while he is hunting.

Gentle Discord searches for firewood.

Icreepz receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Wolf dies from thirst.

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 5

Madact sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Fenrir sets up camp for the night.

Gentle Discord lets Kissgiysiz4 into his shelter.

Da Random receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Redspike sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Skiffa fends Icreepz, Evowarrior5, and Nightascythe away from her fire.

Joe, captain Caribbean, Killermen, and Nyah sleep in shifts.

Mosteraz questions his sanity.

Le Captain Pootis screams for help.

Doc Piss tries to sing himself to sleep.

avenger lets OxyGenE into his shelter.

Stout Shako tries to treat his infection.

Madact hunts for other tributes.

Stout Shako picks flowers.

Kissgiysiz4 tries to spear fish with a trident.

Fenrir kills Da Random with a hatchet.

Nightascythe receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Evowarrior5 kills Nyah for his supplies.

Killermen discovers a cave.

Doc Piss explores the arena.

Redspike picks flowers.

Skiffa stabs Gentle Discord while his back is turned.

avenger, Joe, OxyGenE, Le Captain Pootis, and Mosteraz hunt for other tributes.

captain Caribbean scares Icreepz off.

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Da Random..........Nyah............Gentle Discord
District 2.............District 1.......District 3

Doc Piss falls into a pit and dies.

Nightascythe lets OxyGenE into her shelter.

Madact, Kissgiysiz4, and Redspike cheerfully sing songs together.

Killermen convinces Le Captain Pootis to snuggle with him.

Skiffa goes to sleep.

Icreepz cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Evowarrior5 stays awake all night.

Joe, Fenrir, and captain Caribbean sleep in shifts.

Stout Shako looks at the night sky.

Mosteraz is awoken by nightmares.

avenger questions his sanity.

Nightascythe chases Le Captain Pootis.

Fenrir stabs Mosteraz in the back with a trident.

Skiffa collects fruit from a tree.

Stout Shako makes a wooden spear.

Evowarrior5 diverts Icreepz's attention and runs away.

OxyGenE and avenger work together for the day.

Redspike, Joe, Killermen, and Madact form a suicide pact, killing themselves.

captain Caribbean and Kissgiysiz4 split up to search for resources.

6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Doc Piss........Mosteraz.........Redspike.............Joe
District 8.......District 6.........District 12...........District 9

District 3.......District 4

Icreepz loses sight of where he is.

Fenrir defeats Skiffa in a fight, but spares her life.

OxyGenE screams for help.

captain Caribbean, Evowarrior5, and Stout Shako discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

avenger strangles Kissgiysiz4 with a rope.

Nightascythe taints Le Captain Pootis's food, killing him.

avenger decides not to go to The Feast.

captain Caribbean, Fenrir, and Evowarrior5 confront each other, but grab what they want slowly to avoid conflict.

Nightascythe spears Skiffa in the abdomen.

OxyGenE severely slices Stout Shako with a sword.

Icreepz stuffs a bundle of dry clothing into a backpack before sprinting away.

Icreepz defeats Fenrir in a fight, but spares her life.

Nightascythe begs for OxyGenE to kill her. He reluctantly obliges, killing Nightascythe.

avenger fishes.

captain Caribbean diverts Evowarrior5's attention and runs away.

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Kissgiysiz4........Le Captain Pootis.........Skiffa.............Stout Shako
District 10..........District 12..................District 9........District 10

District 6

avenger looks at the night sky.

Fenrir, Evowarrior5, OxyGenE, and captain Caribbean sleep in shifts.

Icreepz loses sight of where he is.

Icreepz sprains his ankle while running away from Evowarrior5.

OxyGenE explores the arena.

Fenrir discovers a river.

captain Caribbean injures himself.

avenger dies of dysentery.

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 4

Fenrir defeats Icreepz in a fight, but spares his life.

OxyGenE convinces Evowarrior5 to snuggle with him.

captain Caribbean cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

OxyGenE searches for a water source.

Icreepz diverts Evowarrior5's attention and runs away.

Fenrir discovers a river.

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

captain Caribbean
District 8

Icreepz spears OxyGenE in the abdomen.

Fenrir convinces Evowarrior5 to snuggle with her.

Evowarrior5 discovers a cave.

Fenrir discovers a cave.

Icreepz discovers a river.

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 11

Evowarrior5 and Fenrir sleep in shifts.

Icreepz looks at the night sky.

Evowarrior5 pushes Icreepz off a cliff during a knife fight.

Fenrir dies from hypothermia.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 1...........District 11

The winner is Evowarrior5 from District 7!

May winner contact to me via steam!
Fuck yea. GG. Some thoughts:

Evowarrior5 kills Nyah for his supplies.

Remember when you killed me? REVENGE, YEA THAT'S RIGHT.

Redspike, Joe, Killermen, and Madact form a suicide pact, killing themselves.

Wow guys, ease up.

Oxygene convinces Evowarrior5 to snuggle with him.

Fenrir convinces Evowarrior5 to snuggle with her.

Seems like I was having myself a real good time.

Evowarrior5 pushes Icreepz off a cliff during a knife fight.


The winner is Evowarrior5 from District 7!

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Reactions: OxyGenE and Joe
Icreepz defeats Fenrir in a fight, but spares her life.
Fenrir defeats Icreepz in a fight, but spares his life.
Looks like we saved each other, @Fenrir <3

Icreepz sprains his ankle while running away from Evowarrior5.
Oh shet, shit's going down.

Evowarrior5 pushes Icreepz off a cliff during a knife fight.
All I could think of was that @EvoWarrior5 wanted me dead since you chased me, then you FINALLY found me.
Da Random overhears Fenrir and Redspike talking in the distance.
Fenrir kills Da Random with a hatchet.

That's what chu get for overhearing me @Da Random (I would rather prefer to kill you with an axe, but will do)

Fenrir cries herself to sleep.

So sad, yet so true

Fenrir, captain Caribbean, Redspike, and Madact raid OxyGenE's camp while he is hunting.

I'm sowwi @OxyGenE ;-; They would kill me if I wouldn't help em.

Fenrir stabs Mosteraz in the back with a trident.

Three glory holes in the stomach go to you @mosteraz

Fenrir defeats Skiffa in a fight, but spares her life.

Dawh, I will never kill yew @Skiffa ::):

captain Caribbean, Fenrir, and Evowarrior5 confront each other, but grab what they want slowly to avoid conflict.

Well that's akward...

Icreepz defeats Fenrir in a fight, but spares her life.
Fenrir defeats Icreepz in a fight, but spares his life.

Friendly beat up /w @iCreepz c('^'c)

Fenrir discovers a river.
Fenrir discovers a river.
Fenrir discovers a cave.


Fenrir convinces Evowarrior5 to snuggle with her.
Evowarrior5 and Fenrir sleep in shifts.
Fenrir dies from hypothermia.

Sleeping with Evo kills me. Great.

Well guess that's all. Jesus, I died on the 9th day and I am on the third place. I seriously thought I'm gonna die from a sheep bite on the first day.
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OxyGenE defeats Mosteraz in a fight, but spares his life.
GG wp m8

Fenrir, captain Caribbean, Redspike, and Madact raid OxyGenE's camp while he is hunting.
np @Fenrir

and after that terrible incident i became the official Hunger Games match 4 homeless !!
avenger lets OxyGenE into his shelter.
Nightascythe lets OxyGenE into her shelter.
OxyGenE screams for help.

Nightascythe begs for OxyGenE to kill her. He reluctantly obliges, killing Nightascythe.
i told myself omg i killed the woman/girl that hosted me when i needed it what a duche ! and i saw the "relucently" and i felt a little bit better but still. sorry @Nightascythe ;_______________;

OxyGenE convinces Evowarrior5 to snuggle with him.
did it feel good @EvoWarrior5 ? =D

The winner is Evowarrior5 from District 7!
look carefully at evo's avatar ................... yes, two triangles with an eye in the middle of both triangles, doesn't it remind you something ? loomynaty cuntfirmed.

look carefully at evo's avatar ................... yes, two triangles with an eye in the middle of both triangles, doesn't it remind you something ? loomynaty cuntfirmed.
Cancerous Meme
did it feel good 193.jpg?1435833522@@EvoWarrior5 ? =D

I suppose Evo liked me more :I
No TV no tf2 makes caribbean go crazy :c

i told myself omg i killed the woman/girl that hosted me when i needed it what a duche ! and i saw the "relucently" and i felt a little bit better but still. sorry 776.jpg?1435872002@Nightascythe ;_______________;

Its okey @OxyGenE i am pretty sure this is what drove me to wanting to die from the start:

captain Caribbean, Gentle Discord, and Nightascythe cheerfully sing songs together.
  • Winner
Reactions: OxyGenE

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