Accepted Nim's Admin Application (2 Viewers)

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Sep 28, 2017
- Your name and/or nickname.

I go by Nim usually.

- Your age.

I am currently-

- Who gave you permission to apply?

I meet the age requirement and I am not applying to a server that isn’t listed, therefore this section is not applicable.

- Your Steam32 ID.


- Your general online times and your timezone.

My timezone is UTC -5, Eastern Time Zone.

Regarding my online times, I wish I could say I was on all the time, but currently, with my college, I am not available in the mornings to mid-afternoon on Mondays and Wednesdays, and have just my mornings clogged on Tuesdays. Though those times and days listed are subject to change after 2018 starts. I also have work on Friday and sometimes Saturday mornings. Other than that I am on mostly 24/7, with the exception of common off times such as meals, sleep, and study hours, as well as holidays. I am also able to stay up late or wake up earlier if needed.

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?

Currently, I am looking to apply to the Texas Freak Fortress 2 Server, however, I am also thinking about broadening my range in the not too distant future.

I would join another server where there is a lack of authority and an admin is needed. However, if the call is minor and I am currently handling something, I may bank on other admins to take the call.

- Do you have a microphone?

I do indeed. It even has a sponge on it for good measure.

- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator.

I do not have any formal experience as an Administrator or Moderator on TF2, but I do have some experience, 3 - 4 years total under my belt, of being a Co-owner on other games.

- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?

I do not. But through extensive research on it and picking my friends brains, I am familiar with most of the commands that would prove useful and am willing to learn.

- Why should we choose you to be part of our team?

My point of view is that the admin count recently has dropped, allowing pockets of air for rule breakers to form at times where there are no current admins present. I do realise that we have gained another admin as well that is dedicated to the FF2 server (Congrats Zelda!), but I still find that rule-breakers are able to find times where they can get in and out of the server unscathed.

I find that I may be able to help fill those times where some admins aren’t able to get on and bring a somewhat dry common sense to the server (in a good way).

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.

People think that I am too strict or harsh, but personally, I don’t mind. Also I know that this should be brief, and I’ll keep it that way (mostly) on this post, but if you want the full version to how I would be doing my job as an admin, check out this link to view my thorough and complete overview of the servers that I am most familiar with and their rules. Be wary though that some rules on there might be subject to change if I feel as if I am being too harsh in some areas, therefore the section below might not be fully updated.

Abusing Caps or (Mic/Chat)Spamming- 2 Warnings would be followed by a gag/mute of 1 hour. If the player then continues after the initial gag/mute, the ones to follow will be increased to 2 hours, 5 hours, 8 hours so on so forth.

Insulting and/or Racism- 2 Warnings followed swiftly by either an hour gag/mute or a ban of 2 hours depending on the severity. (e.g. A racist insult (whether or not the target takes offense) might result in 1 warning followed by aforementioned 2 hour ban).

Exploiting- 1 Warning maximum then a slay. If the player is known to exploit constantly or they have been warned many times by an admin, I wouldn’t give them a warning and move either straight to a slay or ban of 1 hour. If the player comes back and continues to abuse exploits, I will perform a full ban, and finalised with a full admin.

Hacking- I won’t hesitate to ban the player if I find out they are hacking, but I would alert another full admin to finalise the ban.

AFK- I would initially ask them if they are AFK or not, then I would place a time bomb if no response is given. Said timebomb would be removed if the player comes back before the countdown finishes. If the player is AFK for multiple rounds, I will kick them. If the player AFKs constantly and I recognise them, I will ban them for 1 hour and go from there.

Camping/Stalling/Not Doing Enough Damage- 2 Warnings then a timebomb. If the player does not continue to camp after a warning but goes back after a few rounds, 3 warnings across all rounds will be the maximum with the consequence being a kick. No severe actions will be taken unless the player continues.

Teaming- 1 Warning then a timebomb. If this happens again, I would kick them, following that would be a ban for 1 hour, with each time they come back to attempt to team adding 1 hour.

Ghosting- 2 Warnings followed by a gag/mute of 1 hour. If this doesn’t stop, then I would kick the player and/or ban him for 2 hours.

I know this application was extremely long (Especially if you read through the doc as well!), but thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully I can be considered to become an admin!



Chat Record

Applicant has asked me to remove his real name & age due to privacy reasons. ~Left 4 Zelda
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All the hip and cool kids are 'dropping opinions' everywhere nowadays, this looks like a nice place to do my own.

I've known Nim for like 2 months now, and really started to know him the past few weeks. And if there's one thing to say: It is that he's perfect.

Nim, to me, is more qualified to be admin than myself. Not only is he mature, he can get the job done.
He is an outstanding person that I've come across on the FF2 TX server, and I actually insisted on him applying.

If I was an admin at this point in time, I would certainly give a +1.

Good luck on the application, buddy.
Overall, the app looks very nicely written.
I do have some problems with some of the punishments, though. We don't want to be too lenient but we don't want to be too strict either.
Here's some of the things that I would personally change on the punishments:
Caps, mic/chat spam- 3 warnings followed by a 1 hour gag/mute. If continued, go up to 4 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, perm gag/mute.
Exploiting- To me, it depends on the severity of the exploit. Foe something severe, slay them & warn after. If they keep doing it, ban for 3 days, 1 week, 1 month. If they still continue, I'd consult a full admin on whether or not there should be a perm ban set into place. For something minor, warn them a couple times, if continued, ban for 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, blah blah whatever you think is best for the situation.
Teaming- I agree up to the "adding 1 hour ban time". I'd start with 1 hour, but then I'd go up to 4 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, perm.
Ghosting- I'd only give 1 warning because by time they ghost a second time, they've already ruined someone's fun. 1 hour gag/mute after the second time they ghost. If they still ghost after that, you could kick them if you want but I'd still set another gag/mute in case they come right back. I definitely wouldn't ban someone after just 2 offenses by the way. I think you should increase their gag/mute times up until their 6th, then talk to a full admin about whether or not someone should place a perm ban or a perm gag/mute.
Admin Impersonation- 1 warning & make sure you specify that we have a very low tolerance for that offense. If they continue, 1 month ban. After that, consult with a full admin about proper punishment.
Offensive Sprays- You know you can remove them yourself, yes? I'd start out with removing it myself & depending on how offensive/inappropriate it is you should give 1-3 warnings followed by a spray ban for however long you think is necessary.
Foreign Language- I'd give 3 warnings just in case they actually can't understand English & don't realize they're being warned. Then I'd gag/mute for 1 hour, 4 hour, 12 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, perm gag/mute.
Avoiding Punishment- This is a big offense but I wouldn't just perm ban them after one time? Maybe a week or a month depending on the punishment they're trying to avoid. Then if necessary, a perm ban.

To be honest, I think you're a bit too strict on some of your policies. That really says something coming from me, because I'm VERY strict xD
He seems to want to ban A LOT for a lot of little things. Banning is fine if needed, but after just a couple of offenses of something minor, I don't think a ban needs to be set in place. If I'm being completely honest here, I disagree with a lot of your "bannable offenses".

There's potential here, I just believe you need to read over some of my suggestions. (I'm a noob admin, so if any other full or more experienced admins disagree with my suggestions feel free to share!)

Other than that, I think this dude's pretty cool. I honestly didn't notice him on the server very much until recently. He's good at attempting to enforce the rules to the best of his abilities & he's good at reporting rule breakers to me. That being said, I'm going to have to remain neutral until I see his reply to my suggestions & until I see a bit more of him on the server. Not saying he's not active enough, just saying I haven't paid enough attention to him. My fault.
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Thank you Zelda for your extremely in-depth and constructive reply!

I understand where she is coming from, a lot of my policies that could result in a simple gag or mute seemed to be extremely harsh, often ending with a one hour ban all around. I have taken this and all the other remarks she has made into consideration and update my poor excuse for some punishments.

First off with the Caps/(Mic/Chat)Spam- I decided 3 warnings were enough to get my point across, but not too few where I would be stuck gagging someone every few minutes or so. A 1 hour gag/mute for me seemed severe (Surprisingly enough), and I decided to find the middle ground and replace it with a 45 minute gag/mute. That was chosen as it is average time it takes for most maps to change on some servers (VSH, FF2, possibly Deathrun).
Exploiting- 2 Warnings were thought to be enough for me, as generally, they aren't something you can accidentally do. To slay first then warn them after seemed like a shoot first ask questions later dilemma, therefore I decided to slay only if the player doesn't suicide. Regarding the ban times, 24 hours seemed to be a good start, then going to a week, then a month, finishing with a perma.
Teaming- I kept it the same, except for adding an extra warning and lengthening out the ban times.
Ghosting- Again, relatively the same except for reducing the number of warnings and adding the lengthy gag/mute times.
Admin Impersonation- I was unfortunately too easy on this one as you stated, so I decided to buff it up a tad.
Offensive Sprays- I was very lightly aware that you could remove them yourself, it was a theory I never proved. But after learning this, I decided to ease up a bit on it and do 3 warnings maximum, making sure that in case someone accidentally sprays something undesirable, they don't instantly get kicked/banned.
Foreign Language- I increased the warnings for both the initial and secondary gags/mutes and added the extra time for holding up with the offense.
Avoiding Punishment- I did correct it, but it is quite lengthy, so it will stay on the doc for the time being.

It took me awhile to realise how harsh I was being with this until after I put out my application, but I thank you for your extremely helpful input, Zelda, and I hope it isn't too late to change my ways. I will look forward to hearing what conclusion you come to, thank you again!
2 warning is enough for mic/chat spam 3 is alot. 60 mins is fine.
My trails give way higher like 12 hour gag for the first time spam @P N N :^) don't worry i will talk about this.
60-240-480-720-1080 perma is mostly what i do, don't worry your punishment isn't hard at all.
I think your old punishment before you edited was fine when i see all ff2/vsh usa server banning people,
Sometimes i even see that some Usa people keep giving 45 - 60 min gag/mute 4 TIMES IN A ROW.


Thank you for your response iceviet!

I think the warnings for the mic/chat spam all boils down to what the severity of the situation is. That is why I use the word maximum alongside my amount of warnings (At least in the doc), because nothing is exactly set in stone on how many a player will get. More "toxic" players will most likely get 2 if they are that bad, often this isn't the case, but lesser, more toned down spammers generally would be given 3.

The 45 minutes, I find it to be all right because it is a full map change on most game modes. Obviously, if I feel like the person needs to have their initial gag/mute to be 60 minutes, that wouldn't be a problem.

Lastly, regarding the length and amount of each gag/mute after the initial one, I think that a perma that early would be extremely harsh, even for my standards. I think stretching out the gag/mute so that the second to last one would be a month gag/mute. I think I will stand by my current judgment and keep it to something along the lines of 45(or 60) minutes, 120 minutes, 360 minutes, 720 minutes, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and then a permanent.

Thank you again for the feedback!
Alright, after talking it through, I can see your point how 8 chances are too many a little more clearly. Therefore, the amount has been reduced to 6 with the 6th one being permanent.

The new gag/mute lengths are 45(or 60) minutes, 120 minutes, 360 minutes, 720 minutes, 1 day (1440 minutes, just to keep it tidy). Ending of course with the perma.

Thank you for the input iceviet!
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It is me, again, and I just wanted to update the initial gag/mute length, as I have learned from a reputable source that the suggested (And most proper) minimum is 60 minutes; I am sure this is what iceviet was trying to tell me at some point in time, I just hadn't understood it correctly. My apologies for any confusion on the matter.

Changes- 60 minutes initial gag/mute time, all increasing gag/mutes will remain the same at this point in time.
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Nim is a pretty good rule enforcer. He likes to joke around and have fun as well which is always great! I'm quite happy with his behavior. I haven't noticed anything questionable. Plus, we definitely need some more admins. Zelda is on but she can't be on all the time and I'm a lot more busy than I used to be. I give it a +1.
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With what I’ve seen with Nim, he does enforce rules alright, but I have not played enough with him to actually know how well he handles situations, for now I’ll be NEUTRAL. We do need more admins, however.
accepted, welcome in the team.

your mentor during your trial phase will be @Baka , should you have any questions feel free to ask anyone of us.
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