My Journey (Part 2) (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
So as promised. This is my 2nd part of my Journey through the Forums about what i did and how it went.
This time i actually needed to look at my old posts since i cant really remember anymore what i did in that time (and its cringy for me)
And Spoiler Alert
The Story will be worse/boring imo

So anyways. Lets get started.

Not too long after i got accepted from the unban. I decided to play on the servers i remembered to play on. Mario Kart was actually the one and only server i ever remembered playing actively on, but i also played Jailbreak and trade from time to time. And theres where it went quickly downhill (due to me still not being communicative aswell being bad in english). Shortly after the unban i quickly got 2 communication bans despite getting very clear orders (i still remember these orders). Although i could hear the warnings, i somehow didnt seem to listen.

Two moments i remember really well is my first guardban and the minutes after the guardban.
First Moment: It was Hunger games and we were playing on a Minecraft map. Me as a blue demo kinda knew what it was and tried my best following orders. Seconds after the doors opened i just stood infront of the armory door watching how hell unleashed while i was watching how the just attacked eachother. The warden told the reds to stay in cell area and so i made sure no one would leave it expect....... that one soldier that approached me. I kinda panicked and thought he was "leaving cell area" and so i quickly killed him with a simple pipe, but i actually didnt know that cell area was like the area where you go to other places/minigames. I thought that the cell area was where the lines are located infront of the cell and if someone would step over it, they would be kos. Seconds after the Freekill i did (which i thought wasnt) i was guardbanned. But i didnt process it and constantly tried to join blu team since i liked it.

Second Moment: It was that crappy, old, bugged, hated Snowday map where i would get unbanned from the guards. I was exited to be back in the blu team and learned, that i have to give orders if i were to be a warden. And so i went to blu waiting for the round to end. The round started and that roulette game of whos going to be warden. It was me. I was just absoluetly scared and actually didnt dare to even use my mic. Everyone was just waiting for me to give orders. So i stood there for like 10 seconds and did my first move. I stood there. ready to do my first action...... and killed myself. The reactions where just laughing but one i cant and will never forget is from Madact. She was probably the noisiest off all, but i just loved the way she laughed at that time and i would still smile from time to time hearing it. After my Suicide she still tried to be serious and warned me, if i were to do that again, i would be guardbanned again. But i didnt want to so i wanted to make sure this wouldnt happen. Next round starts and guess who it is....... me. Again...... So this time i actually tried my best to give orders but i never gave orders before and i knew everyone would just listen to only me and thats what i hated. So i stuttered my first words telling the reds to do this and that. Thats where i remember again where Madact said "oh no" feeling bad for me. And i didnt enjoy giving orders at all. I would just be really shy and give stupid orders all the time but hey, its over now and im completely different from what i used to be.

Here on the forums is where i hate to watch my old posts (and newer ones). A month after my unban i decided that i want to stay on this community because it was very interesting to me and how well the servers operate. But it was a big mistake from me since every post was just unnecessary or just straight out bad and i was 13 at the time so it wasnt even supposed to be bad. I felt proud for every post i did because i wanted to be helpful and be recognized for what i am and what i like to do aswell letting others know my personality. But all i can think of is "fuck that shit is cringy", yet one showerthought that helped me is "if you remember things you did years ago and hate it, it means you've grown out of it".

And young and still unexperienced me decided to appeal for the ancient, forgotten and empty Jailbreak #17. Which actually was very active at the time when i got here. My first appeal went less good and got marked as invalid very quickly (for the wrong reasons). And shortly after learning a little bit more i understood that permission was to be given by gameserver admins and not trial admins (fun fact: i thought trial admins where a higher rank than gameserver admins). So after a couple days i would be applying again for the same server. I was actually exited and hoped to be one admin. But since i was young and never did applications before i thought i did everything correct. And i was kinda pissed to see that it was declined for being too young (understandable) and unexperienced (not understandable). I was confused and actually questioned myself and others how i was to be unexperienced "i KnEw AlL tHe RuLeS sO wHy WaS iT dEcLiNeD" only to understand way later how bans where done.

So here it is. My 2nd story done from how i got unbanned only to be quickly get communication banned and guardbanned and yet still apply for admin.

Should i still continue or is it getting to boring? Do you maybe want more details on specific parts?
(same question like last time) How did you get here? Because i actually want to hear from you how you got here.

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