Little Update (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 4, 2012

i thought it would be nice if panda community gets a new "face" as a christmas present (a complete new forum board including fancy new style and steam openid login)
i will start working on that during the next week and i will look if i can finish it until the 24
no new registration is needed cause i will import everything also no threads or messages will be lost

maybe gibe some feedback what should be added and i will look if something is possible / available :pandastunned:
please keep the shoutbox and recent topic pls :>
Kitty Cat :3' said:
please keep the shoutbox and recent topic pls :>
ye sure wont be deleted
I agree with earlier suggstions that we should be able to decide for ourselves whether we want snow / custom effects or not. After three years my laptop is not that good anymore and having 5-6 tabs open is difficult enough for it to process as it is.
Am I like the onyl one who knows how to disable the snowfall? Oh well, time for aaaaaa, drum roll please....... TUTORIAL!

Hoooow To :Disabling/Configurating the Snowfall Plugin

Step one :
Scroll up until you see "Welcome (your name)" and click on it and then click Edit Profile.

Step two :

Click on the Settings tab, then click on another tab called Display Settings.

Step three :

Scroll all the way down until you see a section called Snowfall Plugin. Here you can customize the snowfall plugin how you like! And even TURN IT OFF!

Aaaand voilá! You can now browse the forums WITHOUT LAG!

Now once again I am credit card to the forum. Charge me.
It's not really about disabling the snow.. it's about not making it default!
As I said on the chatbox once, "my phone" and I forgot the rest.. anyways, point is, the snow lags new devices that cannot disable it.
I doubt you can disable the snow if you're not logged in, so.. yea!
I noticed that you can disable snowflakes when i first saw them, i just thought everyone knows how to disable them
I don't get how snowflakes bother you :( They dont bother me at all they can just fall shakeonit
They only bother me because it makes the website load slower on my 4s.
On my desktop I don't mind.

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